Lesson Plans

Honors English 12- 1st Quarter

Tuesday, November 9th:

  • Journal #9: Some students at ODU are starting a petition to make it legal to carry permitted concealed weapons on campus. Discuss the pros and cons.
  • CollectedHOD Part II questions...will go on the 1st quarter if possible!
  • Presented posters from group work last block. Students were to add "flags"for all of the elements discussed in Part I.
  • Continued with the peer editing of college essay #2.Essays were handed out....some classes were able to get started, some not. Will finish upnext week.
  • Homework: None! Enjoy your 4-day weekend! (My only advice would be that if you don't feel like you know Part II of the novella well, review it before next week!)

Friday, November 5th:

  • No journal
  • Collected mission statements
  • Checked self edits of college essay #2
  • Made a list of important elements to be flagged as we read the novella:Congo River/ snakes, ivory, Kurtz's painting, candles/wax/light, information on the General Manager, info. on the accountant, fog, details about or use of the word "savages", details on Kurtz, details on the Russian, vast characterizations, vast descriptions of setting, any of the 3 types of irony, frame narration.Making notes as you actively read is a requirement, not an option. And ofcourse, you can certainly make notes for more elements!
  • Classwork: Divided into groups to flag the above elements of Part I. Madeposters that will be shared with the class next week so everyone will be caught up for Part I. (If absent,choose 3 of the above items to flag everywhere in that section. Show me your work on Tuesday.)
  • Began peer editing for college essay:Peer Revision Letter1.doc . Wrote the first part of the letter, from writer to reader. Submitted the letter stapled to the top of the essay and self edit.
  • Homework: 1- Read and complete questions and quotes for Part II of the text. (Link to questions is below under Wednesday's date.) Don't forget to annotate! 2- Extra credit option due- book review.The overall details can be found under Wednesday's homework. Here's a link to a book review for the NY Times. I don't necessarily mean for yours to be this long, but the format is the same idea.Book Review Example- ATSS.docx

Wednesday, November 3rd:

  • No journal
  • Developed personal "mission statements"---one for this year and one for a future date decided by you. Should be written onprovided index cards and given to me on Friday (if not already submitted). If absent, see mission statements in your planner for examples.
  • Checkedcollege essay #2 first drafts....initialed and checked by me....kept by you.
  • Finished discussing Part I of the novella...participation grades taken.
  • Quiz onHOD Part I
  • Handout:Questions-quotes Part II.doc(2A- forgot to give you the questions...download them here or get them on Friday)
  • Homework: 1- Self edit/ revise your second college essay based on the handout in your "Language Notes" section....due Friday (no new paper needed...just write all over this one!) 2- Develop your 2 mission statements 3- Extra Credit option (due 11/9): Book review of your independent reading book from the beginning of the quarter. ***No outside sources! You may look at reviews of other books to get an idea of what I'm looking for, but avoid reviews of your book. Remember- reviews don't divulge spoilers!
  • Questions and quotes for Part II were given ahead of time...no reading is due on Friday. All of Part II will be due on Tuesday.

Friday, October 29th:

  • Journal #8: Watched some video clips about an psychological experiment. Discuss how power can be misused in society (could be personal or more global). Use examples. Do you think you could ever be "drunk with power"? How could this topic relate toHOD?
  • Discussed our readings of Part I fromHOD? (participation grades taken).
  • Homework: 1- Finish reading Part I and respond to quotes and questions. Be prepared for a quiz. You will be able to ask some questions prior to the quiz. 2- College essay #2 is due! (First draft, typed, double spaced)

Wednesday, October 27th:

  • Journal #7: Went outside for a short "journey" (sound familiar? Think of the name of our unit!)--wrote down things that intrigued us in some way. Came back and developed a full-page creative narrative using our lists from outside.
  • After being given a notecardby Ms. Burkhart, students looked through past papers and notes to write down a list of what they really feel like they still need to learn about writing and grammar in general before leaving high school. (If absent, please see me for a notecard, or if you have a notecard, go ahead and bring one in.)
  • Collected and checked homework(questions and quotes from Part I ofHOD). Passed back. Reviewed expectations: make sure you discuss why the quotes are important, include page #s when possible with questions (will help you later), and highlight any quotes or questions you want to discuss in class.
  • Took notes on the Victorian Era and Characteristics of Literature in that era. See See also Victorian Lit. Char.pdf . Personalizednotes by organizing them and paraphrasing them so they made sense to you. Placed in "Literature Notes" section.
  • Homework: 1- Blue book: Read through the word "affair" on page 91- brown book, page 38. Respond to appropriate quotes/ questions.
  • Reminder: Second college essay due Wednesday, November 3rd!

Monday, October 25th:

  • Journal #6 (optional): Talk about Homecoming!
  • 1A (and any late people from other blocks):Re-collectedwriting pre-assessments (the written ones that you typed up and uploaded to your electronic WIPs)
  • Handout: Denotation and Connotation (no e-version....check make-up folder). Completed handout. Discussed importance of connotations in writing and reading (esp.HOD) and discussed how connotation relates to colonialism and imperialism
  • Gave back quizzes and notes on the intro. ppt. toHOD- discussed questions and reviewed frame narrative,definition of novella, etc...
  • Ms. Burkhart asked for questions about your first reading from the text.Discussed what is expected on the handout quotes and questions (BTW- I would be annotating my text with sticky notes!)
  • Viewed Part Iof a DVD aboutHOD- took notes on the reasons for Marlow's journey and the time period itself
  • Homework: 1-Blue book- Read from where you left off to page 89, ending with "took some months"....Brown book- Read to page 35, leaving off with the same words 2- Complete handouts for quotes and questions that relate to this reading

Thursday, October 21st:

  • No journal
  • Collected back yourwriting pre-assessments (1A- we forgot to do this! I will collect them on Monday!)
  • Handout:Reshaping and Revising Your Zero.doc (Placed in Language Notes) Just to have for future self edits.
  • Added to Do's and Don'ts for essays in general: discussed the use of "got," thisand that, who vs. that, 1st and 2nd person, voice, etc... Seeme or a classmate for notes.
  • Handout:Questions-quotes Part I.doc. Part of yourhomework for this weekend. Keep in Lit. Notes section.
  • Played Jeopardy to review what we've studied so far this year. Winning teams will receive bonus points onour next quiz!
  • Homework: 1- Due Monday.Begin readingHeart of Darkness Part I, andrespond to the quotes AND questions from the handout that relate to this reading. If you have the blue book, read 65-75, stopping at "a long way." If you have the brown book, read 1- the top of 16, stopping at "a long way." 2- Long-term due date: 1st draft of your 2nd college essay is due on November 3rd. I'm happy to take it early, but that's the final due date!
  • Happy Homecoming! Go Dolphins!

Tuesday, October 19th:

  • Everyone took out his or her homework with its source citation. On a separate sheet of paper or if there was room on the initial assignment, students wrote a paragraph explaining how the document represented a literal or figurative "perilous journey." Paragraphs should have included text from the original document. Turned in to me.
  • Looked at the handout from last block, "Meet Joseph Conrad," and addedextra notes while highlighting more important details. For this book, background is key! If you were absent, see a friend or me for those notes.
  • Computer Use for WIP folders:
  • Made folders under YOURSharepoint page and your flash drive (separate from your other Honors 12 folder) named "H Eng 12 Working Portfolio."
  • Developed a Table of Contents with a Word document with the following columns: Title of assignment and date assigned, grade for the assignment, comments made by the teacher or by you based on therubrics provided (should be of considerable length- strengths/ weaknesses using the wording of the rubrics), and reflection(a few sentencesdiscussing what you learned, what you should have donedifferently, and what you still need to learn about this type of writing).
  • Passed back SAT pre-assessments (I have kept with me an overall grade for this assignment. I want you to give yourself a grade based on the rubric in your Table of Contents). Typed up the responses and uploaded them to both folders. I NEED THE ORIGINAL BACK SO YOU CAN SEE MY GRADE!
  • Putyour College Essay #1 second draftin your folders and on your TOC.
  • Be sure to put the actual essays in this folder and bring me back your original pre-assessment!
  • Homework: The above folders are due on your Sharepoint before midnight on Wednesday! Be sure to bringHOD books every day until further notice!

Friday, October 15th:

  • Journal #5: Read the handout of questions. Respond to 3 of them in a longer-than-usual journal response.Introductory assignment.doc
  • Collected notes from homework (concerning the powerpoint)
  • Quiz on the introductory powerpoint fromHeart of Darkness.
  • Handout:Unit Organizer.doc . AddedHOD by Joseph Conrad under Unit I. Placed in notebooks directly behind your Class Expectations.
  • Handout: Can't be uploaded. See make-up folder. Highlighted important lines. Placed in "Literature Notes" section
  • Handed outHeart of Darkness books.
  • Read introduction to the book (it's in the book). Took notes.
  • Homework: Find a song, poem, or article that relates to some sort of "perilous journey" (literal or figurative, physical or psychological) and bring it in (if it's a song, bring in the lyrics- edited, ifapplicable). Source citations should accompany all items.

Wednesday, October 13th:

  • No journal
  • 1A- Collected federal cards
  • 4A- Passed out updated progress reports (for English specifically)
  • Passed out college essays to 1A and 4A (that's everyone!)
  • Reviewed comments made by me on the suggestions sheetand on the actual papers- reviewed the prior lists of "Do's and Don'ts" (the list can be found as a link on this website)
  • Began reviewing some added suggestions for both personal essays specifically and all essays
  • Homework: 1- View the ppt. onHeart of Darkness and take notesHeart of Darkness.ppt . Be ready for a quiz (without notes) on Friday 2- Be sure that your college essay comes back with your organized notebook

Monday, October 11th:

