School Improvement Team Minutes
Topic / September 15, 2014
I / Call to Order / Marcus Neal
II / Elect Secretary / Marcus Neal
III / Principal’s Report / Mrs. Alexander
IV / SIT Update / Mrs. Alexander
V / Concern and Topics / Mrs. Alexander
VI / Good of the Order
VII / Adjournment / Marcus Neal

Meeting called to order at 3:23

Elect Secretary

Go over SIT Update

Any concerns regarding SIT Update – none

There was a motion made to elect Ms. Kaaron Saunders as secretary.

Motion by Ms. Stewart

Seconded by Mrs. Campany

SIT voted unanimously that Kaaron Saunders be secretary.

Mrs. Alexander asked for any suggestions from the departments represented.

Goal 1: Math proficiency

Added another step for the ALEXKS which will be implemented during literacy block

Another addition: 8/9 LEAP will only take Math I if previous scores show proficiency. They will also take

Foundations of Math if not proficient.

Reading proficiency

Students are enrolled in HS English before taking English I or II


Students are offered Applied Biology as a Bridge class to Biology


Updates will change proficiency goals

Efficiency goals for new targets

Ending milestone date will be June 30, 2015 instead of June 2014

Mr. Neal stated that this is the last SIT meeting before the faculty votes on the SIT goals. We need to make sure the SIT goals are in place and are correct.


The First student was assigned to ISS for tardies today – June 15, 2014.

Mrs. Bruce stated that teachers had approached her about calling non- English speaking parents .

Mrs. Alexander said that she would remind and praise teachers about following the attendance policy.

Grade Recovery:

Last year there was no real follow-through from administration

This year there needs to be a more intentional route for following through on grade recovery.

Absenteeism and missing work often go hand-in-hand

Assignment will be determined by teacher

Assignment shows mastery of skills per Mrs. Alexander

The assignment does not have to be the same one missed – again, the point is to show skill mastery

Compass Learning can be a recovery tool/assignment

Ms. Ratcliff and Mrs. Williams can help a teacher determine if the assignment is appropriate

There will possibly be no summer school in 2015. Therefore, we need to catch the students early –

before they fail.

When a student gets behind it has a domino effect – students get behind in sequence of classes

JFK’s graduation rate in 69%. We need to improve that.


MS question – Middle school hall – locker break before or after 2nd period?

Mrs. Alexander said to go back and resurvey first and second floor teachers for consensus.

PE question- Missing the same classes on Early Dismissal Days.

District created the schedule but JFK has to tweak it to fit our unique school.

Dismissal will alternate A day and B day (6 release days)

Suggested to alternate which class periods we miss.

Mrs. Bruce expressed a scheduling concern that classes will overlap during the next early release day. MS and HS last periods will collide.

Mr. Burton was made aware of this situation.

MS question – Can teacher s take students for walks?

No. Mrs. Alexander does not want to jeopardize the extra 45 minutes allotted at the end of the day.

Suggestion: Plan kinesthetic activities for students. Mrs. Ward has a book of “energizers” that she can share.

Mr. Burton will have monthly meeting for teachers who have concerns. This monthly meeting will take place the last Wednesday of every month – 3:15 – Media Center.

Next faculty meeting will be next Monday, September 22, 2014. Faculty will vote on the SIT plan.

The goal for the SIT plan this year is for it to be more “alive”!

Meeting adjourned at 3:48.