2243 Burbank Avenue (Corner of Rose & Burbank)

Nashville, TN 37210

March 13, 2011

Sunday School: 10:00 a.m.

Morning Worship Services 11:00 a.m.

Evening Worship Services 6:00 p.m.

Church Website: http//

Pastor: Elder Barry Armour 615-822-4681– 615-812-6204

Pastor Email:

Music Director: Bro. Bert Lanier Sunday School Supt.: Bro. Terry Parker

Church Clerk: Bro. Billy Clemons

Deacons: Bro. Jimmy Hicks Bro. Bert Lanier

Bro. Don Langford Bro. James Quinn

God With Us Women’s Fellowship

March’s Women’s Fellowship has been changed to the 4th Tuesday, March 22, 6:30 p.m. – Mrs. Sue Woodard, Speaker. Faith Missionary Baptist Church Basement .God Bless you ALL!

Cindy Clemons


The Book of Revelation Study conducted by Elder W.T. Russell, 1979, has been transcribed in written form by Joyce Callis and is being made available to the church on CD. Terry Parker will be taking requests for the CD’s and are available without cost. If you would like a copy, let Terry know. The Book of Revelation, The Book of Daniel, and The Man of Sin will soon be added to our Faith Website.


Virgil Shoulders lost his sister, Kathryn Whitley, who attended McFerrin. Keep this family in your prayers.

Please remember to pray for Christie and Nathan, friends of the Clemons family who have visited us at Faith.

Dillon will be preaching this Sunday at Hendersonville Baptist Church. Remember Dillon as he needs our

prayers. Hendersonville Church has lost her pastor and they need our prayers also.

One of the soldiers to whom a box of goodies was sent expressed his appreciation. It seems that the camp was flooded and some of their food was affected along about the time that the box came, so he shared it with his buddies. Remember to pray for our soldiers in that foreign land so far from home.

A friend of Mary Jo Whaley’s and Jimmy Hicks is somewhat withdrawn and they tried to visit her last Sunday. They were able to talk to her. Let’s pray for their efforts in regard to this friend.

Gary Quinn is better but still has health problems. Pray for his health. His daughter has no testimony of having been saved, so pray that she will be able to hear the gospel and be saved and there will be opportunities for her to come to church.

Billy Clemons has a burden for those who were once among us and who have, for whatever reason, stopped attending church on a regular basis. Pray for these members that they’ll return.

Irene Patterson’s great grandson had his tonsils removed this past week and came through it in a great way. You can’t get a little guy down that is so interested in playing. In fact, he didn’t want to leave the children’s hospital in Knoxville because he was so well entertained. He is doing good and he had had breathing problems before going to surgery but he is fine now.

The Clemons family is on vacation this coming week. They are on a skiing trip. Pray for their safe trip. We hope they have an enjoyable vacation.

Sonny Callis has a cousin whose wife passed away a couple of weeks ago and he has been in the hospital since before her death. He had both legs removed this past week. Please remember him when you pray. He is also a dialysis patient.


Hendersonville Missionary Baptist Church
221 Rockland Road
Hendersonville, TN 37075
Sunday, March 13, 2011 at 11am.


Tracey Choate Armour

My physical birthday is May 6, 1967. I was born the daughter of Billy and Betty Choate of Lafayette, Tennessee. I was carried to church at Days Cross Roads Missionary Baptist Church during their Sunday church services, and I attended Sunday School at Lafayette Missionary Baptist Church. My spiritual birthday was on a Sunday in July. I think that I was around eleven years old, but I’m not one hundred percent sure of the age and the date. It was Sunday morning, Revival time, at Days Cross Roads Missionary Baptist Church. In my mind I had planned out the details of how I would seek God when He decided to deal with me. I had even planned out which altar that I wanted to seek at, but God was in control and that crowded Sunday Revival morning in July, the Lord decided to deal with me. I was burdened so badly and I knew that I was lost. I thought that I could push the pains away. My mom looked at me and asked if I was lost, and those few words were all it took to get me to move. I’m not sure how I made my way to the altar through all the people, but I did. I didn’t worry about any of those things that I had planned out in my mind. My burden was so heavy, and I needed relief. I ended up on the font bench of the Amen’s section of the church during a crowded Sunday Revival meeting. I knelt at the altar and prayed and prayed, begging the Lord to save my lost soul. I felt like I was praying at Jesus’ feet. I kept praying until I felt peace come into my soul. and that heavy burden was gone, and I knew the Lord had saved my soul. I stood up and told the church that He saved me. Years later I was led to join Lafayette Missionary Baptist Church and was baptized by Elder Benny Maggart. In 1991, I married Barry Armour and we moved to Hendersonville, Tennessee, and after visiting several churches, I started attending Victory Missionary Baptist Church. Years later I felt led to join this church. I remained a member at Victory Missionary Baptist Church until 2010, when the Lord led me to join Faith Missionary Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee, where my husband, Barry, pastors.


Taken From “Why I Am A Baptist” by F.L. Ray

Elder Fountain L Ray

I was born March 12, 1907. My birthplace is Jackson County, Gainesboro, Tennessee. My parents were Jim (Bob) and Leona McCoin Ray. I am the third child in a family of twelve children, six boys and six girls.

My religious surrounding as I grew up was of the Methodist and Presbyterian faith. There were no Baptists in the community at all and I knew nothing of the Baptists and what they believe until I was more than twenty years of age. The only time I can recall attending a Baptist service was at Gladdice Baptist Church in Jackson County. I was about thirteen years old. I attended a revival service. According to the record, Elder C.B. Massey was the pastor of this church at the time I attended it, but I do not remember him from that time.

In the year of 1924 I left Jackson County and came to Sumner County near Goodlettsville, Tennessee. In the fall of the same year I became an employee of DuPont Rayon Company. I worked for this company the most of the next eight years. During this time (in 1927) I met a fine young lady, Miss Estell Dickens. She had been reared by Baptist parents and in a community where there were nothing but Baptist people, but she had not been converted. On the twenty-second day of January, 1928, we were united in marriage. In the year of 1931 we moved to a community in Davidson County where we found an old-time Missionary Baptist Church, New Bethel. We began to attend services at this church. At about this time a man who called himself a Baptist preacher held a meeting at New Bethel. No doubt, he deceived a lot of people. Even so, he caused a great disturbance among the church membership and the church asked him to leave. Of course, this left the church without a pastor. This is when the Lord, without doubt, led the church to call Brother A.J. Sloan for her pastor. All of you who have heard Brother Sloan preach know what a great preacher he was.

Up until we moved to this community, I had not thought very much about my soul, and my eternal welfare. I began to think along this line. In the fall of 1931 one of my uncles passed away (Arthur Ray) who was a Baptist and a very good Christian man. This death affected my oldest brother (Estle Ray) to the extent that he became convicted of sin and was converted at his home about ten o’clock in the morning. I was there, and the testimony that he gave while he was praising the Lord for what he had done for him touched my heart very much. In fact, it resulted in the conviction of my soul. At this time I knew very little about the plan of salvation.. I did not go to anyone for instruction. Really, I did not know where to go. I did not know very much about what Baptists believed and taught. In fact, it seemed very strange to me, but when one is under conviction like I was they will seek relief somewhere. So I was like Solomon, I sought the Lord upon my bed at night, and I sought him by day. I had been taught that a little child could be brought up in the right way and that would be all that was necessary. I had been honest and had not engaged in the ungodly things as other boys did, but my trust in these things did not bring any relief to my soul. My burden was heavy and getting heavier each day. I knew I was blinded by the gods of this world and self-righteousness is one of the strongest gods of this world. No one can be saved until they turn away from their own self-righteousness. Finally, after a long and hard struggle with sin through the winter and into the next spring, one April morning about eight o’clock, I was plowing in the field and, by the grace of God I was able to lay down all that I had been holding to and trusting in; and with Godly sorrow, a broken heart, and deep conviction, I repented of all my sins and put my trust in the Lord who died for me that I might live. It was there and then that my burden rolled away and peace, joy, and hope came into my soul. Yes, I know I’ve been redeemed; I’ve been washed in the blood of the Lamb. I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind and now I see. (For the sake of brevity, and space, I will have to summarize now.) Bro. Ray attended New Bethel for three years after he was saved and listened intently to the preaching of Bro. A.J. Sloan and he knew he was hearing the truth, “For ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. He finally told the church his experience of salvation and he united with New Bethel. He was baptized by Bro. Sloan in September, 1935. He further related that his call to the ministry occurred the same day that he told his experience and joined the church but he waited until the spring of 1938 to announce to the church his call to preach the gospel. He was ordained November 17, 1939.


4th Annual Benefit singing –Old Fashion Gospel Hour - Trousdale County High School, Highway 25, Hartsville, TN. March 19, 2011, 1:00 p.m.

McFerrin Spring Revival - March 20-22, 7:00 p.m. – Bro. Mark Carver and Bro. David Woodard.

Old Paths – 402 College Street, Smyrna, TN – Spring Revival – Beginning March 24-27, 2011, 7:00 p.m. Elder Mark Horton to assist Pastor, Elder Jason Wheeley.

Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist – Spring Revival – Beginning April 14-, 2011, 7:00 p.m. - Nolensville Rd., Nashville, TN.

Harvest Missionary Baptist Church – Spring Revival – 192 Curtis Crossroads,Hendersonville, TN April 16-20, 2011 – Elder David Anderson.

2011 JUBILEE -Huntington Missionary Baptist Church 11110 Lexington St
Huntingdon TN 38344
April 29 & 30, 2011
Featuring: The Union Trio, The Spear Trio, The Wilburns, The Victory Quartet, The Huntingdon Choir and more! Speakers - Bro, Lynn Stapleton, Pastor and Bro. Randy Thompson
For more information - call 731-986-4192 or email or check out their website

Victory Missionary Baptist Summer Revival - July 17-24, 2011

McFerrin – Summer Revival - July 24-29 – Bro. Ron Spurgeon and Bro. Luke Spurgeon, 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

New Bethel –Summer Revival – August – Bro. Neal Forshee Assisting the pastor, Elder Jerry Shrum.


Submitted by Jean Langford

The Lord is BEFORE His People

Micah 2:13 “The breaker is come up before them;

they have broken up and have passed through the gate, and have passed through the gate, and have gone out by it: and their king shall pass before them, and the Lord on the head of them.

The Lord is BEHIND His people

Psalms 139:t5 Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.

The Lord is ABOVE His people

Deuteronomy 33:12 And of Benjamin he said, The Beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by him; and the Lord shall cover him all the day long, and he shall dwell between his shoulders.

The Lord is BENEATH His people

Deuteronomy 32: 11-12 As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, heareth them on her wings: So the Lord alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him.

The Lord is AROUND His people

Psalms 125:2 As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about his people from henceforth even for ever.

The Lord is WITH His people

Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel which being interpreted is, God with us.

The Lord is IN THE MIDST of His people

Isaiah 12:6 Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee