August 8, 2013

Kind of Meeting: Regular

Place of Meeting: Business Room

Date: August 8, 2013

Time: 5:30 p.m.

Members present: Tammy Kilgore, President, David Riddle, Vice-President, Randy Hatcher, Secretary, Wayne Halter, Member, Jeff Kimmel, Member, Chris Dickel, Member, Donnie Campbell, Superintendent, Laura Olmstead, High School Principal, Ann Gray, Elementary Principal, and Melissa Howard, Bookkeeper/Secretary.

Absent: Janelle Hepler

Guests: Larry Hart, Cybil Paris, Dennis Foster

Tax Rate Hearing

President Tammy Kilgore called the Tax Rate Hearing meeting to order at 5:31 p.m.

Motion by Wayne Halter, second by David Riddle, to approve the tax rate hearing agenda as presented. The motion carried 6-0.

Mr. Campbell outlined the assessed valuation, the Prop C Rollback and the proposed tax for the Operating Fund 1 and Debt Service Levy Fund 3. He also presented the Board with the historical adjusted levies by fund since fiscal year 1993-94.

Discussion was held on the proposed tax rates.

Wayne Halter moved to close the Tax Rate Hearing at 5:45 p.m. The motion was second by David Riddle. Motion carried with a vote of 6-0.

Call to Order

President Tammy Kilgore called the Board meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. Chris Dickel motioned to approve the agenda as presented with a second by Jeff Kimmel. The motion carried with a vote of 6-0.

Approve Board Minutes

The Regular Meeting, Open Minutes from July 11, 2013 was reviewed. David Riddle moved, second by Wayne Halter, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried 6-0.

Consent Agenda

Chris Dickel moved, second by Jeff Kimmel, to approve the consent agenda including expenditures totaling $68,047.55, the Treasurer’s report, approve Peggy Albertson, Joan Brundage, Nathaniel Burns, Tammy Campbell, Stormie Corwin, Tracy Francis, Kristen Hafen, Alta Kasten, Sherri Kent, Vicki King, Emily Kottwitz, Eric Littrell, Andrea Luper, Larry Morley, Greg Murphy, Kari Shoop, Rustin Snyder, Marianne Sorhus, and Tami Watt as teacher substitutes; Karen Hale, Sara Herschberger, April Lee, Kerry

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McNish, Carmen Moore as Kitchen Substitutes; Karen Hale, Sara Herschberger, April Lee, and Kerry McNish as Paraprofessional Substitutes; and Rick Ayers, Wendal Bowman, Donnie Campbell, Robert Wernert, and Doug Williams as substitute bus drivers and approve Ryan Crist as substitute teacher and substitute bus driver pending successful background check and successful bus driver endorsement for the 2013-2014 school year; accept bid from Macon County R-IV for $550.00 for the marquee; and accept Sarah Eckhoff’s resignation. Motion carried 6-0.

David Riddle moved, second by Wayne Halter, to approve Donnie Fields as bus driver substitute. Motion carried 5-0-1.

Citizens and Staff Communications

No staff or citizens communication.

L.J. Hart presentation

Larry Hart presented bond financing options to the Board.

Wayne Halter moved, second by David Riddle, to approve a resolution to prepay $300,000 of the Series 2009A bonds on March 1, 2014. Motion carried 6-0.

Randy Hatcher moved, second by Jeff Kimmel, to approve a resolution to issue $465,000 of refunding bonds Series 2013. Motion carried 6-0.

Approve Safety Plan

Mrs. Gray presented the 2013-2014 Safety Plan to the Board. Chris Dickel moved, second by David Riddle, to approve the 2013-2014 Safety Plan. Motion carried 6-0.

Approve Walgren Transportation

David Riddle moved, second by Chris Dickel, to reimburse mileage to Walgren Transportation Company for transportation services to Chillicothe Alternative Center for Education in Chillicothe, Missouri. Motion carried 6-0.

Policy Updates

Mr. Campbell presented updated Policies and Regulations. Chris Dickel moved, second by David Riddle, to adopt the following policies and regulations: Policy 2640, Policy 2815, Policy 6140, Policy 6260, Regulation 1405, Regulation 1621, Regulation 2110, Regulation 2620, Regulation 5620, Regulation 6275, Regulation 6320. Motion carried 6-0.

