Mapleton School District #32


Regular Board of Education Meeting

Wednesday – January 13, 2016

Directors Present

Mizu Burruss

Marilyn Fox

Michelle Holman

John Simington

Carl West

Staff Present

Jodi O’Mara, Superintendent

Brenda Moyer, MS/HS Principal

Visitors Present

Gabrielle Gibney, MHS Student

George Livingston, MHS Student

Call to Order

The Board Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Carl West.

Visitors and Correspondence

·  Gabrielle Gibney reported on Mapleton High School activities. She presented posters for athletic home games created by the student body.

·  George Livingston reported that he used a District credit card without permission.

Review Agenda

School Updates

Elementary/Superintendent Update: Jodi O’Mara reported that she is seeking an Artist in Residence Grant for the District. Siletz and Mapleton School District participated in reciprocal elementary school visits. All elementary certified staff will attend the AVID Summer Institute. O’Mara stated that all Division 22 Standards are met.

Middle/High School Update: Brenda Moyer reported that the AVID elective teacher will be attending the next available AVID training in Athens, AL. Two seniors qualify for the new off campus lunch policy. Middle School Girls basketball practice has begun.

Transportation/Maintenance Update: N/A.

Financial Reports

Maria McEldowney submitted her reports to the board (see attached).

Action Items

1.  Consent Agenda

o  December payroll check register

o  December accounts payable check register

o  December minutes

The above items were approved simultaneously: Michelle Holman moved and Mizu Burruss seconded, the motion carried unanimously.

2.  2016-2017 Budget Calendar

The above item was approved: John Simington moved and Marilyn Fox seconded, the motion carried unanimously.

Discussion Items

·  The board discussed three levy rate options for a May 2016 bond. A frequently asked question page about a bond will be uploaded to the District website.

·  One budget committee position is vacant and needs to be filled.

·  The board requested to receive the minutes one week after the board meeting.

·  The board requested to receive the monthly calendar at the beginning of each month.

·  Mizu Burruss discussed the Siuslaw Library Strategic Planning Meeting.

The Board of Education announced entering Executive Session for the purpose to review and evaluate the performance of the Superintendent per ORS 192.660(2)(i).

Meeting Adjourned at 7:38 pm Michelle Holman moved and John Simington seconded, the motion carried unanimously.

Carl West, Board Chair

Jodi O’Mara, Superintendent