



Athletic Facilities usage (i.e. practice, competition, special events, rentals, camps, &/or clinics) is coordinated and approved by the Assistant Director of Athletics or designee. Coaches and athletic staff are prohibited from scheduling athletic facilities. Athletic Facility usage will be prioritized in the following order:

a.  Traditional season intercollegiate athletic practices and contests

b.  Non-traditional season intercollegiate athletic practices and contests

c.  Rec Sports programming

d.  Stonehill community authorized events (i.e. special events, camps, and/or


e.  External individuals/groups with prior approval from Athletics and

Conference and Events

Traditional/Non-Traditional Athletic Seasons - Procedures:

1)  Coaches must submit the NCAA Compliance Calendar to the Senior Associate Director of Athletics (Compliance) with regard to NCAA compliance. If approved, it will be then sent to Assistant Director of Athletics (Operations) for final approval with regard to athletic facility priority/availability.

2)  All schedules must be adhered to in regards to practice start times, end times, and assigned locations. In most cases, all athletic facilities are being used by multiple teams and cannot accommodate any changes to the approved schedules.

3)  Coaches must notify the Assistant Director of Athletics (Operations) in the event of a practice schedule change (i.e. time change, addition, & cancellation). This schedule request for change must be an email notification 48 hours in advance (unless emergency does not permit). If approved, an email will be sent by Assistant Director of Athletics (Operations) to all relevant parties updating them of the change.

4)  Up-to-date calendar style and itemized schedules will be provided to all administrators and coaches through use of the Campus Calendar. Please go to the following address to get the most up-to-date schedule: www.stonehill.edu/calendar and click on the filter labeled: NCAA Athletics.

Internal Camps - Procedures:

1)  Coaches must confirm list of dates to host camp(s) to Sports Camp/Clinic Coordinator.

2)  If approved, it will be then sent to Assistant Director of Athletics (Operations) in conjunction with Conference & Events for final approval.

3)  All schedules must be adhered to in regards to start times, end times, and assigned locations. In most cases, all athletic facilities are being used by multiple teams and cannot accommodate any changes to the approved schedules.

4)  Up-to-date calendar style and itemized schedules will be provided to all administrators and coaches through use of the Campus Calendar. Please go to the following address to get the most up-to-date schedule: www.stonehill.edu/calendar and click on the filter labeled: NCAA Athletics.

Internal Clinics - Procedures:

1)  Coaches must submit requests to host clinic(s) to Sports Camp/Clinic Coordinator.

  1. Once approved, you will be required to complete the Special Events Operations form (Attached).
  2. Following the completion of this form, a meeting will be set-up between a member of the coaching staff of the sponsoring sport Sports Camp/Clinic Coordinator, and Assistant Director of Athletics (Operations) to discuss this event in more detail.

2)  All schedules must be adhered to in regards to start times, end times, and assigned locations. In most cases, all athletic facilities are being used by multiple teams and cannot accommodate any changes to the approved schedules.

3)  Up-to-date calendar style and itemized schedules will be provided to all administrators and coaches through use of the Campus Calendar. Please go to the following address to get the most up-to-date schedule: www.stonehill.edu/calendar and click on the filter labeled: NCAA Athletics.

4)  For all external clinics (i.e. any group that is not directly affiliated with Stonehill College), please refer to the External Group procedures.

Special Events - Procedures:

1)  The following are procedures to be followed for special events:

a.  Alumni Game (Must be included in NCAA Compliance Calendar)

b.  Regular Season or Non-Traditional Tournament (Following approval from Assistant Director of Athletics/Scheduling)

  1. Once approved, you will be required to complete the Special Events Operations form (Attached).
  2. Following the completion of this form, a meeting will be set-up between a member of the coaching staff of the sponsoring sport and Assistant Director of Athletics (Operations) to discuss this event in more detail.

c.  Opponent Practice Time

  1. Once approved, a member of the coaching staff for Stonehill College of that sport will be responsible for opening, closing, and securing all areas (i.e. court, field, locker room, and/or etc.) to be used by opposing team before and after the conclusion of the practice.

d.  Athletic Fundraising Event/Tournament

  1. Once approved, you will be required to complete the Special Events Operations form (Attached).
  2. Following the completion of this form, a meeting will be set-up between a member of the coaching staff of the sponsoring sport and Assistant Director of Athletics (Operations) to discuss this event in more detail.

External Groups - Procedures:

1)  Stonehill College athletic facilities usage by any external individual/group MUST be made through the Conference and Events (C&E) department.

2)  Facility Reservation Request Form (Attached) or can be completed online @ www.stonehill.edu/calendar and click on the My Requests tab at the top of the page.

3)  Each facility can be rented by the game, practice, or by the day(s). A schedule of game times and practice sessions must be submitted to the C&E Department at the time of booking. Any changes must be made at least 24-hours in advance.

4)  The following is the insurance requirements for external groups:

  1. A certificate of insurance naming Stonehill College as a named insured will be required.
  2. The form of this certificate must be acceptable to Stonehill College, its legal counsel, and insurance underwriter.
  3. Minimum insurance requirements form (Attached).

5)  Fees to use Stonehill College athletic facilities will be agreed to in advance and listed in the license agreement. These fees will be directly billed to the external group via C&E. Fees could include for security, facilities management, preparation, and cleanup.

6)  Once C&E confirms rental agreement with an external group, a reservation will be generated. The external individual/group liaison must have this reservation at all times while using the rented athletic facility.

7)  The reserved facility can only be used on the scheduled days and times. Stonehill College Campus Police will be notified of the athletic facility use. Teams or individuals using Stonehill College athletic facilities without a reservation will be escorted off of the property.

8)  The following intercollegiate athletic facilities may be reserved by external groups:

  1. WB Mason Stadium Soccer Practice Field - North
  2. Skyhawk Field Soccer Practice Field - South
  3. Lou Gorman Field Tennis Courts
  4. Gartland Field Merkert Gym

REMEMBER: All uses for Stonehill College athletic facilities by outside groups MUST be handled by the C&E Department. Do NOT make promises to allow friends or associates to use the intercollegiate athletic facilities.



The following procedures are in place to ensure proper care of all athletic facilities.


1)  Maintenance requests will be directed to the Assistant Director of Athletics who serves as liaison with the College facilities division and outside contractors.

2)  Special care (i.e. weeding, net repair, & etc.) should only be conducted by a member of our Athletic Facilities Management staff.

3)  Coaches are encouraged to inspect facilities well in advance (minimum of six to eight weeks) of their season to express their needs concerning facilities maintenance.

4)  Coaches should communicate any rule changes pertaining to intercollegiate athletic facilities (i.e. layout of field/court, new equipment, renovations, and/or etc.) in a timely manner.

5)  After each practice/game, all teams are responsible to pick up their respective team bench area to remove items such as gum wrappers, athletic tape, cups, programs, & etc.

6)  All signage (with prior approval from Assistant Director of Athletics) must be removed immediately following the event. Examples of this signage are cups, posters, balloons, streamers, & etc.

7)  For all outdoor use teams, please alternate the specific areas on your designated practice facility for repetitive drills. Repetitive drills in the same area will cause permanent damage that cannot be repaired during your season. If you need additional lines painted to designate as a drill area, please contact the Assistant Director of Athletics with your request.

8)  Facilities improvements need to be cleared by the Director of Athletics or designee through the Assistant Director of Athletics. Plans should be presented one year in advance of the first scheduled contest to leave time for project engineering, bidding, performance of the job and follow-up.



The policy of the Stonehill College Athletic Department in response to medical emergencies that requires transport will be as follows:


1)  A certified athletic trainer will contact Campus Police via radio or phone.

2)  A certified athletic trainer will inform both the coach and home events coordinator of the situation.

3)  The home events coordinator will be responsible for all crowd control, assist the certified athletic trainer where necessary, and ensure that each team is located in their designated areas.

4)  The home events coordinator will open any access gates necessary based on location for Campus Police and/or Emergency vehicles (Locations of access points denoted below).

5)  If emergency situation warrants, the certified athletic trainer will inform the coach and home events coordinator that parental notification is necessary.

Stonehill College Venue Specific Transport Locations-

Stonehill Athletic Venue
/ Primary Access
Location / Notes
W.B. Mason Stadium / Access Road behind Stadium / Access Gates must be opened prior to event to allow for clear access
Lou Gorman Baseball Field / Access Road behind Field / Access Gates must be opened prior to event to allow for clear access
Fr. Gartland Softball Field / Access Road behind Soccer Scoreboard / Access Gates must be opened once situation has been determined that it will involve a transport
Skyhawk Field / Access Road behind Soccer Scoreboard / Access Gates must be opened once situation has been determined that it will involve a transport
Charles Watts Tennis Courts / Grotto / N/A
Soccer Practice Fields / Access Road behind Stadium / Access Gates must be opened prior to event to allow for clear access/Will allow emergency vehicle to park between two fields
Merkert Gymnasium / Basil Moureau Way to North side Emergency Doors / Emergency Access Doors must be opened just prior to Emergency staff arrival
Ames Sports Complex / Front Entrance / N/A
Rec Fields*
Prax. Track Throwing Area) / Access Road at Yellow Gates and/or Holy Cross Center Access Road / Access Gates must be opened once situation has been determined that it will involve a transport

*Rec Fields has been designated as the location for any airlift emergency.

**This emergency transport procedure will be discussed annually with Athletic Department administrators, Athletic Trainers and Campus Police.



The responsibility for terminating an athletic activity in the event of lightning, severe weather, and/or storms lie with the certified athletic trainer in conjunction with the home events coordinator. The certified athletic trainer will communicate with the home events coordinator and/or his/her designee of the potential for a lighting strike, severe weather, and/or storm, and will make the recommendation that all activities stop immediately, when appropriate. The policy of the Stonehill College Athletic Department will be as follows:


1)  A certified athletic trainer will watch for lightning and listen for thunder, and will be responsible for keeping track of the “flash / bang” count**;

2)  A certified athletic trainer will also monitor local weather radar & media outlets for severe thunderstorm, tornado, hurricane, and/or other severe weather watches / warnings.

3)  When the “flash/bang” count is greater than 40 seconds, and/or a severe weather watch has been issued, a certified athletic trainer will notify the home events coordinator and/or his/her designee.

4)  When the “flash/bang” count reaches 40 seconds or less, and/or a severe weather warning has been issued, a certified athletic trainer will notify the camp / clinic coordinator and/or his/her designee. At this point, all practice/game activities are to cease immediately, and ALL personnel are to evacuate to a safe structure or location.

5)  A safe structure or location is defined as- “any sturdy, fully enclosed, substantial, and frequently inhabited building that has plumbing and/or electrical wiring that acts to electrically ground the structure”. Examples of locations that routinely DO NOT meet the criteria include-

·  Baseball / softball dugouts

·  Baseball / softball “covered” batting cages

·  Outside storage sheds

·  Canopy / awning / tent

6)  In the absence of a sturdy, fully enclosed, substantial, and frequently inhabited location as described above, a secondary structure such as a fully enclosed vehicle with a hard metal roof, rubber tires, and completely closed windows can provide a measure of safety. Persons should not touch the sides of the vehicle! Convertible and “soft-top” vehicles and golf carts do not provide a high level of protection and cannot be considered safe from lightning.

7)  Persons should avoid taking showers and using plumbing facilities (including whirlpools) and land-line telephones during a thunderstorm.

8)  If no safe structure or location is within a reasonable distance, personnel should find a thick grove of small trees surrounded by taller trees or a dry ditch. Everyone should assume the “lightning-safe” position- a crouched position on the ground with the feet together, weight on the balls of the feet, head lowered, and ears covered. DO NOT LIE FLAT! Minimize the body’s surface area and minimize contact with the ground.

9)  If unable to reach safe shelter, persons should stay away from the tallest trees or objects (i.e. light poles, flag poles, etc.), metal objects (i.e. fences, bleachers, etc.), individual trees, standing pools of water, and open fields. Persons should avoid being the highest object in an open field.

10) In situations where thunder and/or lightning may or may not be present, yet someone feels his/her hair stand on end and skin tingle, LIGHTNING IS IMMINENT! Therefore, all persons should assume the “lightning-safe” position as described above.

11) A cellular and/or portable remote phone is a safe alternative to land-line phones, if the person and the antenna are located within a safe structure or location, and if all other precautions are followed.