




CFDA 98.001

Support to Civil Society Organizations/Faith Based Organizations Network to Provide HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Treatment Services

APS Issuance Date: 02/01/2008

APS Closing Date/Time: 01/31/2009



This APS is open to registered Nigerian indigenous organizations, U.S. and non-U.S. non-governmental organizations (NGO), faith-based organizations (FBO), community-based organizations (CBO), foundations, private organizations affiliated with public academic institutions, parastatals, professional organizations, non-profit organizations, and for-profit organizations willing to forego profit are eligible to submit concept papers. Successful applicants must have strong ties to civil society organizations (CSO) and the faith-based community as well as a track record in community-based programming for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. The most successful applicant(s) will already have structures in place and therefore possess the ability to rapidly scale-up programs.

PEPFAR is committed in its desire to identify new local indigenous institutions and organizations to extend the number of partners with which the U.S.G. collaborates. Therefore, local indigenous organizations proposing solid and innovative concepts will be given preference over those received from international organizations. Where recipients consist of U.S. / international and indigenous organizations together, the most competitive applications will propose the indigenous partner as the prime recipient.

Branches of government, political parties and the media are not eligible under this program.


The following program elements are intended to provide a framework of specific activities for HIV/AIDS prevention, care and/or treatment, which include:

  1. Strengthening capacity of indigenous organizations to respond to HIV/AIDS in their communities.
  2. Providing quality comprehensive and compassionate care for AIDS orphans and vulnerable children.
  3. Improving the quality of life of HIV-infected individuals and their families through services such as home-based care.
  4. Preventing HIV transmissions among youth, couples, and most at risk populations.
  5. Improving the lives of people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS through strategic wrap-around programs such as food and nutrition.
  6. Strengthening the legal policy and institutional framework for orphans and vulnerable

Children care and protection at national and sub-national levels.

Applicants have flexibility with respect to the program elements listed above. Concept papers are not required to incorporate all 6 elements or to place equal emphasis on each approach. However, element #1 must be incorporated in each individual concept paper. In every community of intervention, the program must ensure that there is a comprehensive package of services with an effective referral system. Applicants should propose the mix of program elements that is most appropriate to the particular setting and cultural context in which they intend to work. In the past, the most successful applicants have focused their efforts on one or two program elements and developed strong strategies to achieve results in those areas rather than attempting to provide services in all areas.

Interested applicants must submit concept papers which respond to one or more of the 14 program areas listed in section 2. Concept papers must include a summary budget broken down by program area and capacity statement in English (and typed in Times New Roman, font size 12, and must not exceed five (5) pages (excluding the cover page and capacity statement), and must include:

  1. A completed cover page (a template is attached herewith for your use).
  2. An executive summary that addresses at least one of the 14 program areas. Applicants may choose any of the PEPFAR program areas which make best use of the comparative advantages of their organization. The program area(s) chosen should be reflected in all aspects of the concept paper and application: budgets should be presented by program area, targets for each program area should be proposed, and activities should be described by program area. Address partnerships, if any, that will be involved in the project, proposed strategies, activities for implementation, geographic scope, and anticipated results and outcomes. (A list of PEPFAR indicators is provided for your use.)

The capacity statement must be presented as an attachment to the concept paper and must provide an explanation of the applicant’s capacity to implement the proposed program. This attachment must not exceed two (2) pages and should present a brief overview of the applicant’s mission and goals, relevant experience in relation to the proposed program, and comparative advantage in carrying out this work, such as prior success in similar endeavors.

Concept papers will be reviewed periodically until all funding is committed. They will be evaluated based on capacity building, cost-effectiveness, sustainability, new partners, technical ability and comparative advantage, quality of services, strategic information, targets, results and outcomes. The attached copy of the selection criteria for technical review is provided for your information.


Concept papers will be evaluated throughout the year based on the needs of the USG PEPFAR team and will proceed in two stages: Stage I - applicants may submit concept papers any time from February 1, 2008 until January 31, 2009. Stage II – successful stage 1 applicants judged to be responsive to the APS will be invited to submit full applications and detailed budgets by a given deadline. Full instructions and criteria for Stage II applications will be provided to the applicant at this time. Deadlines will be firm and no late applications will be accepted. Submission of Stage I or II proposals do not commit the USG to fund any proposed activities. USAID/Nigeria may determine at any time that the needs of the mission as outlined in the APS have been met, at which time the APS solicitation will be closed. Recommendations for awards may be made by the technical evaluation committee at any time within 12 months of the posting of this APS, i.e. before January 31, 2009, and awards will be made with the funds available in the corresponding program area at that time.

All submissions in both Stage I and Stage II, require one original and two copies in hard copy and one electronic copy (on a disk). All submissions must include the proposed title and an indication of the APS objectives the application intends to address.

Concept papers shall be submitted in sealed envelopes and addressed as follows:

Mr. Michael Glees


7-9 Mambilla Street, Off Aso Drive

Maitama – Abuja, Nigeria

Concept papers may be sent by courier or delivered by hand to the above address.

Applicants must report to the building guard at the USAID/Nigeria reception area. All applicants are advised to insist on having their copy of the concept paper acknowledged by the appropriate USAID representative. Electronic transmittal (e-mail) of concept papers shall also constitute official submission, but USAID does not accept responsibility for delays in transmission or receipt. Receipt of concept papers in response to this APS, does not constitute an award commitment on behalf of the US Government. Additionally, it does not commit the US Government to reimburse any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of concept papers.

Any questions related to this APS should be submitted, in writing, to Mr. Michael Glees at , with a copy to Mr. Sam Nwanokwu at .

The federal grant process is now web-enabled, allowing for applications to be received on-line. USAID bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes associated with electronic submissions.


Organization Name and Project Name: ______

Contact Name: ______Title: ______

Address: ______

City/State/Province: ______

Country: ______

Zip Code: ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______

E-mail Address: ______

Type of Organization (choose from the list below): ______

(Select one: NGO, private foundation, faith based organization, educational institution, private company, parastatal organization, Other)

Partner Organization(s): ______

Include name and organization type from list above, for each partner.

Technical Areas & Corresponding Budget Funding Requirements:

Program Areas Year 1 Year 2 Year3 Year 4 Year 5_

PMTCT $______$______$______$______$______

Abstinence/Be Faithful $______$______$______$______$______

Blood Safety $______$______$______$______$______

Injection Safety $______$______$______$______$______

Condoms and Other Prevention $______$______$______$______$______

Basic Care & Support (Palliative Care) $______$______$______$______$______

TB/HIV (Palliative Care) $______$______$______$______$______

Orphans and Vulnerable Children $______$______$______$______$______

HIV Counseling and Testing $______$______$______$______$______

Purchasing ARV Drugs $______$______$______$______$______

Delivering ARV Services $______$______$______$______$______

Implementing Laboratory Activities $______$______$______$______$______

Strategic Information $______$______$______$______$______

Other Policy and Systems Strengthening $______$______$______$______$______

Beneficiaries served: Example: 2,040 OVC - Include separate estimate for each program area, as appropriate. For example, if your proposal is to provide services to OVC and also undertake prevention activities, please include estimated beneficiaries and target populations for each.

Number of staff trained: Example: 2,040 OVC caregivers - Include separate estimate for each program area, as appropriate. For example, if your proposal is to provide training to OVC, please include estimated number of people that you will train here.