The True Meaning of Easter

When Joseph got the message from the Spirit that he must take his family and flee Bethlehem, he took them to Egypt. I have been to Egypt 4 times, and each time I visited the town where Jesus grew up. Abydos is home to Seti I, but it was not built by accident in this location. Seti sent his engineers out for years to find the even more ancient structure known as the Osirion. Some say it is at least 10 thousand years old, built around the same time as the Pyramids in Giza. It is built on a spring and is constantly flooded with fresh water. It’s excavation was begin in 1913, but was really taken to the industrial level when Hanny El Zeini was appointed to take over the operation.

Still, although the manager of a large sugar processing plant, the work was going slowly because he did not know where to lok for everything. That is until the enigmatic Dorothy Eady showed up. Dorothy Louise Eady, also known as Omm Sety or Om Seti (16 January 1904 – 21 April 1981), was Keeper of the Abydos Temple of Seti I and draughtswoman for the Department of Egyptian Antiquities. She is especially well known for her belief that in a previous life she had been a priestess in Ancient Egypt, as well as her considerable historical research at Abydos. Her life and work has been the subject of many articles, television documentaries, biographies. A New York Times article described her life story as "one of the Western World's most intriguing and convincing modern case histories of reincarnation."

During her early period she reported night time visitations by an apparition of Hor-Ra. He slowly dictated to her, over a twelve-month period, the story of her previous life.[15] The story took up around seventy pages of cursive hieroglyphic text. It described the life of a young woman in Ancient Egypt, called Bentreshyt, who had reincarnated in the person of Dorothy Eady.[16] Bentreshyt ("Harp of Joy") is described in this text as being of humble origin, her mother a vegetable seller and her father a soldier during the reign of Seti I (c.1290 BC to 1279 BC).[15] When she was three, her mother died, and she was placed in the temple of Kom el-Sultan because her father couldn't afford her. There, she was brought up to be a priestess.[15] When she was twelve years old the High Priest asked her if she wished to go out into the world or stay and become a consecrated virgin. In the absence of full understanding and without a practical alternative, she took the vows.[15]

During the next two years, she learned her role in the annual drama of Osiris's passion and resurrection, a role that only virgin priestesses consecrated to Isis could perform.[17] One day Seti I visited and spoke to her. They became lovers, eating "the uncooked goose", an Ancient Egyptian term that has been compared to "eating the forbidden fruit." When Bentreshyt became pregnant she told the High Priest who the father was. The High Priest informed her that the gravity of the offence against Isis was so terrible that death would be the most likely penalty at a trial.[18] Unwilling to face the public scandal for Seti, she committed suicide rather than face trial.[19]

On 3 March 1956, the fifty-two-year-old Omm Sety left for Abydos.[30] She set up home in Arabet Abydos, which sits in the cradle of the mountain Pega-the-Gap. The Ancient Egyptians believed this mountain led to Amenti and the afterlife. It was here that she began to be called 'Omm Sety', because it was customary in Egyptian villages to refer to a mother by the name of her eldest child.[31]

Abydos had an special significance for her, because it is where she believed Bentryshyt had lived and served in the Temple of Seti.[32] She had made short pilgrimages to the site before, during which she had demonstrated her advanced knowledge. At one of these trips to the temple, the chief inspector from the Antiquities Department, who knew about her claims, had decided to test her by asking her to stand at particular wall paintings in complete darkness. She was instructed to identify them based on her prior knowledge as a temple priestess. She completed the task successfully, even though the painting locations had not yet been published at this time.[33]

She spent the first two years listing and translating pieces from a recently excavated temple palace. Her work was incorporated into Edourard Ghazouli's monograph "The Palace and Magazines Attached to the Temple of Sety I at Abydos". He expressed particular thanks to her in this work and was impressed by the skills she showed in translation of enigmatic texts, along with other members of the Antiquities Department.[34] In 1957, she wrote out a liturgical calendar of feast days based on Ancient Egyptian texts.

On reaching the age of sixty in 1964, Omm Sety was faced with mandatory retirement by the Antiquities Department and advised to seek part-time work in Cairo.[68] She went to Cairo, but only stayed one day before returning to Abydos. The Antiquities Department decided to make an exception to their retirement age rules and allowed her to continue her work at Abydos for a further five years, until she retired in 1969.[68] Her $30 a month pension was supplemented by needlework sold to friends and tourists, who also brought gifts of clothes, food, and reading materials.

What was the ceremony that was done at Abydos in Jesus’ day? It was called the Passion. It was the death and resurrection of Osiris. Jesus watched it every year during his youth. When he was a late teenager, he left to visit the countries to the East. Tibet, Nepal, and other countries record him visiting there. He learned from them, yes, but the legend says he taught there as well. His message of one God was rejected, but he was a powerful being and was a healer and great student.

When he was 30, he returned to the area around Jerusalem, arriving first in the New Testament at the river Jordan where his cousin, John was baptizing people. John’s message was well received by the Zoroastrians of the region. This began his mission of three years. It is important to note that certain things had to be done, even by Jesus, the world’s only sinless being. He had to learn perfection and become complete, just like you do.

He left the baptism and went into the desert to fast and pray, and to commune directly with the Father. No matter what any person will tell you, Jesus and his Father…our Father…are two separate and distinct beings with their own personalities. If you have a different tradition than this, that is fine. Hear me out, and then when you die you will see that I am correct. Until then, listen carefully and search your heart to see if these words are not true.

