NCYC Chaperone,

Leading NCYC can be much more than showing up in November with your bag packed, forms submitted and balance paid (though these things are important!) As a chaperone, you are the spiritual guide for 4-6 teens. We hope to use NCYC as more than just a one time “Jesus High.” In order to help NCYC fit into the big picture, we need your help and commitment.

Consider now that after you build these relationships with the teens, we’d love for you to continue journeying with them until the end of the year. You probably signed up thinking you would help supervise teens for a few days – nothing more. If so, thank you! This is a great service. What is desperately needed for teens is a Church that is willing to meet them where they are and show them to be unafraid. The Church is here to support them, relate to them and listen to them. This is called relational ministry. NCYC is a great opportunity for you to provide this for the teens in your group.

Before we leave for NCYC, we will be using the following process in building relationship with the teens:

Preparation Process

  1. Getting to know the individual teens
  2. Community building with your small group
  3. Opening the doors of Trust
  4. Struggle together
  5. (Optional) Challenging one Another

Stage One:Show them you care.Understand where they’re coming from.What does their daily and weekly life look like?What are their goals?What do they pray for, or need intercession for?Learn their names, and what makes them different.

Stage Two:Show them they belong.A community that supports them exactly how they are is in the Catholic faith.They should not have to compromise who they are or their values.We all desire to be known by our peers, and we provide a safe environment for them to do that.Figure out where they fit in their family, schools and your own small group.

Stage Three:Show them how to be authentic.Be honest and expect honesty out of them.Discuss how superficial high school and media encourage us to be.What is the countercultural act to that?Provide a space where they can express whatever is on their heart, what they fear and what they long for.Help them to become confident in this.Let them know you are listening and are here to support them.

Stage Four:Show them how to live with doubt. Faithful people ask plenty of questions of God.It’s possible to be a great Catholic who doesn’t understand God’s plan, who struggles with injustice in the world and regularly faces opposition – in fact, these are key to some of the most remarkable witnesses of faithfulness and grace.This is when leaders are born.Our Baptism calls all of us to be a leader in some kind; Confirmation is how the called are equipped.

Stage Five:Show them how to listen to God. Model a confident faith yourself that listens to

Jesus and obeys His call, even when it is difficult, because you know that He loves you, believes in you and that you can make a difference.Challenge the teens beyond what is “normal” lukewarm Christianity.Allow them opportunities to grow and show them they have what it takes.Study developmental stages of faith.Encourage teens to surrender to God, embracing the adventure discipleship in Jesus Christ.

NCYC Meeting Tracks

BASIC: Good for anyone and everyone

FOUNDATION: Forming Adults (Chaperones Only)

LEAD: Teen Empowerment (Upperclassmen who can be empowered with leadership)

NEXT LEVEL: Growing your ministry (For teens who are up to a challenge, but not yet ready for leadership)

Sessions at a Glance


Stage 1: Show them you care / ALL PLAY
Stage 2: Show them they belong / EXPECT GOD
Stage 3: Show them how to be authentic / BETTER
Stage 4: Show them how to live with doubt. / HYPE
Stage 5: Show them how to listen to God. / IMAGINE
Stage 1: Show them you care / SEA & SKY / SPEAK UP / ASLEEP
Stage 2: Show them they belong / DARKNESS BRIGHT / OVERFLOW / SERVE
Stage 3: Show them how to be authentic / SNOW & RAIN / SPLIT / 2x2
Stage 4: Show them how to live with doubt. / HEARTS OF STONE / WHITE FLAG / ISLANDS
Stage 5: Show them how to listen to God. / WIND & FLAME / SERPENTS & DOVES / EMPTY
Leading a post-NCYC Program / PARADOX

After NCYC, your group may want to keep meeting weekly, even for 45 minutes.Prayerfully keep this a possibility in your schedule.Teens need a constant presence and mentor in their life. Preparing for NCYC and experiencing it alongside them puts you in the perfect place to serve as a companion on their spiritual journey.Many NCYC chaperones become Confirmation sponsors in the lives of their “assigned” teen.Keep an open mind about how a little bit of your time once or twice a month might make a life-changing impact.