  • No journal
  • Collected newsletters and Works Cited pages (see class expectations for late work policy- no work will be accepted after the beginning of Wednesday's class)
  • Passed out UPDATED progress reports to all classes (significant grades have been added since grades were due for the "official" progress report handed outtoday by theschool). PARENTS: Please check Parent Portal often for the most up-to-date information
  • 1A only: passed out Federal Cards. I MUST HAVE THESE CARDS SIGNED AND RETURNED ON WEDNESDAY. Pleasehelp make this an easy process!
  • 2A only:passed backgraded college essay drafts. All otherclasses will receive theirs on Wednesday, and we will review the comments and expectations.
  • ***Reminder: The PSAT will be given to 9th-11th graders on Wednesday. 1Abegins at 10:40 for all students (in other words,you don't need to be here until then!). 10:40 is the START time!
  • Homework: 1A- Bring Federal Cards back...everyone else, no homework!

Thursday, October 7th:

  • No journal
  • Reviewed project expectations
  • Checked forfinished drafts of all 3 articles (including internal citations)- Students who did not come with finished articles may have been separated from their initial groups.We can't punish others because we didn't do our part of the work!
  • Time to work on computers with groups
  • Homework: Newsletters due at the beginning of Monday's class
  • **Note: Grades are not up-to-date in Pinnacle. I will hand out updated progress reports on Monday.

Tuesday, October 5th:

  • No journal
  • Met in Lab 202
  • Developed "Honors 12English" folders on flash drives, Sharepoint, and H drives.
  • Handout:Sample Citations updated 2009- OL.doc . Reviewed when to use internal citations. Reviewed what internal citations look like. Reviewed Works Cited pages. Reviewed project expectations.
  • Introduced Publisher and how to use it for this newsletter.
  • Discussed rules for using pictures and copyrighted pictures.
  • Time topolish up articles andbegin developing newsletters.
  • Homework: 1- Bring finished articles and W.C. pages on Thursday 2- Bring flash drives 3- Meet in classroom for laptop use

Friday, October 1st:

  • Ms. Burkhart out for a class!
  • Journal #4: Read on article onvaledictorians and discussed in the journal. See the handouts section of the make-up binder for a copy of the article.
  • Group work: College Essay Packet. Read through the packet. Chose one essay to discuss using the given handout. If absent, get a copy of the packet and the handout from the make-up binder and do the same.
  • Homework: Work on rough drafts of articles. Bring flash drives and meet in Lab 202 on Tuesday.

Wednesday, September 29th:

  • No journal
  • Met in library
  • Research time for projects
  • Homework: 1- Bring research with you in your English notebooks on Friday 2- Meet in the classroom

Monday, September 27th:

  • No journal
  • Met in library
  • 1A- Collected 1st draftsand self edits of 1st college essays. Changednecessary dates on Newsletter Instructionhandout.
  • (Reminder handout:Reshaping and Revising Your Zero.doc. This is the self edit from your 1st draft.)
  • Handout: MLA Reminders(See Make-up Folder for internal citation reminders and Works Cited page reminders)
  • Time towork on projects-- if absent, seeme for your assigned groups and then see your groups for helpwith starting the project.
  • Homework: 1- Work on projects 2- Meetin library on Wednesday

Thursday, September 23rd:

  • Journal #3: Discuss the grading standards and the change to the new grading scale: pros/ cons, etc...
  • Reviewed class website and make-up binder- rules and expectations
  • Collected 1st drafts and self edits of College Essay #1- wrote topics on the top of 2nd drafts (so I'll know!)
  • Reviewed academic resume and its purpose- discussed teacher recommendations
  • Reviewed Anglo-Saxonstudy guide- discussed kennings and caesuras (see back page)
  • Handout:Newsletter Instructions 2010.doc (Placed in Quiz/ Test section)...reviewed instructions and changed a couple of the dates (see me or a classmate for the changes). Groups and time periods will be assigned on Monday.

Tuesday, September 21st:

  • No journal
  • Welcomed Ms. Burkhart back :-)
  • Passed out online textbook usernames and passwords (see me to get yours if absent)
  • Test onindependent reading book (see or email me asap for an appointment time if you were absent)
  • Homework: If you finished the Anglo-Saxon handout from the sub last Friday, you don't have any homework; otherwise, finish that handout!

Thursday, September 9th:

  • Journal #1: When I was (fill in your age here).... All journalsshould be about one page.
  • Collected signed expectations (and other documents from 1A)
  • Checked essay topics
  • Changed Class Expectations from a high score of 50% to a high score of 70% for late work
  • Reviewed "Do's" of college essays (language notes section)College Dos and Don'ts.doc
  • Passed out new project guidelines and book listsNovel project honors 1 2010.docChecklist of Books Students Should Read Before Going to College 2.docx
  • Homework: 1-Type up 1st draft of college essay #1 2- Bring in the book you plan on reading for the project (read the instructions carefully!)

Tuesday, September 7th:

  • No journal
  • Passed out and went over Class Expectations
  • Filled out index card information
  • Discussed college essays
  • Homework: 1- GetClass Expectations signed 2- Bring in 5 college essay topics, including the names of the colleges