August 18, 2015 8:00 a.m.
COUNCIL: Darrel Thomas, President
Keith Berry, Vice President
Larry Parker
Jill Bridgewater
David Fuhrman
Phillip Gick
Gene Beck
AUDITOR: Lorie Hallett, Auditor
Evelyn Williams, First Deputy
The Putnam County Council met on August 18, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. at the Putnam County Courthouse. The meeting reconvened.
Superintendant Pucket and Director of Finance Jamie Barber – There is a loss in the general fund. She is hoping to they will be able to hold their own for the property tax based funds. Councilman asked several questions regarding the schools functions and projects.
David Penturf – The only change was asking for salary increase and $100 increase in conferences.
Sue Crafton – There was an increase in part time and full time hours and therefore increasing the 1000 series line items. Mr. Berry questioned the increase in 2014 line item office rent. Mrs. Crafton stated that they were now being charged rent and leasing a copier.
Mr. Thomas questioned the dues line item. He stated that they have other sources of income and should pay their dues out of that income. Mr. Gick pointed out that there is also a
Mark Evans – Stated that their interest is in working with contractual employees. Discussion was made. Mr. Evans explained that they did not fill their part time position. They have had so many changes with their process that they are still figuring out such things.
Mr. Evans went into detail about the tremendous educational programs that they provide.
Richard Lyon was not able to attend due to health issues. Mrs. Hallett stated she spoke with him. He did not change anything for his budget.
Questions were asked regarding the per diem expenses. Discussion was made. Mr. Thomas asked about the contractual labor line item increase. Mrs. Hallett stated that she had paid for the Maximus service out of her budget but can no longer do so.
Lorie Hallett – Mrs. Hallett explained that she may have to change her equipment line item later on.
Dr. Heavin and Joni Young – Mrs. Hallett explained that they have a tax-based fund that does effect the levy. Mr. Gick questioned the per diem/conferences line item. Mrs. Young stated that she has had new employees that have to go to training and several more open complaints that require travel. There has also been an increase for septic inspections. Mrs. Young stated they have also hired a new health nurse that requires traveling for training purposes. Discussion was made.
Mr. Thomas asked about the number of employees and their duties. Mrs. Young explained. Discussion was made on the new health insurance process. The increase in revenues helps the tax dollars.
Mrs. Young stated that her administrative assistant was moved to the Health fund. She stated that she would like to increase her pay due to her tremendous job efforts. She helps with all the offices located at the hospital, Corner, Planning & Zoning and Health Department. Dr. Heavin went into detail regarding the position and how the department continues to grow and offer more to the public.
This is a grant fund and does not have to be appropriated. Mrs. Young explained that she did budget for educational programs this year. She also budgeted for any equipment and programs that the Health Department may need instead of coming out of the levied fund.
Considerable discussion was made regarding the departments grants.
David Brown – Mr. Brown explained they did not ask for anything additional. Mr. Thomas asked about the uniform allowance being moved from Hazardous Waste to the Coroner’s county general. Discussion was made.
Mr. Brown went into detail regarding new projects they would like to get started in regard to transporting and equipment.
Mike Ricketts and Brenda Turner – Mr. Gick asked several questions regarding each line item and all increases. Mr. Ricketts explained. Mr. Berry asked about the increase in overtime pay. Mrs. Turner stated that it goes hand in hand with the department trying to do more projects on their own. Mr. Ricketts explained that they are not currently fully staffed. Discussion was made.
Mr. Ricketts stated that a lot of the department’s dump trucks are in very bad shape. They are trying to slowing replace the beds. Mrs. Bridgewater asked if they were still doing work at Heritage Lake. Mr. Ricketts stated they are.
Mr. Ricketts stated that they are getting most of their federal aids done for Cumulative Bridge.
Mr. Beck asked if they were still receiving the same amount for Local Roads and Streets. Mrs. Turner stated that they received a 2% increase.
Discussion was made on two covered bridges that were done and how wonderful the work is.
Nancy Dennis – Mrs. Dennis stated that she asked for salary increases and raised her supplies line item slightly. Mrs. Hallett asked about the Level II certification line item. Mrs. Dennis stated that the state has not been able to answer her on whether it should be included in her salary. Mrs. Dennis stated that she has two employees in her office that are currently working towards their Level III certification. Discussion was made.
Mr. Gick questioned the part time line item and whether it was being used fully. Mrs. Dennis stated that the only reason it does not is if she has a time gap in employment.
Tim Bookwalter – Mr. Bookwalter asked for 5% salary increase but did not change anything else. He stated that the line item for other services was put back in the budget because they were taken out of county general and moved to Pre-Trial Diversion. Discussion was made regarding the full time investigator and what a great job he does.
Mr. Bookwalter stated that they are working with Maximus and has received a considerable amount of money reimbursed.
Mr. Gick questioned whether the raise request was being requested out of the general fund or Title IV-D fund. Mr. Bookwalter stated it would only come out of the county general fund.
Mr. Bookwalter stated they have had trouble with the landlord not maintaining the building. They are currently looking into other options.
Robbie Cudnick – Mrs. Cudnick stated that she was changing vendors from Beacon to WTH. Mr. Thomas asked if there was any upgrade to the soils. Mrs. Cudnick stated that she is now receiving them from the state digitally. Discussion was made on Mrs. Cudnick’s salary.
Mrs. Hallett pointed out that the gentlemen running the program have submitted enormous amounts of mileage and reimbursements. She stated that she made Commissioner Berry aware of the situation. Discussion was made in detail regarding the work of the employees. Mr. Fuhrman asked that we get information from Hendricks County regarding the gentlemen because of the issue of the employees using their equipment. During the meeting it was discovered that they were being paid through Hendricks County as well.
Mr. Berry asked about the fire protection increase. Mrs. Hallett informed him that the amount charged was increased.
Kathleen VanArsdale – Budget stayed the same except for salary increase request. She went into detail of the microfilm process.
Brett Wagner, Jessica Jones – Mr. Gick questioned the mileage line item. Mrs. Jones stated that there will be a need due to adding a person to do inspections and the increase in work. Mr. Wagner stated that they have discussed of increasing the percentage on permits instead of raising the hourly rate. Mr. Fuhrman asked if they have seen their numbers go up. Mr. Wagner stated they have gone up, mainly in residential properties.
Thomas Helmer/David Costin – Mr. Berry questioned the increase in repairs and maintenance. Mr. Helmer stated that it’s mainly vehicle maintenance. Mr. Costin stated that all three salaries are reimbursable by half from the state.
Mr. Costin stated that they normally received all funding from the state and accumulates.
Mr. Costin stated the main changes in the general fund were utilities and repair/maintenance line items. The main change in the 911 Fund was the 5% salary increase. Mrs. Hallett stated that the fund is no longer fundable by itself. As long as the Public Safety Tax Ordinance is passed then it will be.
Mr. Fuhrman asked about the number of dispatchers on duty at one time. Mr. Costin stated he always has two and three during peek times.
Discussion was made regarding the new Public Safety Tax.
Jerry Williamson – Mr. Williamson stated he has saved $14,000 over the past 3 years due to having a provided vehicle. He also gave the councilman an insight as to the number of veterans in Putnam County.
Jaquie Clements went into detail regarding the CAGIT fund. If they reduce $143,000 insurance, $52,000 Sheriff salary, $200,000 Sheriff deputy fund, they could reduce the $395,000.
If went into 2016 and reduce Commissioner budget with PERF and health insurance could reduce
$85,000 – E911 medical insurance
County General – recorders perpetuation – move person from county general
E911 budget – move to LOIT
Prosecutor $30,000 in county general move to pre-trial.
Mr. Thomas – Extension office – full time
1. (a) This section applies to an employee beneficiary who:
(1) retires after June 30, 1997; and
(2) served in a county that has adopted an ordinance stating that the maximum monthly pension for an employee beneficiary who retires after June 30, 1997, shall be determined under this section instead of section 12(j) of this chapter.
(b) As used in this section, "average monthly wage" means the lesser of:
(1) the average monthly wage received by the employee beneficiary during the highest paid three (3) years before retirement; or
(2) the monthly minimum salary that a full-time prosecuting attorney is entitled to be paid by the state at the time the employee beneficiary retires.
(c) Except as provided in subsection (d), an employee beneficiary's monthly pension may not exceed twenty dollars ($20) plus one-half (1/2) the amount of the average monthly wage.
(d) The fiscal body of a county may approve an increase in the maximum monthly pension for an employee beneficiary. The maximum monthly pension may:
(1) be increased by one percent (1%) of the average monthly wage for each six (6) months of service after twenty (20) years; and
(2) not exceed seventy-four percent (74%) of the average monthly wage plus twenty dollars ($20).
As added by P.L.233-1997, SEC.2.
Jaquie Clements did an estimate for county general; reducing all salary increases to 5%. This would reduce county general by $46,000.
This would still put over levy by $600,000. Need to cut at least $200,000.
Darrel Thomas, President Keith Berry, Vice President
Larry Parker Jill Bridgewater
David Fuhrman Phillip Gick
Gene Beck Attest: Lorie Hallett, Auditor