3 day Training Programme on Policy, Planning and Design for Sustainable Mobility

Indian cities were originally designed as compact entities to reduce travel trip length. But with rapid urbanization and motorization, our sprawling cities are becoming victims of killer pollution, congestion, and a crippling oil guzzling, car dependent infrastructure that endangers our quality of life. While sprawling cities, flyovers and signal- free corridors are increasing distances, subways and foot overbridges are taking away the right of pedestrians to cross at grade; gated communities are increasing dependence on personal vehicles. This car-centric infrastructure is leading to isolated road stretches without hawkers and vendors compromising safety and road design leading to accident risk. This trend needs to be reversed to reinvent mobility by having public transport, walking and cycle-oriented design and safe accessibility.

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is offering a three-day training programme to sensitise young professionals and students on urban design planning and policy interventions for sustainable transport required to make our cities liveable. This programme aims to deepen the understanding of challenge of urbanisation, environmental impact, mobility crisis, mobility management strategies and urban design interventions to scale up public transport, multi-modal integration, walking and cycling and parking policy as a travel demand management measure.

Course content

Module: Understanding the challenges of urbanization and motorization

§  Why vehicles are a special challenge?

§  Energy, planning and built environment

§  Ensuring low emissions through advanced vehicle technology and fuels

§  Sprawling cities: Land use and travel

§  Understanding travel behavior

§  Social inequity and planning

Module: Planning for NMT inclusive transport

§  Non motorized transport: Inherent strength of our cities

§  Building infrastructure for pedestrian and non-motorised transport

§  Urban design interventions to enhance accessibility and safety

§  Hands on exercise: Audits and class room

Module: Public transport planning and management

·  Conventional bus transport systems

·  Reorganisation and modernization for a scaled up bus transport system

·  Strategies to scale up public transport and design multi-modal integration

·  Funding and financing mechanisms

Module: Travel demand management strategies

§  Leveraging parking policy

§  Fiscal policies to influence travel choices

§  Vehicle taxation policy

§  Congestion and road pricing

Open for: Students from planning, urban design, architecture and engineering backgrounds, young professionals, consultants and NGOs.

Course duration

Date:March 25 – 27, 2014

Time:10 am to 5.30 pm

Venue:Centre for Science and Environment
41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area
New Delhi – 110062

Course Fee: Rs. 9,000 per participant (50% discount to group participation of 3 or more students from the same institution). The fee includes resource material, refreshments, lunch and transportation for field visits. The course fee does not include participants accommodation and travel. CSE can help book appropriate accommodation for the outstation participants close to the venue, the cost for which will be borne by the participants.

Apply: E-mail your curriculum vitae to Priyanka chandola () Ruchita Bansal (). Limited seats; registrationwill be done on first come first basis.

Last date for applying:February 25th, 2014

For Registration kindly contact
Priynaka Chandola,

Deputy Programme Manager,

Right to Clean air Campaign,

Centre for Science and Environment,

41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
New Delhi-110062

Tel:+91 (011) 40616000(Ext.236)
M:+91 9810414938

Ruchita Bansal

Programme Officer,

Right to Clean air Campaign,

Centre for Science and Environment,

41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
New Delhi-110062

Tel:+91 (011) 40616000(Ext.236)
M:+91 9899416984