Spanish 2 - Ch 9 Project
In Chapter 9, we studied about shopping in a mall, an open air market, and a supermarket. In our oral presentation, a partner and you are going to perform a skit between 2:30 to 4 minutes long about shopping in at certain places. In the skits, the following elements are to be included: You may have one long skit or break it up into two scenes. Your choice
Where you are.
What you are shopping for.
Incorporate vocabulary from the entire chapter which means food and clothing items.
You will comment on items you see in the certain places you shop.
You will make comparisons of equality and inequality for qualities of items.
You will ask the store clerk how much things cost.
Utilize demonstrative pronouns when you talk about things.
Integrate numbers into the skit. 200-900 a couple of times when you are shopping.
Comment on to what degree you like or dislike certain items(Big 6).
Comment on how certain clothes fits on you.
Tell the class what you bought at the end of the day.
Gracias por escuchar nuestra presentación. Que tengan buen día.
This requires you use your brain a lot, so stay on task or it will be much harder than you’d like. All presentations will be live. Any absence on your presentation day will result in a 20% deduction in your grade for each day you are gone from the day you were supposed to present. So if you go the next day, you lose 20%. If you are gone 2 days, you lose 40%, etc. Pre-excused absences will not have deductions.
Señor Ruiz - Spanish Speaking Rubric
Name: Period : ______
Distinguished / Proficient / Apprentice / NoviceObjective Completion: Does the student complete the required objective of the assignment with adequate amount of information and within the allotted time?(15pts) / Objective is successfully completed with elaboration and detail. Was within the allotted time.
10 9 / Objective is successfully completed with adequateinformation. Was within the allotted time.
8 7 6 / Objective is partially completed and/or underdeveloped. Fell out of allotted time range.
5 4 / Objective is minimally met or speaker is off- task entirely. Fell out of allotted time range.
3 2 1 0
Fluency/ Comprehensibility:
Is the student able to communicate fluidly?
Is the speaker easily understood and can the speaker get their ideas across in an effective manner? / Only natural pauses are noted for the most part.
Ideas are easily understood by a native speaker. Pronunciation and intonation enhance the communication
10 9 / There is some unnatural hesitation for thought and idea.
Ideas are understood by a native speaker.
Pronunciation and intonation are adequate for communication purposes.
8 7 6 / Hesitation is evident, sentences are choppy yet ideas are completed.
Ideas are mostly understood by a native speaker. Sometimes pronunciation or intonation hinders communication.
5 4 / Many stops and starts with incomplete thoughts.
Ideas are minimally understood by a native speaker, often the listener is confused by what is being said.
Pronunciation and intonation hinder communication.
3 2 1 0
Grammar usage:
Are learned language structures evident and use correctly? / Learned language structure is evident and transferred to new situations.
10 9 / Learned language structure is evident and usually correct.
8 7 6 / Learned language structure is evident, however is sometimes used incorrectly
5 4 / Learned language structures are not evident or used incorrectly.
3 2 1 0
Does the student use varied, correct and appropriate vocabulary to complete the objective? / Varied and rich use of relevant academic vocabulary covered in class.
10 9 / Use of relevant academic vocabulary is adequate to complete the objective.
8 7 6 / Academic vocabulary relevant to this class is sometimes used or inaccurate.
5 4 / Academic vocabulary used is minimal and/or often incorrect.
3 2 1 0
Use of Class Time
Preparation / Completed Script / Was on task at all times. Never was asked to stay on task. Worked on the script and met deadlines and practiced many times before presenting. A clean version of the script was turned in before presenting.
5 / Was on task all of the time. Only asked to stay on task once or twice. Was done with the script throughout deadlines and practiced a couple of time. A clean version of the script was turned in before presenting.
4 / Was on task most of the time. Was asked to stay on task more than once. Was partially done with the script throughout checkpoints. Practiced script a few times. A version with the script with errors and/or corrections on it was turned in.
3 / Was reminded to stay on task. Was not done with script throughout deadlines and practiced a few times. Minimal to no script was turned in before presenting.
2 1 0
and 2 step script writing . Both edited version and clean version. (Must have edited version to receive points for either) / Powerpoint was in the designated file folder by the designated time. Had a properly edited(labeled) first draft and a clean version of the final draft.
5 / Powerpoint was not complete and/ or improperly done. Edited first draft and a clean final version was submitted.
4 / Powerpointwas improperly done or incomplete. Edited first draft and a clean final version was submitted but not complete or improperly done.
3 / Powerpoint was not submitted on time but is still being allowed to be used for a visual aid. No edited draft or improperly edited draft and/or no final draft.
2 1 0
Notes : Total ______/Out of 45 *Memorization and amount of information said will proportionally affect your grade. So if you say only ½th minimum time of information, the best you can get is a 50% and that is if it is perfect. Deductions will then be subtracted from the 50% grade. Losing this rubric will result in a 5 pt deduction, so please don’t lose this paper. ______