Admissions Inquiry


Admissions Inquiry
Table of Contents

Admissions Offices 1

Application Maintenance 1

Student Demographic Information and E-mail Policy 1

Bio/Demo Data Page 2

Bio/Demo Data Field Descriptions 3

Addresses Page 5

Addresses Field Descriptions 5

Application Program Data Page 7

Application Program Data Field Descriptions 7

Application Data Page 10

Application Data Field Descriptions 10

Application School/Recruiting Page 12

Application School/Recruiting Field Descriptions 13

Application Summary 14

Application Summary Page 14

Application Summary Field Descriptions 15

Academic Test Summary 16

Viewing Academic Test Summaries 16

Academic Test Field Descriptions 17

Course Credits 18

Test Credits 20

Other Credits 22

Education Summary 24

External Academic Summary Page 24

External Academic Summary Field Descriptions 25

Academic Data Detail Page 25

External Subject Summary Page 26

External Subject Summary Field Descriptions 26

Academic Subject Detail Page 27

External Degree Summary Page 27

External Degree Summary Field Descriptions 27

External Course Summary Page 28

External Course Summary Field Descriptions 28

External Course Detail Page 29

Academic Interests 30

Academic Interests Page 30

Academic Interests Field Descriptions 30

Prospect Data 31

Bio/Demo Data Page 31

Addresses Page 31

Prospect Career Data Page 31

Prospect Career Data Field Descriptions 32

Prospect Program Data Page 33

Prospect Program Data Field Descriptions 33

Prospect School/Recruiting Page 35

Prospect School/Recruiting Field Descriptions 35

Query Library 37

Helpful Website 38

Query Library Documentation Manuals 38


University of Wisconsin – Madison Page i

Table of Contents

Admissions Inquiry


Admissions Offices

If you have specific questions for the various admitting offices, contact the appropriate office:

§  Undergraduate Admissions 262.3961

§  Graduate Admissions 262.2433

§  Special & Guest Students 263-6960

§  Professional Schools: Law, Pharmacy, Medical, Veterinary Medicine

Application Maintenance

The Application Maintenance component provides a comprehensive overview of a person’s application with UW-Madison including biographical information, application status, intended area of study, and recruiting information.

There are five pages in the Application Maintenance component. The following documentation will provide a picture of the pages and highlight features of each page.

Path: Develop Enrollment Process Applications >Use Application Maintenance

Student Demographic Information and E-mail Policy

Once a prospective student’s application is placed on file in ISIS, the applicant will have access to the My Info website which allows the applicant to monitor their admission and financial aid applications, update their address and e-mail information and to access other function and information. My Info for applicants is a sort of a reduced version of the My UW-Madison portal.

Prior to their Matriculation, students do not have an e-mail address and any
e-mail they designate can be used for official University correspondence. Once the applicant is Matriculated, the student will be allowed to activate their Net ID. As part of this process they will be assigned an e-mail which, by default, becomes the permanent preferred e-mail for the student. This will be the only e-mail used to send official university correspondence to the student.

Bio/Demo Data Page

This component provides complete demographic data about a student. Users are cautioned to follow FERPA guidelines when using this information.

The Bio/Demo page looks like this:

Warning !!
These pages contain non-public information. Therefore, if you are not certain of the requestor’s “legitimate educational need to know,” or the student’s desire to withhold information, you will refer that request to the Registrar’s Office (262-3811).

Bio/Demo Data Field Descriptions

Fields on the Bio/Demo Data page include:

Field or Link / Description /
Name / The student’s primary name.
ID / The ISIS ID. This number is generated when a student is entered into ISIS and is not the same as the Campus ID.
Campus ID / The student’s campus ID number.
Negative Service Indicator Icon
/ This icon is visible only when there are active Negative Service Indicators. Clicking on this icon will take you to a summary page showing the student’s active Negative Service Indicators. If you do not see details in the fields, this is a future dated service indicator.
Positive Service Indicator Icon
/ This icon is visible only when there are active Positive Service Indicators. Clicking on this icon will take you to a summary page showing the student’s active Positive Service Indicators. If you do not see details in the fields, this is a future dated service indicator.
/ Clicking on this icon will take you to the FERPA Detail page where you can view information, which is releasable to the public. If this icon is visible only for students who have requested that some portion of their releasable demographic information be withheld.
Effective Date / The date the data displayed became effective.
Name / The student’s primary name.
Prefix / Indicates titles such as Mr., Mrs. or Dr.
First Name / The student’s primary first name.
Middle / The student’s primary middle initial or name.
Last Name / The student’s primary last name.
Suffix / Examples include: II, III, Sr., Jr.
Marital Status / Some examples include: married, divorced, common law, single, unknown, etc.
Country / Will be USA if student has a social security number. The field represents the country issuing the national ID number.
NID Type / Will always be Payroll ID.
National ID / The student’s social security number.
Primary / Indicates the primary National ID if multiple numbers exist.
Gender / The student’s gender (when known) as indicated by which radio button is filled in.
Date of Birth / The student’s birth date.
Birth Information / Click link to view Birth Information detail. If the link is active this will show additional information on where student was born.
Military Status / Some examples include: active duty, dep-spouse, no mil svc, reserves, etc.
Campus ID / The student’s campus ID (same as on a student’s ID card).
Visa/Permit Data / Click link to view Visa/Permit Detail page.
Citizenship / Click link to view Citizenship Detail page.
Phone / Click link to view Phone Detail page.
Email Address / Click link to view Electronic Addresses page.
US Flag / Indicates we are using the US version of PeopleSoft Software.
This icon has no relation to the student’s citizenship.
Ethnic Group / Choices include: none, Am. Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic, N/A, and White.
Ethnicity Detail / Click on link to view additional Ethnicity Detail
Special Note: Ethnicity detail, for the Southeast Asian targeted minority groups Cambodian, Hmong, and Laotian, is currently tracked here for the larger Asian Ethnic Group. This is the only ethnic detail used for official university reports.
Disabled Veteran / UW-Madison does not use this field.
VA Benefit / UW-Madison does not use this field.

Addresses Page

Any known addresses for the applicant can be viewed on this page.

The Addresses page looks like this:

Addresses Field Descriptions

Fields on the Addresses page include:

Field or Link / Description /
Address Type / Describes the type of phone number/address being displayed. Student Address types include:
a)  Billing – tuition bills by default will be sent to this address
b)  Home – the student’s permanent mailing address.
For International Students, this must be their home country.
c)  Mailing – This is the student campus or local address.
Effective Date / The date the address data displayed became for this address type became effective.
Country / The country associated with the address.
Status / The status of the address. Choices are ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’.
Address 1, 2 & 3 / The PO Box, residence hall and/or street address will be in these fields. Address line 3 is only for certain foreign countries.
City / City associated with the address.
County / County (not country) associated with the address.
Postal / Postal Zip or other code associated with the address.
Should be the 9-digit zip code for USA addresses.
State / State associated with the address.
Phone / Click link to view Phone Detail page.
Email Address / Click link to view Electronic Addresses page.
[Address Lookup] / UW-Madison does not use this button.
Address Linkage Area / UW-Madison does not use this area.

Application Program Data Page

The Application Program Data page is used to view the student’s career and program information. The Application Program Data page looks like this:

Note: If a student has been Matriculated you may need to click on the [Include History] button to see previous rows.
The buttons on this page are inactive.

