Promotethe Collection in the upcoming weeks in the bulletin, announcements and parish web-site. Parishes that had larger collections the priests spoke about to the parishioners about the importance for all our priests.

The letter from Bishop Persico to be read at Mass or published in thebulletin the weekend of April 14/15; the weekend before the collection. ASecondCollectionfor Retired Diocesan Priests is to be taken in every Diocesan Parish and Mission Church onthe weekend of April 21/22.

On the Diocesan website there is a Promotion Kit with extensive material for the parish staff to use; please have your staff to promote the collection.

  • Letter from Bishop Persico
  • Bulletin Announcements:April 7/8,April 14/15, April 21/22 andApril 28/29
  • General Intercessions for Good Shepherd Sunday,April 21/22
  • Clip Art with Logo
  • Collection Dates for upcoming years for Good Shepherd Collection
  • List of retired priest’s residence, birthday and ordination anniversary.
  • Places our retired priests resides.
  • Parish Listing of Retired Diocesan Priests assigned to those parishes.
  • Bulletin samples for the cover or flyer to promote the collection.
  • Photos of the retired priests to incorporate in parish publicity.
  • Talking points to use the week before or the day of the collection by the priest

Envelope for the Good Shepherd Collection should be in theenvelope packet mailed to your parishioners. A plain envelope can be used mark it: “Good Shepherd Collection.” Having a second collection gives visitors and parishioners the opportunity to make their contribution.The collection for 2019will be May4 & 5. Please note for 2019 the collection will be a week earlier – the Third Sunday of Easter because of Mother’s Day. Please make sure this collection date is on the list for yourParish Envelope Company;they shouldhave our Good Shepherd Sunday logo on file.

The week after the 2018 collection, April 28/29 please include a thank-you in your bulletin with the amount received to date and remind parishioners they can still make their contribution to the Good Shepherd Collection for Diocesan retired priests. Please remit the initial proceeds to Diocesan Finance Office within three weeks of the collection by May 18.The final contributions received should be submitted to the Diocesan Finance Office by June 30, 2018.

The Catholic Foundation has established an Endowment for Clergy Health and Welfare if you or any of your parishioners would like more information please contact Lisa Louis.

Finally, please support our retired priests of our Diocese with your own personal contribution to the Good Shepherd Collection all priests will one day benefit.