1. Deal all cards out. Some may get more than others.

2. Person to the left of dealer starts play by asking any other player for a showdown.


1. At a given signal, each of the two players lays down one card.

2. If one card “eats” another, that player takes the “eaten” card.

3. If neither eats the other, it is a stand-off, and each returns his card to his hand and play

goes on to the next person.

4. If both cards “eat” each other, it is also a standoff.

5. Play goes on in this manner while cards are gradually revealed in the hands. When a

player’s turn comes and he knows where a certain card is that he can take with one of

his cards, then he can make a challenge.


1. The player demands a certain card and shows the card with which he can take it.

(“John, I want your grass card and I’m taking it with my deer card.”)

2. He then wins the card and is entitled to another turn.

3. As long as he can win cards in a challenge, he is entitled to another turn. (This does not

happen in a showdown, even if someone wins.)

4. If the challenger was wrong, and the person he challenged did not have that card, he

must give up his challenging card to the person wrongly challenged and his turn is


5. When a challenger is no longer sure where the cards are that he can take, he should

ask someone for a showdown, and this ends his turn.

6. If both animals can eat each other, the challenger takes the other card.


1. Death and decay may be used as a challenging card only once in a person’s turn.

2. It may be used in unlimited fashion in defending oneself in showdowns, however.

3. Some cards take death and decay cards.

4. In a showdown, they provide a stand-off.

5. In a challenge, the challenger wins.

6. A person may capture only one death and decay card by challenge in any one turn.