Section 8b: Provider ActionPage 1 of 13
Provider Sign Off Action
The Provider Sign Off Action template (Ahn2_Provider_Test_Action) is the template within NextGen’s EHR where the Provider can review and comment on diagnostic studies,lab results, etc. associated with their patient population. The process for accessing the Provider Sign Off Action template involves accepting a radiology or lab item in the Provider Approval Queue (PAQ) list. But, in order for the Provider Sign Off Action template to open automatically when accepting the lab item from the PAQ list, a PAQ Rule needs to be created.
Creating PAQ Rule for accessing the Lab Action template
You must access the PAQ in order to create the PAQ rule.
- From the NextGen EHR Top Tool Bar, click the PAQ Icon (Red circle).
You are prompted with the Provider Approval Queue – Sign In dialog.
- Enter your Password or PIN.
- Click Sign In.
The Provider Approval Queue window will display.
- Next, click the Options button.
You are prompted with the Options window.
- Select the Advanced tab.
You are prompted with the Advanced tab display window (see image below).
- Select the Event Type(Accept, Reject, Reassign). We would like to open Provider Sign Off Action template whenever the lab item is accepted. So, keep the event type as “Accept”.
- Select the Item Type(Documents, EHR Images, ICS Images, Template Notes, Labs). Choose “Labs” as the Item Type.
- Select Action Type (Create To Do Task, Launch Document, Launch Image, Launch Template, Lock Encounter).
(NOTE: If you have selected to Launch an Image, Document or Template, select the Encounter [the Item’s Encounter or the Current Encounter]). In this rule, select “Launch Template” as the Action Type and “Item” as the Encounter.
- Select Description.
The Description is updated based on the Item Type selected. For example, if you select Documents, the Description drop-down provides a list of all documents that could be generated. You can select one specific document description or use the default of <Any>. If you select EHR Images, the Description drop-down provides a list of Images. If you select Labs, Description drop-down provides a choice of result descriptions including Normal, Abnormal, Low, High, and Very High.
In this rule, keep Descriptions at default of “Any”.
- Select Details.
The Details is updated with selections based on the Action Type. If Create ToDo Task is selected, you can enter Task Details in the Details field. If Launch Document, Launch Template or Launch Image is selected, the Details field is updated with a drop-down list of Documents, Templates, or Images. There is no need for any additional details to be entered if the Action Type is Lock Encounter. The Lock Encounter rule only locks the Item Encounter if there are no outstanding items left in the Encounter (Items that have not yet been accepted).
In this rule, select Provider Sign Off Action from the Details list.
- Click the Add button.
- Repeat steps f, h, i, j, and k for item type “Documents”.
- Then click the OK button.
The rules are saved in the Existing Rules grid (see image below):
Provider Sign Off Action template
- In the Provider Sign Off Action template, the Provider may view the patient’s medication list,vitals, allergies (see next image).
Patient’s medication list:
(Med radio button selected.)
Patient’s vital signs history:
(Vitals radio button selected.)
Patient’s allergy list:
In addition, from this template, the Provider could also view the patient’s past and current lab results, document action details, notes, any action and resolution, generate lab document reports, bookmark template, and send tasks as well as the patient’s appointments (past, current, and future).
If you would like to view previous history from the AHN_LabAction template for this patient, click on the “Previous History from AHN_LabAction Template” active text link.
(NOTE: The Provider Sign Off Action (AHN2_Provider_Test_Action) template may also be accessed from the Template icon on the History Tool Bar. However, the preferred method to access the Provider Sign Off Action template is through the PAQ.)
- The Provider may also send a task with the appropriate Actions Details/Notes documented by clicking on the Send Task or Urgent Task button.
- To generate a lab results document, click on the appropriate lab results active text link (ie: Lab 7 Days – IN; Lab 7 Days – OH; Lab 14Day Report/Offline). The Lab 7 Days – IN and the Lab 7 Days – OH documents will generate in front of your eyes, much like how the Preview button works to generate the Master_IM document. The Lab 14 Day Report/Offline button will generate the document behind the scene, much like how the Offline button works to generate the Master_IM document.
