Faculty Development and Student Mentoring Application

Faculty development and student mentoring involve creating, working, and sharing within our chosen crafts in an effort to improve ourselves and our students. Plans to engage in these activities should be carefully thought out, well-written, and professional. Not all aspects of each plan will (or need to) meet all six of the criteria below, however, the highest priority proposals will:

·  Foster learning through professional experiences

·  Include significant collaboration between faculty and/or students

·  Share results with others

·  Consist of experiences outside normal faculty, student, and curriculum development

·  Support department and/or university objectives

·  Implement principles of frugality

Applicant Information
Name: / Date:
College: / Department:
Employment status: Select oneFull-timeTemporary hireAdjunct / Year hired:
Funds and course load reductions are available to help faculty achieve development goals and mentor students. Faculty may request Professional Development Leaves (PDL) of up to 3 hours per semester (not to exceed 6 hours per year). They are also eligible for a 12-hourFaculty Learning Fellowship (FLF) during their 6th year after being hired or the 6th year after their last fellowship (this may also be taken as two 6-hour leaves).
Which of the following are you requesting? Select oneProfessional Development LeaveFaculty Learning FellowshipFunds for student mentoringFunds for other travel or projects

Directions: Please type or select your responses in the shaded areas below. The fields will expand as needed. You must complete all the sections applicable to your proposal. Email the completed application to your college secretary.

Request for Course Load Reduction (if applicable)
Semester/year of last Faculty Learning Fellowship: / Year of proposed leave:
Hours reduction you are requesting each semester of that year: / Winter: / Spring: / Fall:
Proposal Information
On which areas of development does the proposed plan focus? (Mark all the apply)
Scholarship of learning and teaching / Content knowledge / Skill development
Curriculum development / Research/creative work / Other ()
Describe what you are proposing and explain how it addresses each area of development you have marked.
Outcomes and Sharing
Professional development activities should result in measurable outcomes that signify effective use of time and resources. Faculty members typically define their own outcomes and how each one will be assessed. Upon completion of the plan, faculty and students should expect to account for and share what they have accomplished.
What are the anticipated outcomes of this plan? Be Specific.
How will the quality of each outcome be assessed?
How will the outcomes be shared with others?
How will time be allocated to ensure that the stated outcomes are achieved (3 hour reduction = approximately 10 hours per week)? If your proposal involves a course load reduction, you should achieve the outcomes specified by the end of the leave time. Please identify and explain any exceptions to this guideline.
Quality and Rigor
How does this plan help those involved engage in the targeted professional field?
How does this plan differ from normal faculty, student and/or curriculum development?
How will implementing this plan support the objectives of the department and/or university?
How will completing this plan be rejuvenating for the faculty involved?
How many other faculty and/or students will participate in carrying out this plan? / Faculty: / Students:
What will be the nature of the collaboration between faculty and/or students involved?
What other useful expertise or consulting, if any, might others be able to provide?
Which other faculty, if any, are applying for university resources to complete this plan?
Policy Considerations
If students will be traveling overnight, will full-time faculty, administrative, or staff personnel be available to supervise travel plans and to accompany the students overnight (review policies here)? / Select oneYesNoNot applicable
If doing human subjects research, have you received the necessary approvals (review policies here)? / Select oneYesNoNot applicable
If doing animal subjects research, have you received the necessary approvals (review policies here)? / Select oneYesNoNot applicable
If intellectual or personal property will be produced in conjunction with this plan, have
you reviewed the necessary policies and do you have a plan to follow them (review policies here)? / Select oneYesNoNot applicable
Request for Funds (if applicable)
If requesting funds for travel, please indicate the dates of travel: -
How will you apply the principles of frugality to the use of the funds received? Include here any additional information necessary to clarify how funds will be utilized.
Please provide a budget delineating all funds faculty and students will need to complete the proposed plan.
Budget Category / For Faculty / For Students
Ground transportation:
Registration fees:
Other ():
Total: / $0.00 / $0.00
What are the proposed sources of funding for this plan?
Funding Sources / For Faculty / For Students
Student contribution:
Describe funding source here:
Describe funding source here:
$ being requested from BYU-Idaho sources*:
Total: / $0.00 / $0.00
*Money requested in this application may come from a variety of sources including department and college budgets, Thomas E. Ricks and Mentored Student Research funds.
For Office Use Only / Initials
Date received: / $ from Department: / $ from MSR: / Total Funded: $0.00 / Chair: ______
Application #: / $ from College: / $ from TER: / Dean: ______