Building On The Foundation: The Next Steps For Christian Growth.


Lesson # 1 Homework


“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

How do we learn and apply what the Scriptures say? This “how” is something every Christian should know. This lesson will focus on five ways we can focus on what the Bible teaches us. Hearing, reading, studying, memorizing, and meditating can be remembered easily if we compare them to the fingers of our hand. These five methods help us “get a grip” on God’s Word.

These five methods will help you grasp the truth of God’s Word. Just as each finger helps the hand hold something, each finger here helps us “correctly handle” God’s Word. The more fingers you use, the stronger your grip will be.

  1. Reasons for Understanding the Bible.

List 5 reasons for knowing God’s Word.

  1. 2 Timothy 2:15______
  1. 1 Peter 2:2______
  1. Psalm 119:11______
  1. Psalm 119:38______
  1. Psalm 119:105______

We study the Scripture because it is sufficient.

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16

  1. How to Know the Bible
  1. Hear It. Write out Romans 10:17 below:
  1. Whom did Jesus say would be blessed in Luke 11:28?
  1. In proclaiming the Word, what should pastors and teachers do according to Nehemiah 8:8?
  1. Read It.
  1. Write Revelation 1:3 in your own words.

1To what did Paul ask Timothy to give his attention to in 1Timothy 4:13?

Define the following term:

Exhortation ______

Study It.

Bible study is more than just reading the Bible; it involves observation, interpretation, and application. Reading gives you the overall picture, but studying helps you think, learn, and apply what you read to your life.

Write Acts 17:11:

  1. How did the Bereans receive the Word of God?
  1. How should we search after wisdom/understanding (Proverbs 2:4)?

“How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Thy word…Thy word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against Thee.” Psalm 119:9, 11

  1. Memorize it.
  1. How did God command Israel to remember His Word?
  1. Deuteronomy 11:18a______
  1. Deuteronomy 11:19______
  1. Read Matthew 4:4,7, and 10.
  1. What did Jesus use to overcome His temptation?
  1. How might you apply this example to your own life?
  1. Write Psalm 40:8 in your own words:

Tip: If you understand the concepts and ascribe an application to the passage, it will be much easier to memorize.

  1. Meditate On It

Read Psalm 1:1-3.

  1. Whose counsel should you avoid? ______


  1. What attitude should you have toward God’s Word? ______
  1. How will your life be influenced by God’s Word? ______


  1. Biblical meditation (on Scripture) can be done as you:
  • Hear the Word preached.
  • Read the Bible.
  • Pray about what you are studying.
  • Reflect on the verses you have memorized.
  1. How does meditation assist you (Joshua 1:8)?
  1. Do you think God’s Word can affect your speech and actions? How (Luke 6:45)?
  1. Besides being diligent in learning God’s Word, what else should we do in order to understand it (Psalm 119:73, 125)?

  1. The Bible Study Process
  1. Step 1: Preparation
  1. Write out Psalm 119:18.
  1. What should we do before we approach the Scriptures (1 Peter 2:1-2)?

Define the following terms:

Malice ______

Hypocrisy ______

Envy ______

  1. What should be the content of our prayer as we prepare to study God’s Word (Colossians 1:9-10)?
  1. Step 2: Observation

What is taking place in this passage? What do I see?

  1. Ask questions as you read; write them down.
  • Who?
  • What?
  • When?
  • Where?
  • Why?
  • How?
  1. As you observe the passage look for:
  • Key words
  • Key subjects (people, topics).
  • Commands
  • Warnings
  • Repeated words or phrases
  • Lists of things
  • Comparisons and contrasts
  • Questions and answers
  • Anything unusual or unexpected

NOTE: These are only a few examples of what to look for—don’t limit yourself.

WARNING: Take your time and don’t give up.

  1. Interpretation: What does it mean?

Write out 2 Peter 1:20-21.

  1. Scripture can be clear. Remember the Holy Spirit is the person who inspired all the authors. Though the authors were varied, God the Holy Spirit is still the same. Whom has God given to teach us (1 John 2:27)?
  1. Begin by asking interpretive questions:
  1. What is the importance of…
  • A given word (esp. verbs)
  • A given phrase
  • Names and titles
  • Dates
  • Etc. ?
  1. What is the meaning of a particular word?
  2. Why did the writer say this?
  3. What is the implication of this word, phrase, or name?
  1. To find the answers to your interpretive questions, use:
  1. The context, which is the verses before and after the passage you are studying. Context is very important—otherwise you can twist the natural meaning of the Scriptures to support any goofy idea.
  1. Definitions of words
  1. Grammar and sentence structure
  1. Other passages of Scripture
  1. Bible study tools
  • Bible Dictionary
  • Concordance
  • Bible Handbook
  • Bible Encyclopedia
  • Bible Commentary
  1. When interpreting, remember…
  • All Scripture will agree. It will not contradict itself.
  • Seek to let the passage speak for itself in its context. Be careful not to draw conclusions that the author did not intend.

There is only one correct interpretation of any particular passage of Scripture—the author’s originally intended meaning. There may be many applications or ways that that passage affects our lives.

D. Application: “What effect will this have on my life?”

  • Once we have heard the Word of God, what should be our response according to James 1:22?


  • A simple tool to help you apply what you have learned is to put on the “SPECS”.

Is there a…

Sin to forsake?

Promise to claim?

Example to follow?

Command to obey?

Stumbling block to avoid?

There are 168 hours each week. Are you investing them wisely? The following table will help you analyze your habits for making the Bible a priority in your life. As you fill out the number of hours spent per week, prayerfully consider setting any needed new goals.

Hearing the Word
Reading the Word
Studying the Word
Memorizing the Word

The Bible is more than just a book. It is a gold mine of timeless truths, precious gems—it is the very Word of God. Love it, learn it, and live it.