Community Painting Project

We are getting bids from three companies for the exterior painting of all units. I anticipate work to begin around the first of September.

Weather permitting, all work should be completed by mid-November. Please relocate anything that is close to your building (grills, flower pots, chairs, tables, hummingbird feeders, etc.) so that the painters have a clear path to do their work. Note: there should not be ANYTHING attached directly to the exterior of any building. This includes nails, screws, hooks, shelves, etc., and is irrespective of the painting project. The exterior walls are common property and nothing should be attached to them. Painting will start at the

Clubhouse and proceed in a counter-clockwise pattern starting with units #100, #300, #400, etc. Residents will be notified shortly before their unit is to be painted. Additional information will be forthcoming as we approach the start of the project. I am asking for everyone’s patience and cooperation ahead of time as we begin this big project.


There is a website called that allows local communities to post and share information. It can range from community and city announcements, to selling items, to soliciting opinions on vendors. It is one of those things that has something for just about everyone, and is one more way to get some local news and information. I like the city/area announcements and crime reports as well as recommendations for painters, carpenters, flooring companies, etc. Neighborhoods sign up and request to be added to the area postings. Each user is verified to live in the neighborhood before they are allowed to post (no anonymous postings). I saw that the Orchards of Crabapple is a member so I thought that I would offer it to Sweet Apple residents as well. I realize that only about 60% - 65% of you have email addresses (indicating the presence of a computer), so it will only be of interest to those that do. If you would like to check it out, please send me a quick email at . If I get enough responses, I will submit an application to join.

Bill Duffin – HOA President


July started with heavy rains with 33.47" recorded the first seven months compared to 26.47" in 2016. This is an increase of 7.41" over last year, and Lanier is still down about 6'! The added rainfall has increased some weed problems, but, overall, rain has had a positive effect on your turf and shrubs. Russell Landscaping is still on a five week area pruning rotation:

1st week (east side) - condos and Crabapple Road

2nd week (north) - car wash side

3rd week (west side) – Edenwilde area

4th week (south side) - Arbor Terrace

5th week - inner circle

By the time landscapers make a round, shrubs are in need of attention again. Thanks for understanding.

We are advised that painting of our condos will begin early September. The completion date is undetermined at this time. Russell will be instructed to maintain a 6" space between your bushes and condo so painters have access. If you have roses or plantings, they may be trimmed to accommodate painting --- so be on the lookout.

Kathy and I agreed that we should all review the Rules and Regulations under Landscaping, page 4, Section 2, for clarification. Note: Remember that there should be no plantings in the common areas without prior written Board approval.Shrubs must be purchased from our landscape contractor. New plants will become the property of the association who will provide mulch, pruning and fertilization. However, should any of the plants die, the resident is responsible for the replacement.

Russell plans on removing encroaching cedars this fall. Please notify Kathy by email prior toSept. 15 if you want removal. To date we have units #502 and #1400 scheduled.

This has been an eventful year and we close with this quote. "Our formula for success is rise early, work hard and strike oil!” - J. Paul Getty

Charlie MacWilliams and Kathy Brinson – Co-Chairs


July has come and gone. We welcomed the month with our usual Coffee ‘n More hosted by Roz Venti and Katie Barger. Donuts, bagels and coffee were enjoyed by all while neighbors engaged in lively conversation.

We celebrated July 4th with a well-attended gathering of 50 or more at the Clubhouse. This event was hosted by Katie Barger, Ann House and Joyce Massalo. Delicious food was provided and a great time was had by all.

The monthly Pot Luck Dinner and Ladies Luncheon were cancelled in July.

Elaine Coulter and Roz Venti – Co-Chairs

The men’s table at August’s coffee hour. Clockwise from far left: Tom Patterson,Harold Granish, Bernie Dailey, George Venti, Ted Jacobson, Don Irvine, Rudy Accarino and Wilson Coulter


As of the last day of July 2017, The Orchards of Sweet Apple Condominium Association has $11,274.34 in the community’s General Operating Account. There is a total of $481,508.43 in the Reserve Account that consists of $156,528.26 in a money market account, $167,984.19 in two (2) certificates of deposit in the Gwinnett Community Bank and $156,995.98 at Morgan Stanley.

As of the end of July, all homeowners were current with their HOA fees except for one (1) homeowner. There were no unusual expenses for the month. The community had a net income of $5,252.00 for the month and a net income of $3,213.32 for the year-to-date.

Can you identify these ladies who were enjoying Ladies Lunch on Monday, August 7? For names, go to bottom of page 4.


There has been a change in this month’s book selection. On Friday, August 18, we will be reviewing Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly. September’s choice is Before the Fall by Noah Hawley, a tale of mystery, suspense, thrills and memorable characters. Join us on August 18 and again on Friday, September 15, at 12:30 for the interesting and fun sessions at the Book Club.

To My Friends at Sweet Apple,

Thank you for your prayers and your thoughtfulness. It is so good to be back home. How I love my sunroom and all of you! Thanks again.

Joyce Lucas


As the time for repainting of our Sweet Apple buildings approaches, they’re being looked over carefully to be sure that any flaws that the painters might be expected to repair are identified, and to be sure no bushes and trees are leaning against the buildings in the way of painters.

But, even in as small and attractive a community as ours is, some areas still get overlooked. So it’s great when a unit owner or resident has a love of our community home and also a sharp eye for needed repairs and improvements. And Ted Jacobson (unit 1703) happens to be just such an owner.

Within the last few weeks, he’s taken me on a walk along the sidewalk between the pool and clubhouse, and then around the corner on to the patio behind the clubhouse. Oh, my – what a list of improvements needed I now have. The condition of the patio was the biggest shock to me. I never go there, as I’m sure many of you will say, but it could and should be a lovely part of our community at all times, so that if one of us did wander in just to sit a spell or a clubhouse renter opened the back door to examine what looked so nice out the window, we’d all be glad we did.

So Architectural Standards accepts the challenges offered by those sharp eyes, and with the Board we’ll get to work on this. You’ll hear more later.

Kitty Meyers – Chair


Happy to report that both Joyce Lucas and Cobina Higgins are home and would love to know you are thinking of them. Natalie Kaminsky and Barbara Gilliam enjoyed a visit with Vera O'Day. Barbara

Gilliam and I brought Sam Gaynor a bag of ginger snap cookies - - his favorite. He was having a good day and he certainly knows how totreat the ladies. Stay well.

Eloise London - Chair

Wondering Why ??

I'm getting older every day.....and I realized I still have so many unanswered questions!

I never found out who let the dogs out...

The way to get to Sesame Street...why Dora doesn't just use Google Maps…

Why we don't ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"...

Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed...

Why "abbreviated" is such a long word...

Why lemon juice is made with artificial flavor yet dish-washing liquid is made with real lemons...

And, why do you have to "put your two cents in" but it's only a "penny for your thoughts.” Where's that extra penny going to...

Why do The Alphabet Song and Twinkle,Twinkle Little Star have the same tune...

Why did you just try to sing those two previous songs...

Why do we park in a driveway, but drive on a park way...

And just what is Victoria's secret? ...

and do you really think I am this witty ?? I actually stole this from a friend, who stole it from her brother's girlfriends, Uncle's cousins, baby momma's doctor. Now it is your turn to steal it from me.


Photo quiz

Back row from left: Diane LeRoy, Joanne Salvadori, Harriet Jacobson, Bobbie Niese, Carolyn Baker, Nancy Irvine, Bonnie Collart

Front rowfrom left: Betty Mullennix, Marilyn Cerny, Helen Fenello, Barbara Lundberg