IBCA 1st nine weeks


Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.

____1.A notebook computer is usually larger than a personal computer.

____2.The purpose of each function key may vary between software programs.

____3.When you press and release a mouse button twice in rapid succession, you are double-clicking the mouse button.

____4.All computer programs are viruses.

____5.Another word for "program" is "hardware."

____6.With technology, it is likely that high-skilled work will decrease in demand while semi-skilled work increases in demand.

____7.The small graphics that appear on the desktop to represent files and applications are called icons.

____8.In Windows Explorer, to see the date a file was modified, select “Thumbnail” in the view menu.

____9.There is no difference between the Log off and the Shut Down options on the Start menu.

____10.The Minimize button reduces the active window to a button on the taskbar.

____11.You can customize your desktop using the Control Panel.

____12.If a computer has multiple users, each user account can have a different theme.

____13.In the Folders bar, if a folder has a box next to it with a minus sign [-] in it, it means that the folder does not have any subfolders.

____14.The default document that opens when you start Word is named Document1.

____15.You can have more than one active document on the screen at a time.

____16.To switch from one document to another, click the document's name on the taskbar.

____17.As you enter text, the insertion point moves to the right.

____18.A telephone line can be a communications path.

____19Most LANs are made up of several connected WANs.

____20Computer information is stored digitally.

____21.All computers require an operating system.

____22E-mail that is sent through a company's network should not generally be considered private.

____23.The Internet and the World Wide Web are the same thing.

____24The Web is a subset of the Internet.

____25.A domain name identifies an IP address.

____26.Add-on software applications are available that can add specific features to your Web browser or other programs.

____27.HTML is the language that is used to create documents for the WWW.

____28.It takes just as long to receive an e-mail message as it does to receive a letter through the mail.

____29.Domain names help to identify the affiliation of an e-mail addressee.

____30.A keyword search can produce millions of hits.

____31.The more terms you combine in a search with OR logic, the fewer results you will receive.

____32.It is a misdemeanor to pirate software.

____33.In a well-developed Web document, you would commonly find the author's name or the contact person's name.

____34.Information presented on the Internet can be assumed to be true and accurate.

____35.When you use an Internet resource in a report, you must cite that source.

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____36.A(n) _____ is for the exclusive use of individuals within an organization and contains information only about and for that organization.

a. / Internet / c. / network
b. / intranet / d. / e-mail

____37.You use _____ devices to put commands into a computer.

a. / input / c. / messaging
b. / data / d. / presentation

____38.The _____ is the most common input device.

a. / modem / c. / keyboard
b. / scanner / d. / networking keyboard

____39.On a keyboard, the _____ keys allow you to move the position of the cursor on the screen.

a. / text / c. / function
b. / numeric / d. / arrow

____40.You can use the ____ to control the pointer on your computer screen.

a. / mouse / c. / virus indicator
b. / object arrow / d. / installation disks

____41.In the computer world, _____ refers to anything that you can touch.

a. / hardware / c. / high-speed
b. / software / d. / instructions

____42.Systems software refers to the computer's _____ system.

a. / computing / c. / applications
b. / operating / d. / productivity

____43When you start your computer, the first action that the computer performs is _____.

a. / BIOS / c. / ROM
b. / CHKDSK / d. / POST

____44.A _____ operating system allows a group of computers to be connected.

a. / network / c. / BIOS
b. / system / d. / graphical

____45.Junk mail that is sent to your e-mail address is called ____.

b. / ELECTROS / d. / SPAM

____46.The Start menu is accessed by clicking the Start button on the _____.

a. / desktop / c. / taskbar
b. / Quick Launch toolbar / d. / My Computer folder

____47.You can use the Start menu to _____.

a. / launch programs / c. / find files or folders
b. / shut down Windows / d. / all of the above

____48.Dragging an object with the mouse ____ the object.

a. / selects / c. / copies
b. / moves / d. / resizes

____49.In the filename contract.doc, the “doc” is referred as the _____.

a. / extension / c. / program
b. / suffix / d. / type

____50.In the Windows Explorer window, the left pane contains _____.

a. / links to system tasks
b. / links to your computer’s resources
c. / a Folders bar that lets you see the structure of your files and folders
d. / both a and b

____51.When you click the minus sign in the folders pane, you _____.

a. / close the folder / c. / collapse the folder
b. / decrease the folder / d. / both a and c

____52.Most networks have at least one _____ and many clients.

a. / modem / c. / data
b. / server / d. / WAN

____53._____ determines the amount of data that can be sent at one time.

a. / Modem / c. / Demodulation
b. / Modulation / d. / Bandwith

____54.What does a modem do?

a. / It converts optical signals to digital and vice versa.
b. / It converts analog signals to modemic and vice versa.
c. / It converts analog signals to digital and vice versa.
d. / It converts analog signals to optical and vice versa.

