SITS Pull-Down Menus

Summary description: This document provides guidance on the options available within the standard client/server interface of the SITS student record system.

Scope: All staff using SITS

With effect from: March 2013

Other related policies/documents:

Contact for further information: Deputy Registrar, Student Administration

Add / Used to add a new record, which once defined has then to be stored
Retrieve / Used to retrieve an existing record based on none, one, or many selection criteria
Store / Stores a new record or an existing record that has been modified
Delete / Removed a record. You will be prompted to confirm this action.
Print / Prints the screen
Export / Allows the user to extract data from the system for manipulation within other software, usually spreadsheets. May not be available to all users.
Import / Allows the user to import data from external sources they may have modified. Not be available to users.
Link start/stop / If used when running SITS:Vision, it is possible to start a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) link with another application.
Accept / Exits from a program or screen, or zoom mode, or accepts a code from a selection list
Quit / Exits from a program or screen, or zoom mode, or a selection list without selecting a code.
Cut / Cuts the selected piece of text to the paste buffer
Copy / Copies the selected piece of text
Paste / Pastes a piece of cut or copied text into a field
Clear Field / Deletes the entry in a field
Zoom / Increases the size of the working area. You must un-zoom using the Accept function (File menu) before you can store a record.
Quick zoom / Increases the size of the working area. You must un-zoom using the Accept function (File menu) before you can store a record.
Get text / Inserts the contents of a text file into the current field. You will be asked to enter a valid file name.
Write text / Writes the contents of the current field into a text file. You will be asked to enter a valid file name.
Insert Wildcard / Inserts a wildcard or Boolean operator (which must be chosen from the cascading menu) into a field.
Insert special / Insert a special compose character, e.g. é
Panel on/off / Turns the function keys panel on or off
Global update / Allows the user to make a change to a field which can be applied to many records at once
Field Value / Go to a value in a field on the record in a retrieved list.
Rec number / Go to a specific record in the retrieved list.
Next rec / Go to the next record in the retrieved list
Prev rec / Go to the previous record in the retrieved list
First rec / Go to the first record in the retrieved list
Last rec / Go to the last record in the retrieved list
Down screen / Go to the record at the bottom of the screen
Up screen / Go to the record at the top of the screen
Clear screen / Removes all the current details on the screen
Print screen / Prints the screen
Message / Accesses the message buffer which may contain error, warning, or information messages or reports generated by the system
Print message / Prints the contents of the message buffer
Quick analysis / Allows you to run an analysis of the values in a specific field and/or perform cross analysis with another field
Sort / Allows you to perform a sort in ascending or descending order on records using the drop down selection menu
Drop records / Allows you to drop or keep records from a retrieved list using a variety of criteria including ranges or values of records. Dropped records are not deleted – they are simply not available for viewing or processing on the current screen.
Load last profile / Allows you to load in the last combination of values used to retrieve a certain set of records.
Toggle profiling / Allows you to turn off the selection profile of a certain process/report. Profiling allows the screen to save the last selection criteria used to run a report, etc. This is helpful where the same set of criteria is being used a lot of the time. The selection profile only lasts for as long as you are logged in and is reset when you log in again.
My personal notes / Allows you to add information which is then available for inclusion in a standard letter.

SITS Pull-Down Menus

Registry: Student Administration, March 2013 1