Personal Progress Mission Possible

New Beginnings

Escape room Video

Video: WWW News Station Broadcast


Holly Gast(Taylie) “I am Holly Gast, and this is a special WWW breaking news report. An unstable and unknown chemical has been detected in the worlds water supply. The Diabolical Duke of Darkness or the DDD (photo of Dr. Duffenswartch with test tube) has developed a toxin that will turn us all into his slaves. Several reports have been coming out from around the world from very reliable sources (Photo of President Monson, Bishop Sheffield) confirming that this toxin will make us unable to make decisions for ourselves and be totally under the influence of the DDD. Our Special World Catastrophe Correspondent, Emma Comforter, has more on the story”

Emma Comforter(Jodi) “Yes Holly, this is verybad news for the inhabitants of the world. Government agencies have confirmed that if we do not find an antidote, we will soon be unable to make decisions for ourselves and essentially lose our free agency. This is indeed a very sad day for everyone. Back to you Holly”

Holly Gast(Taylie) “Thank you Emma. We can only hope and pray that someone has found a way to save us all before the DDD has his way. This has been a special breaking news report” (Pick-ups a water bottle off the desk and turns to someone off screen) “Do you know when this was bottled?”

Mission Objective: Recording and Live performance



Colonel Goggins: (Melene)

“ATTENTION! Please stand by for the General.”


Static and wavy lines on screen..Major Monogram

General Noble- Voiceover recording

(Mumbling) “Is this on? ….Troops! This is General Noble. I have been appointed commander over this Mission Possible team. There is indeed an antidote. The DDD has hidden the antidote and it is your mission to find it. You have been chosen especially for this mission. You have shown yourselves to be faithful soldiers and strong leaders. We have every confidence that you will successfully complete this task and save the world.

Once you are at your assigned meeting spot you will have only 30 min to complete the task. The DDD’s is clever, and his minions have already been alerted to our movements. We are running out of time!

I want to introduce you to your team leaders. (Melene, Karen and Taylie move and stand in front of the group) They will be leading and guiding you on this mission.

Your Operation Specialist is Colonel Goggins, she will be placing you in teams and giving you your assignments. Your Mission Monitors are Captain Barney and Lieutenant Barney, they will be onsite with you and will answer any question you may have.

As you begin this mission please remember to communicate and work with each other. Out there your team is your family. Work together, rely on each other and trust your monitor. If you do this, we cannot fail.

Colonel Goggins….”


Colonel Goggins: (Melene)

“All right, please listen carefully; we have a few mission guidelines that we are all going to follow. These guidelines keep us safe and help us to finish our mission successfully.”

(Rules on Screen)

#1- Do not move anything that has a “do not move” sign.

#2- Follow all instructions carefully and honestly

#3- Respect and be careful with the items inside the room

#4- Do not use the computer for anything other than the game

#5- Do not use your phone during the game (except for the timekeeper)

“We are now going to divide into teams, each team will need to assign one person to be the scribe and one person to be the timekeeper. When I say your name please join your assigned Mission Monitor. Parents you are on your Young Women’s team.”

(Read team assignments)

Captain Barney- Team Blue: read team assignments

Lieutenant Barney- Team Red: read team assignments

“General Noble….”


General Noble: voiceover recording

“Just a final word before you depart. I am sure you have heard the talk from the media, some officials and possibly even people close to you. They say to give up we cannot win. That being minions of the DDD would not be so bad. I say they are wrong. I say that our free agency is a gift we will never give up lightly or without a fight. You as chosen soldiers have the tools, the knowledge and the faith to carry out this mission. I say we CAN win, that this mission is NOT impossible, it is mission possible! Now go out there and save the world!”

Colonel Goggins:

“Team Dismissed”

Monitors lead their teams to their designated rooms. Monitors will make sure they have a scribe and timekeeper on each team. Remind them to follow the rules and communicate with each other.

Room Locations- YW and Priesthood rooms