Healthy Young Minds Matter


Interested bidder information

Name of Organisation / Stonham (Part of Home)
Key contact / Lee Cruickshank
Telephone / 07930762108
Email /
Address or website / Stonham Gloucestershire Area Office:
Unit 1 & 2, St Georges Business Park, Alstone Lane,
Cheltenham, GL51 8HF
Registered Charity Number if applicable / Home Group Limited is a Registered Social Landlord (Housing Corporation registered number L 3076).
Home Group Limited is incorporated as an Industrial and Provident Society (registered number 22981R). It has charitable status but, because it is an Industrial and Provident Society, it is exempt from registration with the Charity Commission – it is a ‘”charity” but not a “registered charity”.
When Established / 1 October 1980.
(Stonham’s date of registration details - 17/02/76 was cancelled when Stonham transferred engagements to Home Group Limited in 2004).
Information provided by Steve Thompson (HGL Head of Corporate Legal Services) in August 07.
Objectives of the organisation
(Max 200 words) / Our aims & objectives are to provide accommodation to single people with specific needs who require a secure and safe base where, with support, they can develop and progress towards independence. To achieve this we offer quality, furnished accommodation which offers security and comfort with health & safety standards maintained, support to manage tenancies with an opportunity to look at personal circumstances in a supportive environment. This includes advice & assistance with tenancy related issues as well as outside agency support where relevant, such as education training, basic skills workshops, confidence building, and training to be more independent.
We also provide housing related support to clients living in their own homes.
All clients, with staff support contribute significantly to their tailor made support packages to ensure appropriate support is delivered, progress is made with their specific goals and outcomes can be evidenced clearly.
Description of current services offered, including aims, and who the service is for
(Max 200 words) / Stonham in Gloucestershire have a range of services for children and young people in particular, services include:
Gloucester alternatives
16-25 year olds with medium support needs for young people
Cotswold house
16-25 year olds with high support needs (24 hour service) for young people
Magnolia house
16-25 year old single women who are pregnant or have children.
Forest of Dean refuge & FOD/Cotswolds outreach services
women & their children fleeing domestic abuse or support to live in their own homes
Tewkesbury drop in service
A drop in for anyone affected by domestic abuse
Gloucestershire women’s services
Cheltenham / Gloucester refuge
women and their children fleeing domestic violence
Cheltenham DA outreach service
women and children living in the community who are experiencing domestic abuse
Domestic Abuse services include children’s workers where funding has been secured for these posts.
Across Gloucestershire we also have a wide range of services to support clients with support needs that include drug and alcohol, offenders, mental health, learning difficulties, physical disabilities and single homeless.
In all our services our approach is a holistic one, to ensure consideration for every aspect of a clients growth and potential.