Application Program Data Field Descriptions

Fields on the Application Program Data page include:

Field / Description /
Admit Term / The term to which the person is applying. Terms are represented by a 4-digit code in ISIS with a written description following.
The table below describes how to read the term code.
Character / Represents / Values
1 / The century of the term / 0= 20th century
1 = 21st century
2 and 3 / The academic year
(e.g. 2005 -2006 = 06) / 05 = 2005
06 = 2006
4 / The actual term / 2= Fall
4= Spring
6= Summer
For example, the term code 1062 represents the Fall Term of 2005-06.
(century=21st, academic year=2005-2006, term 2=Fall)
Eff Seq / On some applications, there will be a number between Effective Date and Admit Term. This program action effective sequence number only displays if there is more than one action taken on the same day.
Joint Program / UW-Madison does not use this field.
Dual Program / UW-Madison does not use this field.
Academic Program / For undergraduate students, Program indicates the degree for which the student wants to apply (e.g. L&S’ academic programs are BA, BS).
For graduate students, Program indicates their field of study. In the code the first character represents the career, and the next three numbers represent the major code. If a major is offered by more than one school or college, the final character will indicate the school or college. The description of the major is also displayed. For example, an Academic Program of G783 Graduate Physics can be read as “Graduate School, Physics Major.”
Status / Indicates the high level relationship an individual has with an Academic Program. As Program Actions are selected, the Status often changes. The Program Status codes you will see are Prospect, Applicant, Admitted, Prematric, Active, and Cancelled.
Program Action / Below are some of the possible program actions:
Pgm Action / Description
APPL / Application
ADMT / Admit
ADRV / Admission Revocation
DENY / Deny
WADM / Administrative Withdrawal
WAPP / Applicant Withdrawal
DEIN / Intention to Matriculate
MATR / Matriculation
DDEF / Defer Decision
The normal progression for an Undergrad applicant would be
These program actions trigger a change to an applicant’s Status.
Admission decisions for Undergraduates are made on a rolling basis. Every attempt is made to get an initial decision of Admit, Defer or Deny to students within 2-4 weeks after all the required admission materials are submitted. Students who are placed on the defer list will be notified of their final admission status on or before March 1.
An official transfer credit evaluation will not be done for a transfer student until after the student accepts the offer of admission.
Action Reason / Indicates why a specific Program Action was taken.
It will also display a detailed description of the Program Action.
Note: Each admitting office has different codes.
Academic Plan / For undergraduate students, Plan indicates Major, Certificate, or Minor. For graduate students, Plan indicates the degree for which the student wants to work towards, Masters or Ph.D.

Application Data Page

The Application Data page contains data relevant to all Academic Programs being applied to with this application. The Application Data page looks like this:

Application Data Field Descriptions

Fields on the Application Data page include:

Field / Description /
Application Center / Undergraduate admissions will appear as UGRD.
Graduate School applications will be either Domestic (GRDD) or International (GRDI).
Admit Type / Used to identify status of the applicant.
Examples include: New student, First Year, Transfer, Reentry.
Note: Each admitting office has different codes.
Application Date / The date the application was entered into the system.
Academic Level / The student’s academic level upon admission to UW-Madison.
Note: All undergraduates are initially entered as a ‘1’.
1=Freshman, 2=Sophomore, 3=Junior, 4=Senior, GR, NDG
Created On / The date the application data came into the admissions office.
Under current admissionns practices, the Application Date and Created On date will usually be the same.
Application Method / For the Undgrad, Special, and Graduate School, an entry of ‘Hard Copy’ means the application was hand entered and ‘Web Appl’ indicates an on-line application. The graduate school also uses ‘Diskette’ to indicate a paper application.
Housing Int. / UW-Madison does not use this field.
Financial Aid Interest / This check box will be checked if the applicant is applying for loans or work-study.
File Information frame / For applications received electronically, this frame will display the Date the application was loaded into ISIS. The External Application Number is a file number from the electronic data file.
Note: For applications received in the Graduate School, the External Application Number field will be populated with the SAV (self reported GPA), for applications prior to January 2003 or the graduate school’s application ID number for applications after January 2003.
Application Fee Information / This field will display the fee type.
For the Graduate School, to see if the fee is paid, look at the Action Reason field on the Application Program Data page.
The description will say “Available for Recommendation” if fee has been paid” or “Not available: No fee” if fee has not been paid.

Application School/Recruiting Page

The Application School/Recruiting page provides information regarding the last school the applicant attended and recruiting information.