In the desert, he received many things, and I am not going to discuss the temptations as they are not my message tonight. But, he did meet someone else very important.

5:2 Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way; for that he himself also is compassed with infirmity.

3. And by reason hereof he ought, as for the people, so also for himself, to offer for sins.

4. And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron.

5. So also Christ glorified not himself to be made an high priest; but he that said unto him, Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee.

6. As he saith also in another place, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedec.

7. Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;

8. Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;

9. And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;

10. Called of God an high priest after the order of Melchizedec.

So, in order to understand what this means, you must think about how Aaron got his priesthood, and how then the Melchizedec priesthood was bestowed. It is given in each dispensation by the last key holder of that priesthood from the last dispensation. It has always been done this way, and not man can change this. So, who gave Jesus this priesthood by the laying on of hands?

HEB 7:1 For this Melchizedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;
HEB 7:2 To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace;
HEB 7:3 Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.
HEB 7:4 Now consider how great this man was, unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils.

Who was he? None other than the king of Jeru-Salem. Now, the story goes that Nir, Noah’s younger brother, was several hundred years old as was his wife. He was a high priest, and as such had temple duties that required him to practice celibacy while he was serving. This can last for several years.

Behold, the wife of Nir, whose name was Sopanim, being sterile and never having at any time given birth to a child by Nir -

Sopanim was in the time of her old age and in the day of her death. She conceived in her womb, but Nir the priest had not slept with her. From the day that that The Lord had appointed him to conduct the liturgy in front of the face of the people.

When Sopanim saw her pregnancy, she was ashamed and embarrassed, and she hid herself during all the days until she gave birth. Not one of the people knew about it. When 282 days had been completed, and the day of birth had begun to approach, Nir remembered his wife, he called her to himself in his house, so that he might converse with her.

Sopanim came to Nir, her husband; and, behold, she was pregnant, and the day appointed for giving birth was drawing near. Nir saw her and became very ashamed. He said to her, "What is this that you have done, O wife? Why have you disgraced me in front of the face of these people? Now, depart from me and go where you began the disgrace of your womb, so that I might not defile my hand on account of you, and sin in front of The Face of The Lord."

Sopanim spoke to her husband, Nir, saying, "O my lord! Behold, it is the time of my old age, the day of my death has arrived. I do not understand how my menopause and the barrenness of my womb have been reversed." . Nir did not believe his wife, and for the second time he said to her, "Depart from me, or else I might assault you, and commit a sin in front of the face of The Lord."

And it came to pass, when Nir had spoken to his wife, Sopanim, that Sopanim fell down at Nir's feet and died. Nir was extremely distressed and said in his heart, "Could this have happened because of my word? And now, merciful is The Eternal Lord, because my hand was not upon her."

The archangel Gabriel appeared to Nir, and said to him, "Do not think that your wife Sopanim has died because of your error, but this child, which is to be born of her is a righteous fruit, and one whom I shall receive into paradise, so that you will not be the father of a gift of God."

Nir hurried and shut the door of his house. He went to Noah, his brother, and he reported to him everything that had happened in connection with his wife. Noah hurried to the room of his brother. The appearance of his brother's wife was in death and her womb was at the time of giving birth.

Noah said to Nir, "Don't let yourself be sorrowful, Nir, my brother! For The Lord today has covered up our scandal, in that nobody from the people knows this. Now let us go quickly and bury her, and The Lord will cover up the scandal of our shame." They placed Sopanim on the bed, wrapped her around with black garments, and shut the door. They dug a grave in secret.

When they had gone out toward the grave, a child came out from the dead Sopanim and sat on the bed at her side. Noah and Nir came in to bury Sopanim and they saw the child sitting beside the dead Sopanim, wiping his clothing. Noah and Nir were very terrified with a great fear, because the child was fully developed physically, he spoke with his lips and blessed The Lord.

Noah and Nir looked at him closely, saying, "This is from The Lord, my brother." And behold the badge of priesthood was on his chest, and it was glorious in appearance. Noah said to Nir, "Behold, God is renewing the priesthood from blood related to us, just as He pleases.."

Noah and Nir hurried and washed the child, they dressed him in the garments of the priesthood, and they gave him bread to eat and he ate it. And they called him Melchizedek .

Noah and Nir lifted up the body of Sopanim, divested her of the black garments, and washed her. They clothed her in exceptionally bright garments and built a grave for her. Noah, Nir, and Melchizedek came and they buried her publicly. Noah said to his brother Nir, "Look after this child in secret until the time, because people will become treacherous in all the earth, they will begin to turn away from God, and having become totally ignorant, and in some way when they see him, they will put him to death."

Then Noah went away to his own place, and behold, great lawlessness began to become abundant over all the earth in the days of Nir. And Nir began to worry excessively about the child saying, "What will I do with him?" And stretching out his hands toward heaven, Nir called out to The Lord, saying, "How miserable it is for me, Eternal Lord, that all lawlessness has begun to become abundant over all the earth in my days! And I realize how much nearer our end is, on account of the lawlessness of the people. And now, Lord, what is the vision about this child, and what is his destiny, or what will I do for him, so that he too will not be joined with us in this destruction?"