Advanced Placement Biology

Course Outline

I. Course Description

A.P. Biology is a class designed for students who have completed Biology and Chemistry with grades of “B” or better and who are possibly contemplating a major in a science related or medical field. Students can earn college credit (check with your chosen school) for the class by passing the A.P. Biology exam given on Monday, May 9, 2011. All students are strongly encouraged to take the A.P. exam.

The class will be conducted at the college level and students are expected to work accordingly. Students should attend class regularly, except in the case of an excused illness. Students will be expected to come to class prepared and on time. The overall success of the program depends in large part on each student meeting individual responsibilities. A significant portion of the content of this course will be covered independently by each student. Allowances should be made for substantial study time. An adequate amount of study time for college classes is to study two hours for every one hour in class. In this class we meet for five hours a week so the student should be studying for ten hours each week.

II. Major Themes of Advanced Placement Biology

Throughout the year we will be exploring the following major themes of this exciting subject. We will continually search for new ways to utilize these themes to establish connections between one topic and another. Each of these major themes permeates every topic in Biology.

-  Science as a process

-  Evolution

-  Energy transfer

-  Continuity and change

-  Relationship of structure to function

-  Regulation

-  Interdependence in nature

-  Science, technology, and society

III. Class Organization

Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
AP Lab / AP Lab / AP Lab / Lecture 1 / Lecture 2
Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10
Lecture 3 / Lecture 4 / Lecture 5/Review / Recitation/Lab/
Free Response Question Practice / Unit Exam

IV. Texts

1.  Campbell, and Reece, 2008. Biology (AP Edition), Eighth Edition, Benjamin, Cummings, San Francisco, CA.

2.  Campbell, and Reece, 2008. AP Biology Test Prep Series, 8th edition, Benjamin, Cummings, San Francisco, CA.


Attendance and Punctuality

In order to fully participate and understand the concepts in a science class, regular attendance is critical and is the responsibility of the student.

Punctuality is also important. Be on time to class each day in order to complete the daily assignment.

Absences and Make-Up Work

In the case of an excused absence, when the student returns, it is the student’s responsibility to collect the work they missed. Assignments and activities for the week are posted on the web page (, including homework assignments.

·  If there was an assignment that was due the day the student was absent, the student must hand that assignment to the teacher immediately when they return from the absence. No extra days will be given to complete the assignment.

·  If the student finds that they missed a worksheet, the student needs to get the worksheet out of the file folder in the front of the room. Each worksheet will have the student’s name on it and can be found in their folder for their period. The student will have one week to complete the assignment.

·  If a test has been missed, the student needs to approach the teacher immediately to schedule a time to make up an alternate test. Tests and quizzes need to be made up within one week of the absence.

·  If a laboratory/activity was missed, the student needs to approach the teacher and ask for an alternative assignment that must be handed in within one week from the absence.

1.  Assignments missed because of truancy, may not be made up for credit.

2.  If a student will be absent for several days, parents should contact the attendance office and request homework for the days the student will miss.

3.  As soon as the parent is aware that the student will be absent for 5 or more days, the parent should request independent study by contacting the attendance office or the Vice Principal in charge of Independent Study.

Late Assignments

Assignments are due by the end of the day, 2:50 pm. Late assignments will not be accepted for credit.

·  Per the student handbook, students who miss class for a scheduled school activity (sports, field trip, etc.) must meet the same deadlines as other students. These students are considered to be in attendance and must complete assignments in advance or make advanced preparations with the teacher.

Grading and Credits

The grading scale is as follows:

·  A 90% and above

·  B 80% - 89%

·  C 70 % - 79%

·  D 60% - 69%

·  F 59% and below

1.  Categories for grades are as follows:

a. Assignments – homework, classroom work, labs, etc. 40%

b. Quizzes, tests, exams 60%

2. Grades are based on overall percentages accumulated throughout the semester, not the average of the two quarter grades.

3. Any student earning less than a 70% at mid quarter (September, November, February, May) is at risk of earning only a D or in danger of failing will have a deficiency notice sent home.

4. Per school policy, students who earn a D or better will receive five credits per semester. Those who earn an F will receive no credits. Students who earn a grade of C or higher in an AP class will also receive an extra grade point calculated into their GPA.

5. Students are encouraged to complete all of the assigned work and to study so as to be prepared for quizzes and tests.

6. Parents now have access to ParentConnect to view their student’s current grades and assignments in the class. Please see the attendance office to obtain a username and password.

7. Every student has the ability to earn an A in this class, please do your best work to achieve your goals.

Classroom Rules and Consequences


1.  Be in your assigned seat with all required materials when the bell rings.

2.  No personal grooming during class. DO NOT apply make-up, spray perfume/cologne, apply lotion, comb hair, etc).

3.  Listen and follow direction, instructions, and rules the first time they are given. (This includes all school rules.)

4.  Respect others (students, teacher, and school) and their property.

5.  No food, gum, or drinks allowed in class, except bottled water.


1.  Warning

2.  Student and Teacher Conference

3.  Call Home

4.  Detention

5.  Referral to Office

Cheating Policy

All students must always do their own work. Students are expected to hold themselves to high standards of honesty and integrity. Involvement in deception and dishonest practices will be considered cheating and will result in loss of credit (The score for the assignments, quiz, test, etc. will be zero). Students will also have to accept the discipline consequences as outlined in the schools cheating policy (detailed in the student handbook).

Examples of this type of behavior include but are not limited to:

1.  talking during a test or quiz

2.  looking at another students quiz or test

3.  the use of a “cheat sheet” or other unauthorized notes during a test or a quiz.

4.  plagiarizing

5.  copying another students work

6.  forgery


In order for college credit to be given for this course, a substantial amount of time must be spent in the lab. Individual time may be required for laboratory exercises that extend into lunch. Any labs that are missed CANNOT be made up. There will be no excused laboratory exercises.

Notebook and Materials

Students should keep their coursework organized by topic in a notebook with dividers to use for studying for a test. This notebook will also be the students’ record of assignments and grades. The notebook is a tool to prepare for taking the AP test in May.


Exams will be given according to the AP Biology exam format

60% objective (multiple choice, true/false)

40% essay


In addition to the school’s tutoring program on Mondays and Wednesdays after school, I am also available to provide assistance to students outside of the regular instructional day (brunch, lunch, before school, and after school). Please refer to contact information below to set a time to come in.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, I am available for students and parents before and after school. Please call if you have any questions or concerns (951) 845-3171. I can also be contacted via email at .

Please sign and return the bottom of this page stating that you and your student have read and understand the processes and procedures in the class. Keep the remainder of the paper in your science notebook as a reference.


Mrs. Nelson, AP Biology

Please sign and return the bottom portion of this page to Mrs. Nelson by the end of the first week of school.

Print Student Name ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______

Student Signature ____________