Administrative Memorandum No. 30-25

March 1998

Services Section

TTY Connections Procedure

Purpose:To provide information on how to use the TTY in the office and how to get TTY service for consumers.


Information:Information will help assist Independent Living Specialists by giving then a tool to use when helping deaf or hard of hearing consumers, and giving the consumer information about getting TTY service to their home. Also, information on how to use a TTY machine at the office thus allowing the consumer access their Independent Living Specialist and allowing the Independent Living Specialist access to the consumer.

Procedure:1.If Consumer comes in and needs a TTY and service:

Call _____ Bell

  1. If Consumer comes in and has their own TTY but needs service:

Call ____


  1. If the Consumer has their own TTY, but would like _____ Bell service:

Call ____ Bell

  1. _____ Bell will come out to the consumers home and hook up the TTY for them, and also explain them how to use it. The consumer will need the following:

Certification - written note from doctor saying deaf or hard of hearing, Social Security number, Drivers licenses, and date of birth. (If the consumer hooks up with _____ Bell they will get a toll discount on phone calls.)

Note:_____ Bell will send the TTY machine in the mail to the person after they have filled out the required paper work. In the package will ask for the doctor signature saying that the person is Deaf or Hard of Hearing. When all requirements have been completed the consumer will get the TTY. At that same time an appointment will be made for a service tech. to come out and connect and explanation on how the TTY machine works.

Instructions on how to use TTY in the office:

  1. When making a call...
  1. Hold down control key hit the dial key
  1. Screen will ask you to enter the number wish to dial enter. Enter the number now and press return key.

3.Screen will show “ringing”.


  1. When the person answers they will type “Hello GA”

5.Tell the person who you are, where you’re calling from, and whom you wish to speak with.

(Example: “Hi, this is Mrs. Jones from CIL and I would like to speak to Mr. Smith”)

  1. When finished typing a thought type “GA”. This lets the person know it’s their turn to respond.

7.When you would like to close the call type “BYE GA TO SK”, or “BYE SKSK”

  1. Then hung up by holding down control key and

pressing hung up key.

  1. When receiving an incoming call.....
  1. There is a white light on the left corner which flashes letting you know someone is calling.
  1. Proceed with conversation as usual.

4.Again at closing of the call Type: “BYE GA TO SK” or “BYE SKSK:”

NOTE:The TTY must stay on at all times because

there is no other way for us to tell if we have a call.

If you don’t feel comfortable answering calls from the TTY then leave it on so we can get messages from the answering machine.

TIPS:1.Some TTY users use abbreviations:


(Example: wld = would, oic = oh I see, ily = I love you, months days, dr. = doctor, and etc.)

  1. Some TTY users use word to express feeling or emotions:

(Example: HA HA HA = laughing, :-) or :-( = happy or sad, ohhh, ahhhhh, huhhhuhhh, and etc.)

  1. The main abbreviations to know are:

GA = go ahead

SK = stop keying

GA TO SK = getting ready to hang up

(At this point you may still add something if you wish.)


Executive Director
