Narrative Writing Packet – Kindness Essay

Step 1. Choose a Topic

Choose a time when you changed someone’s life by being kind to them, or when someone changed yours by being kind to you. This should be a significant event or moment in your life, something that changed your outlook on the world or the way you live.

Once you’ve chosen a topic: Summarize the story here; just give a brief overview.


Step 2. Talk to your subject

The person who was kind to you may not even realize how much of an impact they had on you. First develop interview questions that you will ask them about that day. Second interview the person and talk to them honestly about how they impacted you. Remember, when you do an interview, you don’t have to write out full sentences unless someone says something particularly insightful, which you may want to get word for word. Jot down the idea of what they say, you can put it all together later.

Step 3. Organize

A Narrative is a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Answer the following questions to help you organize. You don’t have to write complete sentences yet, we’re still in the planning stages

1. Where and When did the event occur? How old were you, etc?


2. Background: What information does the audience need to know about you to understand why this event was important?


3. Talk about the actual event, what happened or led up to it?


4. What did you realize, due to this event? How did it change your outlook on life?


In this space jot down any additional information that will help you write the story:

Step 4: Quotes

In your writing you’ll need to have actual dialogue between yourself and the person you are talking about. What things did they say, what did you say? Write the dialogue out here so you have it for your essay:



Step 5: Hook

Your introduction needs a hook, something interesting to grab the reader’s interest. Write your hook below:


Step 6: Conclusion

You should NEVER use the phrase, “In conclusion!” Remember, that in your conclusion you’re not just summarizing what you said, you are leading us to the final resolution. You are saying again how important this event was, and why it was important. You might leave us with words of wisdom or an impression of how we could be equally kind to another person. You want to leave the reader thinking about what you said well after you said it.

Example Essay:

Paragraph 1 - Hook, background information on me or the situation. Transition by hinting at what may happen.

Paragraph 2 & 3 – Talk about the actual incident, you can talk about it in general then proceed to more specific terms OR you can just go in order, being specific and detailed the whole time. Be sure to include quotes from the involved people. You can also use indirect quotes where you say what the person you interviewed you said in your own words.

Paragraph 4 – Conclusion. Leave us with your final impressions (See conclusion section on previous page).

You can have more body paragraphs if you want, but this is the minimum.

Assignment Requirements:

Your narrative essay must:

Meet the prompt topic

Include sensory details to create vivid descriptions

Have a hook

Have direct quotes using quotation marks

Have a clear conclusion

Have proper formatting:


Double Spaced

Size 12

Times New Roman Font

Header in the upper left hand corner:

Your name

English 8

Ms. Kleinberg

Date you typed it in MLA format: day.month.year ex: 15 September 2013