Learner Attendance Procedure

Version: 2

Author: Director, Learner Services

Approved by: Tim Strategol

Review Date: August 2017

Next Review Date: August 2019
Displayed on eDRAC Learner and Grwp Portal

Learner Attendance

Guidance for Staff

1.  Introduction

1.1 The Learner Attendance Guidance and Procedures has been developed as part of the Grŵp’s commitment to providing a supportive learning environment which enables all learners who have chosen to study at Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai or Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor to achieve their full potential.

1.2 The Grŵp recognises the investment that learners and their sponsors make when a learner enrols on a programme of study or training programme and will ensure that appropriate procedures are in place to monitor attendance and act upon absenteeism so that learners can be supported to attain their qualification.

1.3 The Learner Attendance Statement applies to all full time learners across the Grŵp without exception. For those Higher Education programmes where specific attendance requirements are approved at validation, the attendance requirements are published separately in the relevant programme handbooks.

1.4 The Learner Attendance Procedures may be applied to part-time, work-based and adult community learners at the discretion of the Programme Manager and in consultation with the appropriate Assistant Principal or Director. The guidelines are intended to be consistent with those which apply to the payment of financial support to include Learner Support Funds, EMA, ALG, PTA and any other college bursary or scholarship where payment is made based upon learner attendance. The following procedures are also consistent with the requirements of the UKBA Tier 4 international student sponsorship regulations.

1.5 All absences are unauthorised unless the learner has sought prior consent which is agreed by the Personal. In accordance with the College Code of Conduct, a member of staff may apply the Learner Disciplinary Policy for repeated absence.

Learner Attendance Statement

The College’s Learner Attendance Statement requires:

2.1  Learners to attend all timetabled teaching and learning sessions associated with their programme. Examples of teaching and learning sessions include, and are not confined to the classroom, workshop, salons, commercial learning environments, tutorials, lectures, laboratory sessions, placements and field trips.

2.2  All Learners to be provided with a timetable of scheduled teaching and learning sessions.

2.3  Learners should arrive on time for classes and remain for the duration of the session.

2.4  Staff should ordinarily ensure that registers are marked within twenty minutes of the start of class and closed by the end of the timetabled session taking place. Staff who do not have access to a PC and are unable to mark the register during class contact should ensure that they complete the register by the end of the day.

2.5  All learners may access their attendance record via eDRAC Learner (Electronic Individual Learning Programmme).

2.6  Tutors will discuss attendance with learners during tutorials and Progress Review meetings. Causes for concern will be recorded in an action plan on eDRAC for monitoring purposes. Where appropriate, mentor support may be assigned to provide the learner with additional pastoral and welfare support.

2.7  Absences are unauthorised unless the learner submits an Authorised Absence form for agreement by the Personal / Course Tutor prior to the planned period of absence.

2.8  Learners must contact the college on every day of absence before 9am to notify them of the reason they are unable to attend class and when they plan to return. The Personal Tutor should inform the learners of the arrangements to report unplanned absences for their college site. This may include contacting and leaving a message the Personal Tutor or programme area Administrative Assistant or reception. International learners must contact the International Office directly to inform them of any absence.

2.9  A maximum of 10 days absence per academic year due to illness will be authorised for those in receipt of financial support based upon attendance. Appropriate evidence e.g. Doctor’s note, appointment card, self-certification will be required to substantiate all absences due to illness, including chronic medical conditions.

2.10  College Staff will apply the College’s Learner Disciplinary Procedures to learners with an unsatisfactory attendance record, a pattern of absenteeism, repeated lateness or early departure from class.

3.  Implementation and Procedural Guidelines

3.1  Authorised Absence

3.1.1  Authorised absence is defined as unavoidable absence arising from:

●  Sickness or injury which is sufficiently serious to make college attendance impossible or unsafe

●  A medical appointment which can not reasonably be undertaken outside course hours

●  A caring responsibility which can not be provided by another person

●  Civic responsibilities, such as jury service

●  A visit to a university open day or career related interview

●  Attendance at a college representative meeting

●  Attendance at a funeral or wedding of a close relative

●  Participation in a recognised religious holiday

●  Attendance at a probation or other external agency meeting

●  Attendance at a national event arranged by the NUSW

●  Any other substantial reason that would be acceptable in an employment context

3.1.2  Tutors may use their discretion for approving one off absences, for example, family emergency.

3.1.3  Learners are required to seek consent from their tutor for Authorised Absence by submitting an Authorised Absence form prior to the period of absence.

