Midland Region DHBs Mental Health & Addictions Substance Addiction (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Legislation Implementation Workshops:

From 21 February 2018, the new Substance Addiction (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Legislation (SAL) will come into effect. The new legislation will replace the earlier Alcoholism and Addiction Act and will have a number of implications forproviders within the Mental Health and Addictions field. Over several months, NGOs and DHBs from across the Midland Region have contributed to the development of a Model of Care for services to work with the legislation.

“In order to prepare for the implementation of the new legislation, the Midland Region Mental Health & Addictions Teamwould like to invite expressions of interestfrom local stakeholders to attend our SAL Implementation Workshops, in each MidlandDHB area.”

(Eseta Nonu-Reid, Director MRMH&A)

Following the MoH / Matua Raḵi presentation (Hamilton on 15 August 2017), theMidland workshops will follow a similar format, with amore bespoke approach to each area’s specific, local need. The workshops will run for 2 - 2.5 hours, and will be open to 15-25 attendees from across the MH&A sector.

Important considerations for Workshop attendance:

In order to be able to participate fully in the workshops, we recommend that each participant undertake the Matua Raḵi SAL e-learning module. This can be found at:

It will also be useful for participants to discuss the SAL related issues that were raised in the consultation workshops held in each area in 2016.

We have provided options to choose from for workshop attendance, where we are unable to meet participant’s first option we will endeavour to meet the other choices.

When / Where
Workshop 1 / 18 October 17, 9.30am to 12.00pm / Mauri Hiko Room, Tairawhiti Health Learning Centre, Hauora Tairawhiti
Workshop 2 / 18 October 17, 1.00pm to 3.30pm
Workshop 3 / 19 October 17, 9.30am to 12.00pm
Workshop 4 / 19 October17, 1.00pm to 3.30pm


Registration is requiredPLACES ARE LIMITED

Please clearly complete this registration form and return to us by the Friday, 30 September.

We will be contacting you by email so please ensure the email address provided is correct.

Midland SACAT Implementation Workshop – LAKES AREA
Personal Details
First Name:
Last Name:
Email (Work):
Position (job role):
Postal Address:
Dietary / Access Requirements:
Professional Details
Name of Manager:
Name of Organisation:
Email (Manager):
Workshop (Please number from 1-4 your workshop choices) Note: Numbers per workshop are limited
Numbers are limited per workshop; please choose at least three options which suit your preference. Where one workshop is full we will endeavour to meet your next option. (View blue example below)
Option / When / Where
2nd / Workshop 1 / 18 October 17, 9.30am to 12.00pm / Mauri Hiko Room, Tairawhiti Health Learning Centre, Hauora Tairawhiti
1st / Workshop 2 / 18 October 17, 1.00pm to 3.30pm
4th / Workshop 3 / 19 October 17, 9.30am to 12.00pm
3rd / Workshop 4 / 19 October17, 1.00pm to 3.30pm
I understand that if I do not attend the SACAT Workshop once my registration is accepted that I / employer will be charged for non attendance at the full amount of workshop costs.
Signature Applicant: / Date:
Signature & Name of Your Manager: / Date:

Please email your completed form to Akatu Marsters at:

If you DO NOT receive a receipt to confirm your application form has been received, please contact Akatu Marsters on the above email or phone 027 258 9971

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