MATH 1060: Mathematics for Decision Making

Summer 2013

Instructor:Phil Bergonio Office:Boyd 325A

Office Hrs:MTWRF 12PM-1PM & by appointment Email:

Webpage: Call #:31-780

Meets: MTWRF 1:00 to 2:00 PM Classroom:Boyd 304


For All Practical Purposes: Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics, 9thedition. You might not need the book.

Course Description:

Applications of modern mathematics to management and decision-making, including the solution of optimization problems using network theory, methods of optimal scheduling, voting methods, game theory, and related strategies.

Applications include planning of postal delivery routes, placement of cable TV lines, US Congressional apportionment, and dispute resolution.

Grading Guidelines:

Tests: There will be four exams during the semester. There is no cumulative final. Your fourth test will be during the final exam period. Your four tests will combine to count for 80% of your grade. Your highest test score will count 25%, your middle two will count for 20%, and your lowest test score will count 15%. Thus, ALL tests count; there are no dropped test grades.

Group Work:

You will have in class group work on a weekly basis. This will count for 10% of your grade.

Class Quizzes:

Announced quizzes will count for 10% of your grade. There will be no pop quizzes in this class, but you will not be able to make up these quizzes under any circumstance. See the attendance policy below.

Grading Scale:

A : 92-100A-: 89-91B+: 87-88B: 82-86B-: 79-81

C+: 77-78 C: 72-76C-: 69-71D: 60-68F: <60

DRC Accommodations:

Please speak to me privately if you require special accommodations.

Pertinent Websites:

My website (listed at the top) will have your daily worksheets, a copy of this syllabus, and the class calendar of events. If you miss class for any reason, please print off the worksheet for the day you missed and get the notes from someone.

Your grades for the class will be posted on eLC. This can be accessed at:

Finally, our textbook has supplementary information online. That can be accessed at:

The supplementary information includes study guides for each chapter, flash card exercises, and self-quizzes for test preparation. There are also Web links to additional real-world applications.


PROMPT, COMPLETE ATTENDANCE is expected at all classes. Professional courtesy toward your instructor and your classmates is expected. Tests may be made up in the event of University of Georgia athletics arrangements in advance only) or documented illness. There is no makeup of quizzes; there are scores dropped instead. You are allowed one excused quiz during the semester. Any subsequent missed quiz will be handled on a case-by-case basis. You are required to attend group work days. Missing a group work day will not only hinder your performance in the class, it will weaken your group.

Withdrawal Policy:

Please speak with me before you process your withdrawal to ensure that you will get a WP. Note that as mandated by the University of Georgia, any withdrawals processed after July 2 will be an automatic WF.

Academic Calendar:

June 06First Day of Classes

June 18Test 1

July 01Test 2

July 02Withdrawal Deadline

July 04Holiday (No Class)

July 05No Class

July 9Withdrawal Deadline

July 16Test 3

Aug. 01Test 4

This syllabus is subject to change, as the instructor deems necessary.