Wednesday 17 August 2005


Present: Jon Turnbull (Chair), Mary Fawcett (Vice Chair), Morag Jamieson, Caroline Smith, Owen Ball, Ian Jackson (Teacher Representative), Councillor John Loveday, Andrew Sutherland,

Janice Smith (Clerk)

Apologies: Chris Malins, Councillor Paul Johnson

JT opened the meeting and welcomed the new Clerk, Janice Smith.

Minutes of previous meeting on 7th June 2005 were approved.

JT advised there had been no correspondence to report over the summer and no notification of any upcoming events.

Action Points from Previous Meeting

1.  AS expanded on meeting with Robertsons in Huntly. Very positive – good discussions. Strong agreement to work together. D.West and Alice Thom are new people involved with school – made a difference already – bag racks, painting of PE changing rooms. With regard to tarmac recycling they have not said they will pay for it but will negotiate this and look at the implications. Mike Ramsay is the new link with Robertsons. School can action small/sensible items up to £500 – send bill to Authority and they will negotiate who will pay. Large expenditure, such as disability access needs to be negotiated first. Robertsons accepted there are areas where work needs to be done.

2.  AS advised getting together with local groups re. Career advice process. A Business Breakfast has been suggested. JT offered School Board assistance with contacts/networking.

3.  AS yet to check out frequency of hits on MA website.

4.  AS will check up on twilight catch up clubs when new staff have settled in.

5.  JT advised that CS and MJ to stand down at forthcoming Board elections in November but can be re-elected should no-one come forward. OB queried progress on longevity of School Boards and JT advised consultation available for public viewing in Edinburgh but no decisions made yet as far as he is aware.

6.  Touch typing – JT to write to Director of Education, Sohail Faruqi to see if Aberdeenshire Council could be persuaded to take this further. AS advised that MA has built typing skills into the school programme for S1 pupils.

7.  JL has spoken to PTU (Passenger Transport Unit) re. parking of school buses during the day. Already had complaints about parking in other areas of the village. PTU to speak to Robertsons and school to see if there are any safety implications but seems a better idea to use school bus park. Will get something organised with new contracts. CS asked if stagecoach taking over the tender.

8.  Robertsons agree that the pedestrian barrier is not right although it has been installed as per plan. This will be looked into.

Issues from Parent Members

1.  MF asked about 3-mile limit for school transport. JL advised new system had been put in place and passengers now required to buy in advance a season ticket at a cost of £250 per year. The season ticket can be purchased online or directly from the Council and replaces former system of buying a book of 10 tickets from the driver. Not everyone has been advised of the change of system and there have been several complaints. MF pointed out also that a place on the bus is not guaranteed. JL explained that members of the public can still use school transport but also have to have season ticket bought in advance (Council therefore have details of anyone using the buses). JL will look into whether children can use season ticket on other buses (e.g. going back to stay with a friend on a different bus).

2.  OB asked if any moves had been made to avoid use of double-decker buses and associated behaviour problems. JL advised that specification is biased towards single-decker buses and preferably with seat-belts, but to provide a cost effective service double-decker buses need to be used. AS pointed out that transport costs in Aberdeenshire are very high and Council are in difficult position.

JL advised that seat-belt laws depend on age of vehicle. There is no legislation in tender documents for seatbelts on double-decker buses but Council will give preference where they are fitted, but again costs have to be considered. He confirmed that the rate of children actually wearing seatbelts is very high at primary level and very low at secondary level.

3 MF enquired as to when the Inspector’s report would be available. AS advised that this would be at the end of August.

Head Teacher Report

1.  AS together with John Gerrard (Head of English) and Lyndsay May (Acting Head of Science) were in Dunblane for School Inspectors Conference on first day of term. They were invited to do presentation on ICT applications at MA. 160 inspectors at conference. Great opportunity for school and good response from inspectors.

2.  Seniors now wearing new uniform. Tie is not popular. AS will discuss with 5th years.

3.  2 new deputes – Dave Martindale and Alan Horberry. Re-drafted remits for new management team.

4.  16 new teachers started this term. Everyone looking forward to new session.

5.  AS passed round staff calendar showing curricular activities planned – more to be added in due course. CS noted girls’ hygiene talk but lack of same for boys. AS advised that the Health Board organises this but will investigate.

6.  95% return of pupils to 5th year.

7.  Parents newsletter going out next week.

Exam Results

The standard grade results have been excellent. AS will get comparative figures with other Aberdeenshire schools in a couple of weeks. He passed round synopsis of results. 30% of year group got top credit awards. IJ advised that the national figure is 3%. Very few of those achieving straight 1s are in streamed classes.

Education Department does comparison of Scottish schools looking at socio-economic indicators – family backgrounds, wealth, employment. 252 secondary schools in Scotland. 13 in our peer group. Of the top 25 secondary schools, 11 are in Aberdeenshire. AS estimated MA sitting in top 15 in Scotland. Full analysis available in November identifying areas doing well/not so well.

AS already contacted P&J and local papers. These results are a benchmark for the school and good for staff confidence.

PTA Report

1. “Battle of the Barras” scheduled for 24 September – wheelbarrow race up Barra Hill. There will also be a French café and craft fair ongoing at the academy. Helpers and crafters required. Day starts at 09.30 and estimated to finish around 2pm. Rotary Club distributed posters and providing 30 helpers on the day. More help required. An emergency PTA meeting is being held on Wednesday 24 August 2005 due to lack of helpers. MF suggested details of the day be included in forthcoming parents newsletter. – AS agreed. OB asked if an inter-schools event was anticipated. CS agreed to send posters to Ellon and Inverurie. Rotary have put posters out to all feeder schools.

£5 entry fee. Different age groups (including adults). Prizes for best dressed wheelbarrow, fancy dress, best team name. 2 people per wheelbarrow but barrows to remain empty due to health and safety. JT suggested PE Dept could get involved. AS to mention at assemblies next week. MJ suggested it might be worth making house point awards to teams.

JT suggested a School Board team!

2.  The PTA AGM is 12 September 2005.

Future Meetings

It was agreed that School Board meetings should be held every 6 weeks and the following dates were agreed for the year ahead:

Wednesday 28 September 2005

Wednesday 16 November 2005

Wednesday 18 January 2006 (Standards & Quality)

Wednesday 1 March 2006

Wednesday 26 April 2006

Tuesday 13 June 2006 (Development Plan)

An Open Evening will be held separately and Wednesday 10 May 2006 was agreed.

OB suggested that representative senior pupils be invited to attend Board meetings. JT will include this in Agenda for next meeting.

A sub committee meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday 31 August 2005 at 7.30 p.m. in the Redgarth.


It was agreed to try to keep length of meetings to within 2 hours.


AS / ·  Progress action with Robertsons on tarmac for a recycling area – currently with Robertsons
·  Inform Board as to hit frequency of MA website
·  Respond to suggestion on twilight catch up clubs for maths – pending
·  Respond on tie design for seniors
·  Check on whether hygiene education for boys as well as girls would be beneficial
JT / ·  Write to Mr. Faruqi for satisfactory response on touch typing
·  Provide AS with any Board input for Newsletter
PJ & JL / ·  Clarify payment requirements for children in 3 mile zone getting school bus to different location
All / ·  Support Battle of Barras
·  Sub-committee to revert


Wednesday 28 September 2005


Present: Jon Turnbull (Chair), Mary Fawcett (Vice Chair), Morag Jamieson, Caroline Smith, Owen Ball, Chris Malins, Ian Jackson (Teacher Representative), Andrew Sutherland, Janice Smith (Clerk)

Apologies: Councillor John Loveday, Councillor Paul Johnson

JT opened the meeting and welcomed Linda Evans

Minutes of the previous meeting on 17 August 2005 were approved.

Correspondence/Upcoming Events

1. JT passed round notice of Community Outreach Event to be held in Inverurie on Friday 7 October at which 5 MSPs will be present. This will be a presentation followed by a Q&A session. JT asked for any points the Board might want to raise. After discussion the following 3 suggestions were made:

-  Views on healthy eating in schools in light of recent government commitment to promote healthy eating in schools in England.

-  PFI – how are things moving forward in existing PFI schools - the management of a PFI school and education changes.

-  Touch typing in schools.

Possibly 3 representatives from the School Board will be able to attend this presentation.

2. School election notices have gone out in the post. 3 new parent members required. Closing date for nominations is 13 October, ballot papers by 23rd November and counting of votes on 24th November. MJ and CS to stand down but will contact David Harris to enquire about standing again.

Actions Points from Previous Meeting

1. Tarmac/Recycling area. AS still pursuing this. Will work around other ways of recycling if this doesn’t get up and running.

2. Frequency of hits on MA website - software only just installed to record this. AS will report back again in a couple of months.

3.  Twilight Clubs. Maths department under pressure currently so not pressing this currently. AS advised that maths and english tuition courses available via the web from Student Support Company. CS advised this is not a web based tuition system and DVDs have to be bought. Letter going out to parents. LE advised that MA managed to secure 2-week trial of software, Learn Scotland. Will put this to all principal teachers to look at. If feedback is good, might consider buying license and make available. Also trying to secure trial of another system. AS mentioned SSDA (Scottish Schools Digital Network) about to open up – web-based materials/tutorials. When developed will link into MA website – more information needed. Meeting with Director of Services in next 10 days to discuss staffing budget and AS hopeful there may be money available to put into twilight clubs.

4. School tie – now has smaller logo but only 50/50 approval. Still undecided. JT suggested putting this to the Pupil Forum. Fifth years could vote for choice of design. AS suggested and idea might be to give every new fifth year a tie as they enter senior school. MJ asked whether pupils can still wear original uniform in senior school or do they have to wear the senior school uniform - seems unnecessary expense. No-one has said you can’t wear 4th year uniform in 5th year.

5. Hygiene issue for boys. This has been addressed. IJ advised school nurse talking with boys on this specific issue.

6. JT passed round letter sent to Mr Faruqi re. Touch typing in schools. Talked with Mary Benton last week – MA has managed to procure typing training software. Will let department look at software once running. AS advised that Mr Faruqi visited MA last week, met teachers etc. Impressed with school.

7. School newsletter issued since last meeting.

8. Getting school bus to different location other than home - LE advised that the contract with the Authority states that they will transport children from their home and return but children without correct bus pass will not be allowed on different buses.

9. CS advised that Battle of the Barras was cancelled.

Issues from Parent Members

1.  MF asked on progress of design of new excursion permission form to avoid having to complete medical history details, etc. for every trip. LE met with 2 members of staff working on 2 different parts of a form. Now making sure it all works together – will then make available for School Board and staff. Aiming to set up 3 files – Day Trip, Overnight Trip, Foreign Trip. Lot of legislation which needs to be signed off in terms of up to date medical history, etc. Cannot assume that parents keep school up to date. New system should mean that there is one note for parents to complete. A better of idea of forthcoming trips for the forthcoming year would be helpful.