Bibliography for STEM Education

Dr. Pamela R. Dennis, University of Memphis

ALA 2013 poster session

Anderton, H. (2012). STEM, teens, and public libraries it's easier than you think! Young Adult Library Services, 10(2), 44-46.

Aronin, S., & Floyd, K. K. (2013). Using an iPad in inclusive preschool classrooms to introduce STEM concepts. Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(4), 34-39.

Asghar, A., Ellington, R., Rice, E., Johnson, F., & Prime, G. M. (2012). Supporting STEM education in secondary science contexts. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 6(2), 85-125.

Atkinson, R. D. (2012). Why the current education reform strategy won't work. Issues in Science & Technology, 28(3), 29-36.

Bachman, J. (2011). STEM learning activity among home-educating families. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (Accession Order No. AAT 3464383)

Barnett, M. (2012). Spotlight on a STEM school. Principal, 92(2), 8-9.

Basham, J. D., & Marino, M. T. (2010). Introduction to the topical issue: Shaping STEM education for all students. Journal of Special Education Technology, 25(3), 1-2.

Basham, J. D., & Marino, M. T. (2013). Understanding STEM education and supporting students through universal design for learning. Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(4), 8-15.

Basham, J. D., Israel, M., & Maynard, K. (2010). An ecological model of STEM education: Operationalizing STEM for all. Journal of Special Education Technology, 25(3), 9-19.

Bequette, J. W., & Bequette, M. B. (2012). A place for ART and DESIGN education in the STEM conversation. Art Education, 65(2), 40-47.

Bledsoe, K. (2012). STEM day in the park. Science & Children, 49(6), 65-69.

Braun, L. W. (2011). The lowdown on STEM. American Libraries, 42(9), 60.

Breiner, J. M., Johnson, C. C., Harkness, S. S., & Koehler, C. M. (2012). What is STEM? A discussion about conceptions of STEM in education and partnerships. School Science & Mathematics, 112(1), 3-11.

Charles, K., & Rice, O. (2012). How science teachers can use open educational resources to revitalize lessons. Science Educator, 21(2), 55-56.

Chesloff, J. D. (2013). Why STEM education must start in early childhood. Education Week, 32(23), 32-33.

Cox, S. (2012). A museum in a library? Children & Libraries: The Journal of the Association for Library Service to Children, 10(1), 16-17.

Davis, K. E. B., & Hardin, S. E. (2013). Making STEM fun: How to organize a STEM camp. Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(4), 60-67.

DeJarnette, N. K. (2012). America's children: Providing early exposure to STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) initiatives. Education, 133(1), 77-84.

Dow, M. J. (2011). School librarians and science fair competition. School Library Monthly, 28(2), 17-20.

Drew, D. E. (2011). STEM the tide: Reforming science, technology, engineering, and math education in America. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Duff, M. L. (2012). 10 steps to creating a cutting-edge STEM school library. Young Adult Library Services, 10(2), 24-28.

Engberg, M. E., & Wolniak, G. C. (2013). College student pathways to the STEM disciplines. Teachers College Record, 115(1), 1-27.

Epstein, D., & Miller, R. T. (2011). Slow off the mark: Elementary school teachers and the crisis in STEM education. Education Digest, 77(1), 4-10.

Flanigan, R., Becker, K., & Stewardson, G. (2012). A contemporary preservice: Technology education program. Technology & Engineering Teacher, 72(2), 25-29.

Gasiewski, J., Eagan, M., Garcia, G., Hurtado, S., & Chang, M. (2012). From gatekeeping to engagement: A multicontextual, mixed method study of student academic engagement in introductory STEM courses. Research in Higher Education, 53(2), 229-261.

Grier, J., & Johnston, C. (2012). STEM professionals entering teaching: Navigating multiple identities. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 23(1), 19-44.

Hagedorn, L. S., & Purnamasari, A. V. (2012). A realistic look at STEM and the role of community colleges. Community College Review, 40(2), 145-164.

Herschbach, D. R. (2011). The STEM initiative: Constraints and challenges. Journal of STEM Teacher Education, 48(1), 96-122.

Hopwood, J. (2012). Initiating STEM learning in libraries. Children & Libraries: The Journal of the Association for Library Service to Children, 10(2), 53-55.

Hudson, P., English, L. D., Dawes, L., & Macri, J. (2012). Contextualizing a university-school STEM education collaboration: Distributed and self-activated leadership for project outcomes. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 40(6), 772-785.

Israel, M., Maynard, K., & Williamson, P. (2013). Promoting literacy- embedded, authentic STEM instruction for students with disabilities and other struggling learners. Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(4), 18-25.

Jaeger, P. (2013). STEM, eSTEM, and the cybrarian: What every librarian should know. Library Media Connection, 31(6), 10-12.

Kennedy, M. J., & Wexler, J. (2013). Helping students succeed within secondary-level STEM content. Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(4), 26-33.

Khatri, D. S. (2012). A teaching guide to revitalizing STEM education: Phoenix in the classroom. Lanham, Md.: R&L Education.

Kniola, D., Chang, M., & Olsen, D. (2012). Transformative graduate education programs: An analysis of impact on STEM and non-STEM Ph.D. completion. Higher Education, 63(4), 473-495.

Leddy, M. H. (2010). Technology to advance high school and undergraduate students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Journal of Special Education Technology, 25(3), 3-8.

Marcoux, E. (2013). Infusing the arts in STEM. Teacher Librarian, 40(3), 69-70.

Mardis, M., & Howe, K. (2010). STEM for our students: Content to co-conspiracy? Knowledge Quest, 39(2), 8-11.

McGough, J., & Nyberg, L. (2013). Strong STEMs need strong sprouts! Science & Children, 50(5), 27-33.

Moomaw, S., & Davis, J. A. (2010). STEM comes to preschool. Young Children, 65(5), 12-18.

Moorehead, T., & Grillo, K. (2013). Celebrating the reality of inclusive STEM education. Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(4), 50-57.

Murphy, T. P., & Mancini.-Samuelson, G. J. (2012). Graduating STEM competent and confident teachers: The creation of a STEM certificate for elementary education majors. Journal of College Science Teaching, 42(2), 18-23.

Nadelson, L. S., Callahan, J., Pyke, P., Hay, A., Dance, M., & Pfiester, J. (2013). Teacher STEM perception and preparation: Inquiry-based STEM professional development for elementary teachers. Journal of Educational Research, 106(2), 157-168.

O'Neill, T., Yamagata, L., Yamagata, J., & Togioka, S. (2012). Teaching STEM means teacher learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 94(1), 36-39.

Packard, B. W., Tuladhar, C., & Lee, J. (2013). Advising in the classroom: How community college STEM faculty support transfer-bound students. Journal of College Science Teaching, 42(4), 14-20.

Peterson, S. (2012). Sowing the seeds of STEM. Young Adult Library Services, 10(2), 8.

Pfund, C., Mathieu, R., Austin, A., Connolly, M., Manske, B., & Moore, K. (2012). Advancing STEM undergraduate learning: Preparing the nation's future faculty. Change, 44(6), 64-72.

Price, R. S. (2013). Put yourself in the STEM driver’s seat. Technology & Engineering Teacher, 72(6), 8-11.

Rios, D., Chebotko, A., Reilly, C., Carlson, R., Tomai, E., Weimer, A. A., Rampersad, J. (2012). Improving STEM education in research: Preliminary report on the development of a computer-assisted student-mentor research community. Creative Education, 3(5), 612-618.

Roehrig, G. H., Moore, T. J., Wang, H., & Park, M. S. (2012). Is adding the E enough? Investigating the impact of K-12 engineering standards on the implementation of STEM integration. School Science & Mathematics, 112(1), 31-44.

Rosenthal, L., London, B., Levy, S., & Lobel, M. (2011). The roles of perceived identity compatibility and social support for women in a single-sex STEM program at a co-educational university. Sex Roles, 65(9/10), 725-736.

Sanders, M. (2008/2009). STEM, STEM education, STEMmania. Technology Teacher, 68(4), 20-26.

Schuster, D., Buckwalter, J., Marrs, K., Pritchett, S., Sebens, J., & Hiatt, B. (2012). Aligning university-based teacher preparation and new STEM teacher support. Science Educator, 21(2), 39-44.

Schuster, D. (2013). In pursuit of sustainable STEM certification programs. Journal of College Science Teaching, 42(4), 38-45.

Soldner, M., Rowan-Kenyon, H., Kurotsuchi Inkelas, K., Garvey, J., & Robbins, C. (2012). Supporting students' intentions to persist in STEM disciplines: The role of living-learning programs among other social-cognitive factors. Journal of Higher Education, 83(3), 311-336.

Subramaniam, M. M., Ahn, J., Fleischmann, K. R., & Druin, A. (2012). Reimagining the role of school libraries in STEM education: Creating hybrid spaces for exploration. Library Quarterly, 82(2), 161-182.

Tchangalova, N. (2009). Jumping onto the bandwagon: New librarians navigating the science/technology librarianship. Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship, 10(3),

Thompson, R., & Bolin, G. (2011). Indicators of success in STEM majors: A cohort study. Journal of College Admission, 212, 18-24.

Wang, H. (2012). A new era of science education: Science teachers' perceptions and classroom practices of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) integration. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (Accession Order No. AAT 922637122)

Watkins, J., & Mazur, E. (2013). Retaining students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors. Journal of College Science Teaching, 42(5), 36-41.

Wells, J. G. (2013). Integrative STEM education at Virginia Tech: Graduate preparation for tomorrow’s leaders. Technology & Engineering Teacher, 72(5), 28-34.

Wheland, E. R., Donovan, W. J., Dukes, J. T., Qammar, H. K., Smith, G. A., & Williams, B. L. (2013). Green action through education: A model for fostering positive attitudes about STEM. Journal of College Science Teaching, 42(3), 46-51.

White, D. W. (2013). Urban STEM education: A unique summer program. Technology & Engineering Teacher, 72(5), 8-13.

Wieman, C. (2012). Applying new research to improve science education. Issues in Science & Technology, 29(1), 25-32.

Wynn, T., & Harris, J. (2012). Toward a STEM + arts curriculum: Creating the teacher team. Art Education, 65(5), 42-47.

Young, Jr., Terrence E. (2012). STEM: Sparking innovation and imagination in school libraries. Library Media Connection, 30(5), 14-16.

Zhang, X., McInerney, J., & Frechtling, J. (2011). Effect of STEM faculty engagement in the math and science partnership program. School Science & Mathematics, 111(6), 274-287.

Websites –

Carnegie Youth STEM website -

Rhode Island School of Design – (including the arts)

STEM Education LibGuide by Laureen Cantwel -

STEM grants –

Summer programs at North Carolina State University –

“Supporting STEM Studies in Secondary Public School Libraries” -

Understanding the basics of STEM education –

“Winning the Race to Educate Our Children: -