U.S. Presidents:
(“Decades of Change” & “End of Cold War & Contemporary America")
Harry Truman- 33rd president
Term of Office: April 12, 1945 - January 20, 1953
Number of Terms Elected: 2 Terms; Succeeded Franklin Roosevelt after his death in 1945 and then
elected to second term
Major Events While in Office:
- Atomic Bombs Dropped on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki (1945)
- End of World War II (1945)
- United Nations Created (1945)
- Nuremburg Trials (1945-1946)
- Truman Doctrine (1947)
- Taft-Hartley Act (1947)
- Israel Created (1948)
- Marshall Plan (1948-1952)
- NATO Treaty (1949)
- Korean Conflict (1950-1953)
- Twenty-Second Amendment
Ratified (1951)
- Hydrogen Bomb Detonated (1952)
Dwight Eisenhower – 34th president
Term of Office: January 20, 1953 - January 20, 1961
Number of Terms Elected: 2 Terms
Major Events While in Office:
- End of the Korean War (1953)
- Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
- Interstate Highway System Created (1956)
- Eisenhower ordered Federal troops to Little
Rock, Arkansas toenforce integration (1957)
- Eisenhower Doctrine (1957)
John F Kennedy – 35th president
Term of Office: January 20, 1961 - November 22, 1963
Number of Terms Elected: 1 term; Was assassinated while in office
Major Events While in Office:
- Peace Corps created (1961)
- Bay of Pigs (1961)
- Berlin Wall built (1961)
- Alan Shepard, Jr. became the first
American in space (1961)
- Twenty-Third Amendment was ratified
giving the residents of Wash. D.C.
rightto vote in presidential elections (1961)
- Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
Lyndon B Johnson – 36th president
Term of Office: November 22, 1963 - January 20, 1969
Major Events While in Office:
- Vietnam Conflict Continues (1963 - 1969)
- Civil Rights Act (1964)
- Twenty-Fourth Amendment ratified
outlawing the poll tax (1964)
- Medicare and Medicaid (1965)
- 25th Amendment ratified concerning order
of succession for presidency (1967)
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated(1968)
- Robert Kennedy assassinated (1968)
Richard Nixon – 37th president
Term of Office: January 20 , 1969 - August 9, 1974
Number of Terms Elected: 2 Terms; Resigned during second term
because of the Watergate cover-up.
Major Events While in Office:
- First man to walk on the moon (1969)
- Environ. Prot, Agency created (1970)
- 26th Amendment (voting age 18)
- Break-in at Watergate occurs (1972)
- SALT Agreement (1972)
- Nixon visits China (1972)
- End of the Vietnam War (1973)
- Vice Pres. Spiro T. Agnew resigns (1973)
- Nixon resign (1974)
Gerald Ford – 38th president
Death: December 26, 2006
Term of Office: August 9, 1974 - January 20, 1977
Number of Terms Elected: No Terms; Was never elected to be president
or vice-president but instead took office upon
the resignation first of Spiro Agnew and then
of Richard Nixon
Major Events While in Office:
- Ford grants Nixon an unconditional
pardon (1974)
- Campaign Reform Law (1974)
- Communist victory in Southeast Asia
- Helsinki Agreement (1975)
Jimmy Carter – 39th president
Term of Office: January 20, 1977 - January 20, 1981
Number of Terms Elected: 1 Term
Major Events While in Office:
- Vietnam War era draft evaders
pardoned (1977)
- Panama Canal Treaty (1977)
- Camp David Accords (1978)
- US officially recognizes People's Republic
of China (1979)
- Three Mile Island incident (1979)
- Iran Hostage Crisis (1979-81)
Ronald Reagan – 40th president
Term of Office: January 20, 1981 - January 20, 1989
Number of Terms Elected: 2 Terms
Major Events While in Office:
- Sandra Day O'Connor named first woman
Supreme Court justice(1981)
- Attempted assassination (1981)
- Granada invasion (1983)
- Iran-Contra Scandal (1985-89)
- Glasnost with the Soviet Union (1985-1991)
- Stark incident in Gulf War (1987)
George H W Bush – 41st president
Term of Office: January 20, 1989 - January 20, 1993
Number of Terms Elected: 1 Term
Major Events While in Office:
- Invasion of Panama (1989)
- Savings and Loan bail out (1989)
- Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska (1989)
- Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)
- Break up of the Soviet Union (1991)
- Persian Gulf War (1990-91)
Bill Clinton – 42 president
Term of Office: January 20, 1993 - January 20, 2001
Number of Terms Elected: 2 Terms
Major Events While in Office:
- NAFTA (1993)
- World Trade Center Terrorist
Bombing (1993)
- Oklahoma City federal building Terrorist
bombing (1995)
- War in former Yugoslavia (1999)
- Impeachment (1999)
George W Bush
Term of Office: January 20, 2001 – January 20, 2009
Number of Terms Elected: 2 Terms
Major Events While in Office:
- Contested Election (2000)
- Terrorist Attack on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center in
New York City (September 11, 2001)
- War in Afghanistan (2001)
- War in Iraq (2003)
- No Child Left Behind Act
- Patriot Act
- Economic Crisis (2008)
- Hurricane Katrina (2005)