____55.The _____ name identifies a site on the Internet.

a. / domain / c. / TCP
b. / protocol / d. / browser

____56.Every Web page on the Internet has its own unique address, or _____.

a. / HTTP command / c. / URL
b. / domain name / d. / .edu ranking

____57.The _____ protocol defines how messages are formatted and received on the Web.

a. / hypertext markup / c. / TCP
b. / hypertext transfer / d. / Navigator

____58._____ is the Internet standard that allows users to download and upload files with other computers on the Internet.

a. / TCP / c. / FTP
b. / HTTP / d. / TCP/IP

____59.When you are on the Internet and make a request to see a page, that request is sent to the Web _____.

a. / browser media / c. / encryptor
b. / server / d. / multimedia enhancer

____60.In a browser, what contains the URL of the active Web page?

a. / the title bar / c. / the toolbar
b. / the menu bar / d. / the Address Bar

____61.The letters CC in the header of an e-mail message stand for _____ copy.

a. / client / c. / commercial
b. / carbon / d. / customer

____62.Which is not a search term Google will recognize?

a. / OR / c. / AND
b. / NOT / d. / YET

____63.In conducting a search on a search engine, the _____ is considered to be a wildcard character, meaning fill in the blank..

a. / asterisk / c. / quotation mark
b. / exclamation point / d. / comma

____64.The exclusive right to make and dispose of literary, musical, or artistic work is known as _____.

a. / public domain / c. / fair use
b. / navigator / d. / copyright

____65.When work is in the public domain, it can be used _____.

a. / without citation
b. / only with the printed phrase "fair use.”
c. / only with the inclusion of the copyright symbol
d. / only with citation

____66.You accidentally delete a registry file. Now you cannot start your computer.

what kind of computer threat is this?

a. / Spoofing / c. / Software piracy
b. / Phishing / d. / Human error

____67.After a voltage fluctuation, your computer stops working.

What will you do to prevent this problem in the future?

a. / Use a surge protector / c. / Use spyware
b. / Install an antivirus program / d. / Bacjk up data

____68.Apurva Dalia wants to set a password for his online banking accuont. Which of the folowing passwords is a strong password?

a. / ABC / c. / ApurvaDalia
b. / Password / d. / ADalia#175

____69.Viktor likes to exchange e-mail messages with his friends. Every day, he receives many messages with attachments. Viktor wants to protect his computer from virus attacks by email.

Which of the following fuidelines will Viktor apply to protect his computer?

a. / Reply to spam e-mail messages / c. / Avoid opening e-mail attachments from unknown users.
b. / Copy attachments to his computer before opening them / d. / Reinstall the e-mail client periodically.

____70.You want to educate your family about the signs of an online predator. Which of the following signs will you share with your family?

a. / Sends viruses / c. / Steals passwords
b. / Tries to involve you in a relationship / d. / Sends junk email messages

____71.Monica recently heard about copyright. She wants to know what actions violate copyright. Which one of the following actions is a copyright violation?

a. / Sharing a web site address / c. / Copying software and distributing it your friends
b. / Reading material from a publicly available web site / d. / Quoting a paragraph and mentining the source

____72.For a project, Bill decides to use content from a Web site. However, he forgets to state the source. What has bill done?

a. / Libel / c. / Gambling
b. / Plagiarism / d. / Defamation

____73.Ken decides to download the latest song from his favorite band from a publicly availble web site and share it with his friends. What is ken doing

a. / Breacking copyright / c. / Slandering the singer
b. / Breaching security / d. / Violating privacy

____74.Bob uses his computer to create his monthly household budget.

Which part of his computer will perform the calculations for his budget?

a. / Monitor / c. / Central processing unit (CPU)
b. / Digital versatile disc (DVD) / d. / Hard disk

____75.You want to type text to create a story in a word-processing program.

Which of the following hardware components will you use to do this?

a. / keyboard / c. / Modem
b. / Printer / d. / Web Cam

____76.Betty prepares for her computer exam. She does not understand the concept of an operating system. She calls you for help.

How will you define “operating system” for Betty?

a. / An electronic device that is connected to your computer / c. / A program that controls and manages the computer
b. / A storage device in your computer / d. / A circuit board that connects the input, output, and processing devices

____77. . Your school has 20 computers in your lab. All of the computers in this lab are connected by using cables.

What type of netword does your computer lab have?

a. / LAN / c. / Satellite
b. / WAN / d. / Virtual