The information that is stored in the grid will display on the lab results document generated at the area just above beginning of the lab results list.
If neither of the above mentioned buttons meet your needs with regards to the timeframe (ie: lab results > 14 days) or you would like to generate another type of document other than a lab results document (ie: referral or thank-you letter) , click on either the Document Library, the Diagnostic Report, or the Other Lab Reports active text links.
Reviewing and Commenting on Lab Results in the PAQ using the Provider Sign Off Action Template
You must first access the PAQ in order to review and comment on lab results in the PAQ using the Provider Sign Off Action template.
- After opening the PAQ and setting up the rule for the Provider Sign Off Action template, select the lab result item of interest from the list by clicking to select and highlight the item (see image below).
Lab result items are designated by the following icon in the PAQ list.
Document items are designated by the following icon in the PAQ list.
And, scanned items are designated by the following icon in the PAQ list.
- Next, click the Accept button (see previous image)
The PAQ will close and the appropriate patient’s chart will open with the Provider Sign Off Action template in view.
Documenting Lab Results in the Provider Sign Off Action template:
- Select the radio button for the appropriate category of sign off.
The radio button in the category section of the template defaults to Lab Results. If the PAQ item that was accepted was a lab result item, then proceed to step #2. If the PAQ item that was accepted was not a lab result item, then select the appropriate category.
- Provide details of the item being signed off in the “Action Details/Notes” section (see image below).
- Click to place a checkmark in the checkbox for “Insert Patient First Name”
Doing so will not onlyplace the patient’s first name in the Action Details/Notesnotefield but alsodisplaytheQuick Note button.
- The Quick Note button will provide you with some common documentation phrases.
- The Clear button will clear the notefield.
- Click on the Quick Note button to open the Quick Note Picklist.
- Click to select the appropriate items in the Quick Note Picklist and those items will populate the Action Details/Notesnotefield.
- When done selecting items from the picklist, click the Close button.
- Otherwise, you may also choose to just free-text the information into the Action Details/Notes field from the start.
- Indicate any actions that need to be taken (ie: schedule appointment, send lab letter, etc.) in the To Do section:
- Send a task as appropriate.
- To generate a lab document with the results and comments, click the active text link for the lab report (ie: Lab 14 Day Report/Oflline).
- Check “completed now” if item needs no further action to be taken. Then, click the Save button to save the information to the Action Items/Log.
- Click the Close button to close the template.
Reviewing and Commenting on Radiology Results in the PAQ using the Provider Sign Off Action Template
You must first access the PAQ in order to review and comment on radiology results in the PAQ using the Provider Sign Off Action template.
- After opening the PAQ and setting up the rule for the Provider Sign Off Action template, select the radiology report result item of interest from the list by clicking to select and highlight the item (see image below).
Radiology report result items are designated by the following icon in the PAQ list:.
- Next, click the Accept button (see previous image)
The PAQ will close and the appropriate patient’s chart will open with the Provider Sign Off Action template in view.
Documenting Radiology Report Results in the Provider Sign Off Action template:
- Select the radio button for the appropriate category of sign off.
The radio button in the category section of the template defaults to Lab Results. If the PAQ item that was accepted was not a lab result item, then select the appropriate category. For Radiology Result reports, select the radio button for Diagnostic Study.
- Provide details of the item being signed off in the “Action Details/Notes” section (see image below).
(NOTE: The Add button is not available for the Lab Results category.)
- “Add” – If you highlight the order in the grid and click “Add”, you can pre-populate the notes section with some information specific to the signed off order.
- “Quick Note” – This will provide you with some common documentation phrases:
- “Clear” – This button will clear the notefield.
- Indicate any actions that need to be taken (ie: schedule appointment, send lab letter, etc.):
- Check “completed now” if item needs no further action to be taken. Then, click the Save button to save the information to the Action Items/Log grid and to generate an offline 14-day lab results document.
To generate a radiology document with the comments, select to highlight a “Diagnostic Study” item in the Action Items/Log grid and the click the active text link for the radiology report (ie: Diagnostic Report).
Send a task as appropriate.
- Click the Close button to close the template.
Created: zio2_2010
Modified: JJ 10_2011