European Union Civilian CSDP Mission in Georgia

Call for Experts to Work on Secondment with EUMM Georgia

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ireland

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade invites applications for suitably qualified individuals to work on secondment to the following Seconded Personnel positions only.

Positions are subject to Ministerial approval of funding.

European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (Seconded Personnel positions)

  • GEO HI 01 - Spokesperson/Chief of Press and Public Information Unit
  • GEO OL 01 - Liaison Officer to Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA)
  • GEO OR 04 - Reporting Officer
  • GEO GO 04 - Field Office Gori, Operations Officer


Applications are invited from all persons with relevant expertise, and are not restricted to public servants. Serving State and local authority employees that wish to apply are required to provide confirmation in writing that they have received approval from their employer for the secondment before applications will be considered.

Application Form: EUMM Georgia Application Form can be found under the EUMM Georgia sectionhere:

Applications should be sent by e-mail to on the official application form by 14.00 on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 to allow for nominations to be made to the EEAS by the official deadline.

Applications (in respect of the jobs listed above) will be subject to pre-selection by the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade.

Please quote thefull job title andreference number in all correspondence.

Employing Department/Authority

EUMM Georgia, seconded by Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade

Location: Georgia

Employing Department/Authority Website:

Required Qualifications

The Job Specifications in respect of the individual positions are outlined in the document entitled ‘Job Descriptions’ under EUMM Georgia here:

Please refer in particular to page 2 - 4 which outline general provisions:

  • Seconded Personnel
  • Tour of Duty/Contract Period
  • Essential requirements
  • Recommendable requirements
  • Essential documents for selected candidates
  • Additional information on the selection process

Details in relation to specific posts are provided in the Job Description for each specific post. These include:

  • Reporting line
  • Main tasks & responsibilities
  • Eligibility requirements
  • Required Competencies
  • Desirable Competencies

Additional Information

The Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland currently deploys a limited number of civilian experts to the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Missions. Applicants are deployed on the basis of contract for services of limited duration, and will not be entitled to civil service status. Secondment is normally for a period of 2 years, during which successful candidates are paid on a per diem basis (current rate: €179). Allowances will be paid by the EU in accordance with Council document 7291/09 (10 March 2009).

A limited number of candidates will be submitted to the EU’s Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC), which carries out formal selection procedures for individual positions at the Mission. Subsequent to selection of candidates by the CPCC, deployment of successful candidates is subject to Ministerial approval of funding for the position. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade reserves the right not to submit all or any of the applications and to reject any application which is not made on the official application form.

Further information can be found on the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy at the following link(s): and Georgia Mission

Note: Contracted Personnel (EUMM Georgia)

EUMM Georgia may recruit international staff on a contractual basis as required, through an employment contract. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ireland, does not have a role in recruitment to “Contracted Personnel” designated posts. However, should you wish to apply for any post (other than those listed above), you may apply direct to the EEAS (using the EEASapplication form).

Useful websites:


EEAS homepage:

EEAS Missions: