Notify Technology Corporation

Notify BlackBerry Installer Release Notice

Revision History
Date / Author / Description of Changes
2011.11.15 / Jodie Grazier / Updated to indicate that NBI is no longer needed after upgrade to NS 4.10.
2011.04.04 / Yuanchao Lu / 3.3.0 Release, Updated the version.
2010.09.30 / Dave Poduska / 3.3.0 Release
2010.01.27 / Thomas Eiszler / 3.2.0 Release, Added Known Issues
2009.05.21 / Ambrose Krapacs / Updated details of previous releases.
2009.05.15 / Ambrose Krapacs / 3.1.0 Release
2009.03.20 / Ambrose Krapacs / 3.0.2 Release
2008.11.19 / Ambrose Krapacs / 3.0.1 Release
2008.11.04 / Ambrose Krapacs / 3.0.0 Release

Notify Technology: Release Notice

Supported Devices

Installation Package

Important Notes

Known Issues


Version: 3.3.0 (Build 1869)

Version: 3.2.0 (Build 924)

Version: 3.1.0 (Build 2)

Version: 3.0.2

Version: 3.0.1

Version: 3.0.0

Notify Technology: Release Notice

Date: 04/04/2011

Product: Notify BlackBerry Installer

Supported Devices

BlackBerry devices running BlackBerry OS 4.2.1 or later.

Installation Package

Desktop Installer
NotifyInstaller.alx / Installer for Blackberry OS 4.2.1 and later.
Notify BlackBerry Installer / 3.3.0
1 / NotifyInstaller /

Important Notes

  1. NotifySync v4.10 incorporates checking for updates and installing updates. After installing or upgrading to NS 4.10, the Notify BlackBerry Installer is not needed. It is recommended that this application be uninstalled after NS 4.10 is successfully running.
  2. Notify Installer will only indicate that updates are available for NotifySync and associated products.
  3. Application dependencies are enforced when installing and uninstalling applications. If a sub-application is selected without its parent application or if an application is selected without selecting application dependencies the required applications will be automatically selected when you attempt to perform the install, upgrade, or uninstall.

Known Issues

  1. When upgrading Notify Installer from the Blackberry Desktop Manager, an error is displayed stating that the application is not compatible and could not be loaded. This is an issue with the Desktop Manager; Notify Installer will still be updated if you proceed with the upgrade.
  2. If the phone is in use when Notify Installer checks for updates, errors will be received because it cannot make a network connection.


Version: 3.3.0 (Build 2705)

Description: Public Release

Date: 2011.04.04


  1. Added additional parameters to enable downloading of NotifyMDM.

Version: 3.3.0 (Build 1869)

Description: Public Release

Date: 2010.09.30


  1. Blackberry OS 6 is supported.

Version: 3.2.0 (Build 924)

Description: Public Release

Date: 2010.01.27


  1. Added background thread to perform automatic updates and notify the user if any updates are available.
  2. Perform a check for update when launching the application.

Version: 3.1.0 (Build 2)

Description: Public Release

Date: 2009.05.15


  1. General bug fixes and improvements.
  2. Localizations for the following languages:
  3. Chinese (Simplified)
  4. Chinese (Traditional)
  5. French
  6. German
  7. Italian
  8. Spanish
  1. A “More Options” menu item is available in the Advanced Settings screen to allow configuration of the installation sources (for touch-screen device compatibility).
  2. The “Registration Email Address” has been removed from the Advanced Settings since it is no longer used.

Version: 3.0.2

Description: Public Release

Date: 2008.03.12


  1. Additional special version brandings were added to allow installation of different product versions.
  2. You are no longer prompted to enter the “Registration Email Address” when installing certain application.

Version: 3.0.1

Description: Public Release

Date: 2008.11.19


  1. Improved the application startup processing to reduce the delay at launch.
  2. General improvements and bug-fixes for installing and uninstalling software.

Version: 3.0.0

Description: Public Release

Date: 2008.11.05


  1. All modules are compressed before downloaded and then decompressed after download to decrease the size of the application during downloading and installing.
  2. Uninstall NotifyLink command has been removed from the Advanced Options. All applications can now be uninstalled from the main application list. When uninstalling Notify products all application data files will also be removed.
  3. Application dependences are now supported and enforced.

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