3.1.4  Authorised Absences are recorded by the Tutor on the register as E.

3.1.5  Isolated periods of illness can be regarded as authorised absence. The college reserves the right to refuse a request for authorisation if we suspect that the reason is not genuine.

3.1.6  A maximum of 10 days absence per academic year due to illness may be authorised for those in receipt of financial support based upon attendance. Appropriate evidence e.g. Doctors note, appointment card, self-certification will be required to substantiate all absences due to illness, including chronic medical conditions.

3.1.7  Absence due to illness is recorded by the tutor on the register as I.

3.2  Unauthorised Absence

3.2.1 Unauthorised absences are absences when the learner fails to inform the tutor that they will be away from a learning session either before the event or on the first day of absence, or where the reason given is not acceptable as authorised absence, even though the above procedures have been followed.

3.2.2 Unauthorised absences by a learner from any learning sessions, including learning support will lead to the appropriate stage of the Learner Disciplinary Policy being instigated.

3.2.3  Any unauthorised absences by a learner will be recorded by the tutor in the register as an O.

3.2.4  Learners and guardians (of learners aged under 18 in the year of enrolment) will receive an SMS/email notifying them of an unauthorised absence, and of the requirement to contact the personal tutor to explain the reason for absence and when the learner will return to college.

3.3  Punctuality

3.3.1 Learners should arrive on time for classes and remain for the duration of the teaching session. Late arrival at, and early departure from teaching sessions is disruptive, discourteous, unprofessional and unfair to other learners.

3.3.2 Persistent lateness or early departure from class may result in the tutor instigating college disciplinary procedures.

3.3.3 Learners arriving more than 10 minutes late for a class and without an appropriate reason, will be marked as being Late and will be recorded on the register with a L. Late marks are classed as absence. Learners marked as Late will not be eligible to receive their EMA award for that week - delete.

3.4  Support for Learners when Attendance Causes Concern

Where a Learner’s attendance is cause for concern and falls below the college’s intervention trigger of 90%, one or more of the following actions may be taken:

3.4.1 Personal Tutor will set targets to encourage good attendance and to address any concerns

3.4.2 College staff may contact the learner or parents/ legal guardians of learners aged 18 or under to seek an explanation for the unsatisfactory attendance

3.4.3 Medical evidence will be requested for repeated periods of illness

3.4.4 Personal Tutor and / or mentors will issue the learner with an Attendance Improvement Action Plan

3.4.5 Learners may be invited to attend an Attendance Monitoring Meeting with senior college staff to discuss how their attendance could be improved

3.4.6 College disciplinary procedures may be instigated

3.4.7 A formal attendance report may be made to the learner’s sponsor, including employer, the Local Authority, Student Finance Wales

3.4.8 Disciplinary procedures can lead to learners being withdrawn from their programme if they fail to respond to warnings or breach of any agreement made with regards attendance

3.4.9 International learners with Tier 4 student visa’s whose attendance falls below 80% in any two week period will be reported to the UKBA

Attendance Responsibilities

4.1  Learners are responsible for:

4.1.1  Attending 100% of all timetabled classes including personalised learning support sessions.

4.1.2 Arriving on time for class and not disrupting other learners by leaving early.

4.1.3 Seeking consent of their tutor for any planned absence before the event by submitting an Authorised Absence Form for consideration.

4.1.4 Contacting their tutor / programme area administrative assistant or reception as applicable to the local college site arrangements on every day of absence, for example in the case of illness. Contact by telephone or e-mail should be made before 9.00am on each day of absence. If the Learner is unable to contact the tutor then a message for the tutor should be left with the Programme Area Administrative Assistant. On return, the learner must also provide the college with evidence of the reason for absence.

4.1.5  Providing evidence of the reason of absence.

4.1.6  Monitoring their own attendance via eDRAC Learner

4.1.7  Notifying the EMA /Student Finance Officer regarding any loss of EMA / PTA / ALG payments within 4 weeks. Issues relating to unmarked registers should be discussed with the tutor in the first instance.

4.2 Tutors are responsible for:

4.2.1 Raising awareness of the Learner Attendance Policy during Induction

4.2.2 Reminding learners of the importance of regular attendance

4.2.3 Recording attendance on a register within 20 minutes of the start of the class, or by the end of the day if the classroom doesn’t have a pc which has access to the register system.

4.2.4 Authorising absence in accordance with the College Attendance Policy

4.2.5 Monitoring the attendance of learners with attendance below the intervention trigger of 90%, and completing action plans where attendance falls below 86%.

4.2.6 Discussing attendance with learners during tutorials and Progress Review meetings

4.2.7 Signposting learners to appropriate welfare support services

4.2.8 Contacting all learners who have been absent for more than 5 consecutive days

4.2.9 Ensuring that attendance is marked appropriately on the registers and that evidence is provided by the learner and kept on file for all periods of authorised absence and illness

4.2.10 Discussing with their Programme Manager any retrospective alterations made to marked registers that may impact on a learners’ eligibility to receive financial support based upon attendance

4.2.11 Staff writing references for learners may refer to the record of attendance

4.2.12 Informing the International Office if they are concerned about the attendance of any international learner

4.3 Directors and Programme Managers are responsible for ensuring that:

4.3.1 All full time learners have access to a Personal Tutor

4.3.2 All teaching staff maintain an accurate record of learner attendance through use of the college register system

4.3.3 Appropriate systems are in place at Programme Area / Faculty level for learners to notify the tutor or administrative assistant of planned absences and to report unexpected absences to the Programme Area/Faculty office

4.3.4 Tutors regularly review learner progress including the monitoring of attendance and that appropriate action is taken to ensure that the learner remains engaged

4.3.5 College disciplinary procedures will be instigated against all learners with continuous absenteeism of 15 days from their programme of study

4.3.6 In the case of tutor absence, learners are informed at the earliest opportunity of alternative arrangements for the class

4.3.7 Attendance and marking of registers is monitored and reviewed during Tim Strategol, Tim Rheoli and Quality meetings

Appendix 1

The following table outlines the marks that tutors use to record attendance on the registers:

Register Attendance Marks

/ Present

O Absent

L Late

I Illness

E Authorised Absence (Excused)

S Study Leave

X Work Experience

Planned Authorised Absence Form for Learners
Name of Learner
Learner ID
Course Title
Personal Tutor
Period of Absence
Start Date / End Date
______day __/__/____ / ______day __/__/____
Nature of possible authorised absences (Please tick relevant box)
A medical or dental appointment ◻
A caring responsibility ◻
Civic responsibilities, such as jury service ◻
A visit to a university open day or career related interview ◻
Attendance at a College representative meeting ◻
Attendance at a funeral or wedding of a close relative ◻
Participation in a recognised religious holiday ◻
Attendance at a Probation or other external agency meeting ◻
Attendance at a national event arranged by the NUSW ◻
Severe disruption to transport beyond your control ◻
Driving test (not lessons) ◻
Other (please specific) ◻
Details of the evidence provided
Personal Tutor Signature
Please note that the following are not acceptable reasons for an authorised absence:
●  Holidays during term time
●  Work commitments that are not part of your
course of study
●  Leisure activities / ●  Birthdays or family celebrations
●  Babysitting
●  Driving lessons

Paper 3

Student Attendance and Punctuality Guidance For Learners, Parents, Carers, Guardians And Employers

Version 1 – 2017/18 Academic Year

Supported by GLLM Attendance Procedure

Who should use this guide?

This guide is aimed at learners but is also of interest to parents/carers/ guardians and employers. It will tell you about: