Travel subsidy
*Please note this does not include payment of your attendance fee. All delegates must pay for and include their attendance fee of £35.00 with their booking form*
Please return your application by Friday 7th Augustwith your booking form. Forms received after this deadline will not be accepted.
Please read the guidelines carefully before applying
Travel subsidy is a grant towards your group’s Conference travel costs only. It is open to groups who cannot otherwise afford to attend Conference and is on a first come first served basis.
How to apply
If your return travel costs to Conference exceed £40 per person, you can claim for the remainder of the costs. For example if your travel costs total £70, we can reimburse you for £30. Please ensure that the travel costs that you claim for are the cheapest advance purchase available.
Only one delegate per group can apply. Any group incurring high travel costs may apply.
If you are applying for full accommodation and attendance subsidy, you maynotapply for travel subsidy as well.
What to do next…
- Complete the form overleaf
- Complete your Conference booking form
- Enclose payment for your attendance fee (£35.00)
- Book and pay for your accommodation directly with the EMCC as detailed in the booking form
- Keep hold of any travel/petrol receipts incurred getting to conference
What happens next?
We will contact you either by email, phone or letter to confirm whether we can award you a travel subsidy. If successful, we will send you an expenses claim form in your August delegate mailing (which you will need to hand in at Conference with your outward ticket/copies of tickets) so that you can claim back your agreed travel costs. If you have any questions about Travel Subsidy then please call Julia Barraclough on 020 7566 1680 or email
Application formfor Travel Subsidy 2009
This form should be completed by the Group Co-ordinator or Treasurer only.
Position in group: TreasurerorCo-ordinator
NAME OF GROUP______Friends of the Earth
Travel subsidy
- You may claim the difference between £40 of the total travel cost.
- A maximum of one delegate from each group; any group incurring high travel costs may apply.
I am applying for travel subsidy on behalf of (name)
1) ______
What is the total cost of your return travel to Conference?
1) £______
How will you travel to Nottingham? ______
If you are travelling by car, please give an estimate of your petrol costs £______
If you are travelling by train or other form of transport please indicate the type of ticket will you buy (e.g.Apex, super Advanced etc):______
Please provide details of your total (return) travel costs £______
Total claim
The Group is claiming a total of £______
Signature______Date ______
Please return by Friday 7th Augustwith your booking form. Forms received after this deadline will not be accepted.
Forms are available at