The Lone Survivor

The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and

The Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10

Chapter 3-A School for Warriors

1.  Before you actually read this chapter, think about what it might take to train the most skilled warrior in the world: a US Navy SEAL. Jot down what you think these guys might go through. You can compare after you finish the chapter.

2.  What does Luttrell set out to explain (p85-86)?

3.  Explain the allusion of “sending a Zulu to the North Pole.”

4.  Where does Luttrell go immediately after boot camp?

5.  What is the first part of SEAL training and how long does it last?

6.  What is the second part of SEAL training and how long does it last (p92)?

7.  What one concept does the Navy instill in SEAL recruits? Why is this so important?

8.  What important concept of the SEALs does Luttrell discuss (p92-3)?

9.  What knowledge does every SEAL treasure? How important would this be to you?

10.  Allusion to a Rupert Brooke poem. Let’s stop and read it in our literature text before we discuss its significance.

11.  Describe the only type of SEAL trainee the instructors were interested in AND why would it take this type of man/warrior to be a SEAL (p94)?

12.  What happened to Luttrell in training AND what does it tell us about his attitude and strength that he trained for a few weeks BEFORE seeking medical treatment?

13.  How many men began in the same SEAL class as Luttrell?

14.  What type of guy is Luttrell (p100, 2nd paragraph)? Let’s also take time now to jot this on our character chart.

15.  Who were some of the first people to leave SEAL training? Why does/doesn’t that surprise you?

16.  How many miles per day were the SEALs running? What is the farthest you’ve ever run?

17.  Even though Instructor Reno is 5’6” (shorter than Mrs. P and Mrs. McD), how tall does Luttrell describe him? WHY?

18.  Describe the swim training during the second week (p107-8) AND how would you react to that kind of training?

19.  Instructor Reno said, “The body can take anything.” What did he say actually needed training (p116)?

20. Why did the SEALs need to “hurt” during training?

21.  How many guys dropped out by the end of Indoc week?

Chapter 4-Welcome to Hell, Gentlemen

1.  How many men survived INDOC? What was the beginning number again?

2.  How many men actually reported to duty on Monday, June 18? Why do you think 13 had dropped out over the weekend?

3.  ALLUSION—explain the allusion to Mr. Sandman (p128).

4.  The crew is training in frigidly cold water. Luttrell recalls being blue. What does this tell you about the men who complete the training?

5.  Would you sacrifice and give 110% like that for something? What would it be?

6.  How many men actually made it to breakfast on Monday, June 18 (p131)?

7.  Again, what does this tell you about the rigor of the training AND the strength of those who remained?

8.  What was the purpose of Chief Taylor punishing the slow guys and telling them they were losers (p134)?

9.  ALLUSION—Luttrell refers to Taylor as the Ghengis Khan of the beach gods. Explain the significance. You may need to research Ghengis Khan. Check my site!

10.  How many more guys dropped out by LUNCH on June 18 (p136)?

11.  Why did the instructors ransack 27 perfectly clean rooms?

12.  DEFINE—sardonic.

13.  How does Luttrell feel about Captain Joe Maguire (currently Vice Admiral)?

14.  ALLUSION—“Ask not for whom the bell tolls, Marcus (p143).” What is the origin of this quote AND what is its significance here?

15.  How many men were left to begin Hell Week (p147)?

16.  How did Hell Week begin on Sunday?

17.  What was Luttrell’s humorous comment (p151-2)? What does this tell you about his character under duress?

18.  ALLUSION—what religious allusion does Luttrell make (p154)? Explain the significance.

19.  By breakfast on Monday of Hell Week, how many men had quit (p156)?

Chapter 5-Like the Remnants of a Ravaged Army

1.  What does Hell Week do to the soldiers mentally (p159)?

2.  What happened to Luttrell on Monday? How does he show his strength and determination?

3.  How many guys are left by Wednesday (p162)?

4.  How many men actually survived Hell Week (p167)?

5.  How did Luttrell almost fail the pool competency test?

6.  Why was passing the pool competency test so important (p171)?

7.  How many of the SEAL trainees made it to Phase 3?

8.  Now think back to the 164 men who began training. One final time, what does this tell you about 1) the rigor of the training and 2) the strength and determination of those who succeed?

9.  What were some things trainees did in Phase 3 (p172)?

10.  What motivated Luttrell to jump out of the C-130 during his first jump experience (Tambra—this ? is for you J)?

11.  Where was Luttrell on September 11, 2001 (p176)?

12.  Luttrell admits the SEALs had their own “personal brand of arrogance.” Why does he say they had that right?

13.  Let’s read George W. Bush’s State of the Union Address from 9/11/01.

14.  Now that you’ve read about Navy SEAL training, has your viewpoint on the special forces changed? How so?

Quiz time!