Social Project “Adopt a Tree”

Egorova Anna

10B form, Urmary secondary school №1 named after G.E.Egorov.

Today we faсe a lot of problems. And one of this problems is Ecology. Ecology is a science about nature and about the relations of man with it. Practically it is a science whether we-human beings keep our common house our Planet Earth in good state and how we use the gifts it is giving us: water, land, minerals, plants, animals and etc.

The problem of ecology is very important. There are problems of littering, air pollution, water pollution, over population, endangered species, destruction of natural resources and others. But why do we have these problems? Whose fault is it? May be ours?

We often speak about the necessity of protecting our nature. We pollute our seas and rivers, forests and steppes, that I am scared about future generation. What will we leave for our children and grandchildren?

Peopleare a part of nature. It is in the progress of civilization people became stronger and can influence our nature and destroy it. Today I want everybody to do his best in carrying for all human beings.

Now I am going to speak about my social project “Adopt a tree”.

Every year we plant a lot of trees and bushes and our settlement would look like a park or a forest. But actually it isn’t so, because after planting trees they are not taken care and they die.

I suppose if every family would plant a tree and take care properly the situation would be quite different. To take care we must protect it from being eaten by goats or being broken by people. They need a fence. And it will cost money. If a baby- tree is 100-150 roubles, the fence around is 200-250r, a family will need 300-400 roubles. I think for this project it isn’t very cheap but it is worth doing.

Fulfilling this project can be a real holiday for those people who love Urmary and think about its future. It can be the 22nd of April-on the international Earth Day.

To find out what kind of a tree is preferable to plant I consulted Klavdia Anatolievna – our biology teacher. I think she is specialist in this question. And more than that she has a green-thumb.

She advises to plant lime-trees, or maple-trees, because they collect dust, make air clean and grow quickly.

The distance between the trees must be 2-3m. The length of the street where poplar trees were cut down is about 400m. I made simple calculations and I found out that about 130-140 baby-trees are needed. In our settlement there are more than 1000 families and I hope that 130-140 families will be volunteers in my project.

To make the project successful it is necessary:

1) to attract Urmary residents’ attention to the project.

2) to meet together to solve the financial side of the project.

3) to root out poplar stumps, which will disturb baby-trees to grow, to plough the ground to grow a lawn.

4) to work in cooperation with Urmary administration.


1) English, 10-11.V. P. Kyzovlev. 1997

2) Happy English. T. B. Klimentieva. 1993

3) Snowball English. L. G. Denisieva. 1997