CHAPTER 7 – “LEADERSHIP” Study Guide Name: ______

leadership / self-managed teams / Orpheus Process / diversity-conscious leadership
mirror-imaging / self-monitoring / instrumental leaders / expressive leaders / leadership styles
situational leaders / individualism / collectivism / large power distance cultures / culture shock
small power distance cultures / strong uncertainty avoidance / weak uncertainty avoidance
masculine cultures / feminine cultures / micro-level orientation / macro-level orientation
Ken Blanchard / GLOBE study / Geert Hofstede / Stephen Covey

I.  (p.220) What is Leadership? Why is it an interactive process? Leadership refers to the process by which people ______

i.  ______

ii.  ______

iii.  ______.

Can leaders exert both a positive or negative influence. ______

b.  (p.221) self-managed team ______.

c.  (p.222) Orpheus Process based on what? ______


II.  (p.223) What is Diversity Consciousness Leadership ______.

a.  (p.224) mirror-imaging When leaders engage in mirror-imaging, they do what?


III.  Who Can Be a Diversity-Consciousness Leader. Do behavioral theories of leadership accept the assumption that certain individuals are “born leaders?” ______

a.  Myth 1 ______

b.  Myth 2 ______

c.  Myth 3 ______

d.  Myth 4 (p.225) ______

e.  Myth 5 ______

IV.  Key Skills of a Diversity-Consciousness Leader?

a.  (p.226) ______

b.  (p.227) ______

c.  ______

self-monitoring? ______

(p.228) Monitoring bias: Bertrand and Multainathan—white or black sounding name

When leading across differences at work, someone views situations from a variety of perspectives, continually checks the assumptions he makes about others, and reflects on what he might do differently in the future. His ability to not just think about these things but actually do them relates most closely to what? ______

Why do they need to adapt, communicate inclusively and assess themselves?

V.  4 Building Blocks of Diversity Consciousness Leadership (and self test)

a.  (p.229) ______

b.  ______

c.  ______

d.  (p.230) ______

Describe Goldsmith and Morgan research about leaders. Did they find that if leaders understand what they need to do, they will do it? ______

VI.  (p.231) Leadership Theories: Contrast trait and behavioral theories.

a.  instrumental leaders ______. ______What is the main concern of instrumental leaders? Is it the well-being of group members? ______

b.  expressive leaders ______

c.  leadership styles

i.  ______

ii.  ______

iii.  ______- Do these leaders make all or most of the decisions and tend to keep power to themselves? ______

d.  (p.232) situational leaders? Do Situational leaders adapt their leadership style on the basis of the circumstances they encounter? ______Do Situational leaders adopt a democratic leadership style in all situations? ______

i.  Ken Blanchard

VII.  Leadership in a Cultural Context. Geert Hofstede’s 4 Dimensions: Did Hofstede’s study show that effective leadership strategies are universal______. Micro or Macro-level orientation. ______

a.  (p.233) individualism vs. collectivism Research on workers in 40 countries point to the impact of ______. U.S. is an example of an ______country.

b.  large or small power distance cultures U.S is a ______culture

c.  (p.235) strong or weak uncertainty avoidance In strong uncertainty avoidance societies, followers ______

d.  (p.236) masculine vs. feminine cultures Is Japan a feminine country? ______

e.  ______

f.  micro vs. macro-level orientation ______

g.  culture shock A leader from a highly collectivist, large power distance culture may have a difficult time adjusting to life in a highly individualist, small power distance culture. She/ he could experience feelings of disorientation and stress known as ______.

h.  GLOBE study ______

VIII.  (p. 238) The Diversity-Consciousness Leader of the Future

IX.  (p. 239) Leadership Development

X.  (p. 240) Future Challenges

Recent survey data collected by the Center for Creative Leadership examined how our thinking about leadership is evolving. Specifically, the Center found that people expect leadership in the future to be more ______

Ch. 7 Diversity SG

Review Questions

1. What is the Orpheus Process and how does it relate to leadership?

2. There are numerous myths about diversity-conscious leaders. Bucher discusses five of these myths. Which one of these five do you think contributes most to the idea that only a select few can be diversity-conscious leaders? Explain why.

3. Explain why diversity- conscious leaders need to 1) adapt, 2) communicate inclusively, and 3) assess themselves.

4. Explain what is meant by situational leadership and give an example.

5. What are the four building-blocks of diversity-conscious leadership? Explain each. For each building-block, explain why it is a necessary component of effective leadership.

6. Diversity-conscious leaders assess and monitor themselves. Explain.

7. Contrast trait and behavioral theories of leadership.

8. Contrast expressive and instrumental leaders.

9. You have been asked to construct questions for a survey designed to measure the diversity consciousness of leaders at your firm. What are six questions?

10. Compare and contrast authoritarian, laissez-faire, and democratic leadership styles.

11. Describe Hofstede’s four cultural dimensions and the relationship of each dimension to leadership.

12. Explain the difference between large power distance and small power distance cultures. Give an example of each.

13. The text discusses changes in our thinking regarding leadership skills. What leadership skills in the future will be critically important? Why?