Wayne Halter moved, second by Jeff Kimmel, to approve the school to maintain an adequate supply of prefilled Epinephrine and approve the Registered nurse to maintain an adequate supply of asthma related rescue medication. Motion carried 6-0.

Professional Development Plan

Mrs. Gray presented the Professional Development Plan to the Board. Randy Hatcher moved, second by Chris Dickel, to approve the 2013-2014 Professional Development Plan as presented. The motion carried by a vote of 6-0.

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District Evaluations

Mrs. Gray reviewed the Professional Development evaluation.

Dennis Foster entered the meeting at 6:40 p.m.

Mr. Campbell reviewed the Buildings and Grounds evaluation.

Jeff Kimmel moved, second by David Riddle, to approve the Professional Development and Buildings and Grounds evaluations. The motion carried with a vote of 6-0.

Larry Hart and Cybil Paris left the meeting at 6:45 p.m.

Approval of Bus routes

Dennis Foster presented the bus routes for the 2013-2014 school year. The bus routes are the same as last year. Chris Dickel moved, second by Jeff Kimmel, to approve the bus routes for the 2013-2014 school year. Motion carried 6-0.

Dennis Foster left the meeting at 6:47 p.m.

Administrative report

Mrs. Gray reviewed the 2013 MAP scores. Mrs. Gray presented goals for the upcoming school year.

Mrs. Olmstead reviewed the 2013 High School MAP scores and the class schedule.

Superintendent Report

Annual Secretary of the Board Report

Mr. Campbell reviewed the 2012-2013 Annual Secretary of the Board Report (ASBR). Motion by Chris Dickel, second by David Riddle, to approve the 2012-2013 Annual Secretary of the Board Report. Motion carried with a vote of 6-0.

Debt Service Information

Mr. Campbell recommended the debt service levy be set at $0.6389 to cover our debt service payments for the year.

Tax Levy

Further discussion was held on the proposed tax rate. After the scheduled tax rate hearing for the Green City R-1 School District, board member Jeff Kimmel made the motion, second by Chris Dickel, to approve the following resolution setting the school district’s tax rate for the 2013 school year. It is resolved that the Green City R-1 School District in consideration of the educational opportunities and expenses for the students, the maintenance and care of facilities, and operational needs of the school district will set the tax rate at $4.4712, the approved State Auditors rate, which sets the Operating Levy at $3.8323 and the Debt Service Levy at $0.6389. The motion carried with a vote of 6-0.

Approve 2013-2014 Budget amendment

Chris Dickel moved, second by Randy Hatcher, to approve the 2013-2014 budget amendment adjusting the taxes to the new tax rate in the budget. Motion carried 6-0.

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Tuition Rate

Mr. Campbell provided the Board with a 2012-2013 current expenditure calculation per average daily attendance and per eligible pupil which was $8,749.41 for consideration in establishing the 2013-2014 tuition rate. Randy Hatcher moved, second by Wayne Halter, that the district will not accept tuition paying students for the 2013-2014 school year. The motion carried with a vote of 6-0.

Transfer from Fund 1 to Fund 4

David Riddle motioned, second by Chris Dickel, to allow Mr. Campbell, Superintendent, to make the maximum yearly transfer from Fund 1 to Fund 4 when needed. Motion carried by a vote of 6-0.

Legislative Updates

Mr. Campbell discussed Senate Bill 253.


Mr. Campbell discussed the school district’s APR.

The Child Nutrition Program Reimbursement Rates were presented to the Board.

Extra entrée prices were discussed. Chris Dickel moved, second by Jeff Kimmel, to approve the extra entrée price back to $1.20 which was the previous year’s price since DESE rescinded the portion requirements for another year. Motion carried 6-0.

Mr. Campbell discussed the drainage project.

Randy Hatcher moved, second by David Riddle, to enter Executive Session at 7:27 p.m. with a roll call vote of Hatcher-yea, Dickel-yea, Riddle-yea, Halter-yea, Kilgore-yea, Kimmel-yea.

The Board reconvened Open Session at 7:56 p.m.

The next regular meeting will be September 12, 2013 at 5:30 p.m.

Wayne Halter motioned to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. Motion was second by David Riddle. The motion carried with a vote of 6-0.


President, Board of Education Secretary, Board of Education