Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Thetford Elementary School, Art Room


Don Johnson convened the meeting at 7:05 p.m. in the Art Room. The following were present: Shannon Darrah, Charlie Buttrey, Jennifer Wallace, School Board; Keith Thompson, TES Principal; Don Johnson, OESU Superintendent. The following were absent: Howard Sussman, School Board.

PUBLIC PRESENT: James Tierney (6th grade teacher), Erin Sterner, Tracy Borst (town clerk), Leif LaWhite

SWEARING IN OF BOARD MEMBERS (Tracy Borst): Shannon Darrah and Jennifer Wallace

NOMINATION OF BOARD CHAIR: MOTION (Buttrey/Wallace) moved/seconded nomination of Darrah as Board Chair. Unanimous approval to close nomination. Unanimous approval to elect Darrah as Chair.


MOTION (Darrah/Wallace) moved/seconded nomination of Buttrey as Vice-Chair. Unanimous approval to close nomination. Unanimous approval to elect Buttrey as Vice-Chair.

MOTION (Buttrey/Darrah) moved/seconded nomination of Wallace for Clerk. Unanimous approval.

MOTION (Buttrey/Wallace) moved/seconded nomination of Darrah for Representative to the TA Board of Trustees. Unanimous approval.

MOTION (Buttrey/Darrah) moved/seconded nomination of Buttrey and Sussman as Representatives to the OESU Board. Unanimous approval.

AGENDA REVIEW: Agenda approved with amendments.

MINUTES REVIEW: MOTION (Buttrey/Darrah) moved/seconded to approve the minutes of February 26, 2013 (unanimous approval).

REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF ORDERS: MOTION (Darrah/Buttrey) moved/seconded to approve accounts payable order #10386, #10395. Unanimous approval.


Erin Sterner expressed her interest in filling the vacant school board position.

(Darrah) Correspondence was received from Ann Swanson regarding the recent re-election and resignation of Lisa Swett. Darrah will respond that her correspondence was received. No specific action was requested.

(Thompson) Sandy Dixon announced her retirement at the end of this school year. She served for over 30 years at TES as a paraprofessional. MOTION (Buttrey/Darrah) moved/seconded the acceptance of her resignation. Unanimous approval. The Board is very grateful for Sandy Dixon’s many years of service and wish her the best in the future.

(Thompson) Heinz Trebitz wrote to share and summarize his knowledge about the septic system from his time on the septic system committee in 1997, including water use, drainage field capacity, maintenance and repairs.

OESU REPORT: (Don Johnson)

Human Resources director search is under way, with the formation of a hiring committee. The posting for this position specified part-time with a contract through June, with renewal of that contract. Striving to bring two candidates to the April OESU Board meeting. Have received four hard copy applications to date.

Enrollment reports from New England School Development Council were reviewed. TES had 24 more students enrolled this year than NESDEC forecasted. Current enrollment is 206 students. Enrollment report predicts that overall enrollment will shrink in future years.

Presented the board with a letter that needs to be sent to Corrette and Associates, PC from the board and OESU with regard to production of financial records and data needed for the audit. Darrah needs to sign to confirm responsibility for fair presentation of financial records and related data. MOTION (Buttrey/Wallace) moved/seconded authorization for Darrah to sign once she has discussed with business administrator.

In OESU, Thetford’s school budget is one of five budgets that have been passed. Other town meetings are pending.

Oxbow annual meeting conflicts with next Thetford Board meeting, on 3/26/13. Johnson will be absent. Buttrey will also be absent.

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT: (Keith Thompson)

Montshire Museum of Science Thetford Community Night will be on March 20, 5:30 – 7:30.

1st level will be open. Student work will be displayed in the educational room.

6th grade vs. Staff basketball game will be on March 27, 6:30. Dinner at 5:30 provided by 6th grade families as a fundraiser for 6th grade graduation.

Leadership Advisory Team has been working on developing a monthly theme around kindness. Plan is that the theme will go in the newsletter, in addition to being discussed at morning meetings in each classroom. Hoping to have this in place this month.

The last piece of the electronic report card is being completed. TES is moving to electronic report cards because last year’s census required that every student’s grade be reported. This is tedious and time consuming data entry. New electronic version will facilitate responding to the census. TES will offer parents the option of electronic or paper version of their child’s report card.

On March 11, Kevin Petrone’s 1st grade class started the TES Express. This is a student run mail system within the school. Mail box is in the lobby. 1st grade sorts and delivers all the letters. This gives connection with the upper grades.

Two 6th grade students have expressed interest in forming a student council/student advisory group. 4, 5, & 6 grades will be asked for volunteers (not elected positions). The group would meet during lunch and recess. It is anticipated that the 4th graders will serve one quarter, 5th and 6th graders will serve one semester. This will give students the opportunity to discuss issues and give their input.

The composting tour by the Upper Valley Farm to School Organization will be on May 1. This was done last year.

Northeast Waste is coming next week to look at recycling program. TES recycles about 80% of waste.

TES received a thank you letter for participating in the National Assessment of Educational Progress in reading and math. Every other year, NAEP provides a common measure of student achievement across the country.

Alice Stewart is coming to discuss the Vermont home energy challenge, and the possibility of giving information to students to give to their parents.

TA REPORT: (Darrah)

Boys basketball team played in the division finals and lost; Girls basketball team is playing in the division semi-finals on Thursday, March 14.

Expect full TA report on 3/26/13

OTHER BUSINESS: (James Tierney)

New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) standardized testing. Summarized 2012- 2013 NECAP data for grades 3 – 6. No significant changes when comparing students as they progress through grade levels. Tierney reviewed tables that showed how students in each grade level perform on NECAP through the years (i.e. comparing current 6th grade scores with their scores in 5th, 4th, and 3rd grades). New students are not included until they have been at TES for two years.

Math – scores have stayed steady since 2010-2011. 3.0 is cut off for proficiency. Class scores ranged between 2.8 and 3.1.

Reading – scores have stayed consistent over the last few years.

REVIEW AND UPDATE WORK PLAN: Tabled until future meeting when all five Board members are present.

EXECUTIVE SESSION (personnel matter): MOTION (Buttrey/Wallace) moved/seconded to go into Executive Session at 8:16 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter. Unanimous approval. Out of executive session at 8:44 p.m. No action taken.


MOTION: (Butrey/Wallace) moved/seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Unanimous approval.


03/26/13 Thetford School District meeting 7:00 p.m.

04/01/13 OESU Meeting 6:00 p.m.



Amy Bosco, Minutes Clerk

These minutes are not official until approved by the School Board.