Please read and sign these rules with your student.
1. Covered textbook
2. Three ring binder (1”)
s 1st section-“hagan ahora” (do now)
s 2nd section- apuntes” (notes)
s 3rd section-“tarea”(HW)
s 4th section- “ejercicios” (exercises)
3. Pens and Pencils
1. **Respect for fellow students and teacher is a MUST at all times**
- It is important that we create a learning environment in which everyone has the opportunity to learn and succeed.
2. Respect the classroom
-do not write on the desks/in your books
-water only
3 Bring materials to class daily
-late homework will not be accepted
-If materials are not brought to class you will lose participation points which are added up weekly.
-tablets are expected to be brought to class daily if applicable.
4. Make up tests/quizzes
-upon your return to school please come as soon as possible to schedule a time to make up the missed quiz or test. This is your responsibility. A zero will be put in the gradebook until the test/quiz has been completed and graded.
5. In the event that a student does not follow the rules:
First offence- the student will have to stay after class to discuss their behavior.
Second offence- the student will serve a 30 minute teacher detention and parent/guardian contact will be made.
Third offence- a referral slip will be written up and handed in to the office of the vice principal.
6. HELP!!! Don’t understand something? Please make arrangements with Señora Anderson for extra help prior to the next class. Extra help day will be every Tuesday; however, she will be available Mon.-Thurs. by appointment. Please do not hesitate, she wants you to succeed!
1. You must be in your seat when the bell rings. If you arrive late to class, you
will get one warning and then a teacher detention will be assigned. Please come
to class on time and ready to learn.
2. As soon as the bell rings you must begin your “hagan ahora” (do now), and take out your homework so I can check it/collect it.
3. You will be working cooperatively in assigned small groups or with partners. Please also be prepared to work and thrive on your own. ¡Sí se puede!
4. Students are expected to be using Spanish as much as possible throughout the class period. They will be evaluated on their speaking skills through recordings and everyday participation.
5. Cellphones are only permitted in the classroom for instructional use and when instructed by the teacher. If a student is seen with a cellphone during a test/quiz the student will receive a zero for the assessment.
6. Please stay in your seat until the bell rings and you are dismissed.
1. Tests: Are worth 70-100 points and are written assessments or large projects. If a project is not handed in on the due date, 10% will be subtracted from the final grade for everyday that it is not handed in. After the third day it will not be accepted and you will receive a zero.
2. Quizzes: Can be written or oral. Quizzes also include mini-projects, recordings, listening activities, and are worth anywhere from 30-60 points.
3. Class Participation: This includes speaking Spanish, active participation, behavior, and preparation. Students can earn up to 5 points every two weeks.
4. Homework: Homework will be assigned every night and is expected to be completed in full for the following class. Daily homework postings will be listed on the website by 3:00. There will be various collected homework assignments per marking period which are worth 10 points each. These collected HW assignments may or may not be announced. Daily homework checks will be worth a total of 10 points every two weeks with a penalty of 1 point per missed assignment.
5. E-mailed work: If a student e-mails work to Sra. Anderson it is their responsibility to verify the work was received the following day in class.
If a student cannot print work out at home they must email it the night before so Sra. Anderson can print it for them.
At any point current rules may be added or changed of which the class will be notified. I am looking forward to an exciting and productive semester. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at or (732) 528-8820 ext. 1649.
Please sign this form to indicate your compliance with the stated rules and regulations of the class. Students,please consider this your first homework assignment for the year.
* Students should keep the remaining portion in their binders.
Student signature Parent/Guardian signature
In order to work together as a team for your student’s success please fill out the contact information listed below.
o Parent/Guardian Name
o Parent/Guardian home phone number:
o Parent/Guardian cell phone number:
o Parent/Guardian e-mail address______.
Which is the most convenient way to contact you? Please check one of the above circles.