Resources needed:

  • Laptop or computer tablet to show media clip
  • Craft Resources – card glasses shapes, decorations, sturdy straws, stapler

Title / TRANSFORMEDLife: / Learning Objectives / God wants us to use the things we are good atto show how great HEis!
Session Overview / This session is the last in the ‘TransformedLife’ teaching series alongside the adult church, basedonEphesians 1–3.
These chapters of the Bible help us find the answers tothree of life’s biggestquestions:
‘Who am I?’ ‘Where do I fit?’ ‘What am I livingfor?’
Let’s be TRANSFORMED by Jesus as we find out howthe answers to the life questions above affect how we liveeach day forJesus!
Today we will summarise what we have learned over thepast seven weeks and look at the story of Bartimaeus whowas prepared to call out to Jesus to experience everythingHe had heard Jesus could do. He wanted to knowJesus BETTER. / KeyBible Verses / This is the Bible verse for the wholeseries:
Ephesians 1:11
‘It’s in Christ that we find out who we are andwhat we are living for’ (The Message)
Please read and encourage the children torepeat this verse each time you are leading one ofthe ‘Transformed Life’sessions.
This week’sverses:
Ephesians 3:20 ‘With God’s power working inus, He can do much, much more than anything wecan ask or thinkof’
This week’s character: Bartimaeus(the blindman who miraculously regained his sight whenJesus prayed forhim!)
Mark 10:46–52 Story of the healing ofblind Bartimaeus
Timing / Activity / Instructions
time) / Free Play
Craft –‘Powerful God’
Glasses / Cut the outline of a pair of glasses out of card for each of the children (like below). The children can decorate the glasses, then staple the straw on one sideto create a handle as shown.

mins / Refreshments and catchup on theweek / Sit the children down and give out drinks andsnacks. Ask the children how they are doing withtheir parents at home doing the activities in theirTransformed Lifebooklet during the week (based on lastweek’s session ‘Gifted for His service’ (based on a storyin Matthew 25:14–23) when Jesus told Hisdisciples about God giving us all special, unique to us, giftsand talents).
(See Week 7 notes at
2mins / Memory Verse / Remind the children of the series memory verseandencourage them to repeat thewords:
Ephesians 1:11 ‘It’s in Christ that we find out whowe are and what we are livingfor’ (The Message)
Whenever you have theopportunity when playing with thechildren today, tellthem:
“God wants you to knowHim!” “God has made youspecial” “God loves you SOmuch!”
You could blow bubbles each timeyou say eachsentence!
3mins / Bible Story MediaClip (cartoon of blindBartimaeus being able tosee) /
5mins / Retell the Bible storyof Bartimaeus beinghealed / Today’s story is about a man who was satby the roadside. He felt lots ofpeople pushing pasthim.
“What’s happening?”heasked.
“Jesus is coming,”someonetold him.
The man had heard about Jesus.He could make peoplewell! The man would have liked toseeJesus too, but he was blind.(cover your eyes with a blindfold, orcover your eyes with yourhands)
He could not seeanything.
Themansatbytheroadside hoping kind peoplewould give himenough moneyto buyfood.
People begancheering. “Jesusmust be here,”
So themanbegantoshoutloudly, “Jesus,please helpme.”(all shout together“Jesus,pleasehelp me!”)
Somepeople said,“Be quiet.”
Buttheman shoutedeven louder, (all shouttogetheragain)“Jesus, please help me!”
Jesusstopped.“How would you like meto helpyou?”he asked theman.
“Iwanttosee,”the mananswered. “Openyoureyes”said Jesus.And theman did! (take off blindfold/remove hands)
“Ican see!”he shouted.(All shout out:“Icansee!”)
“Thankyou, God!”saidtheman.(All shoutout:“ThankyouGod!”)
2mins / Teaching Follow-Up: / Follow up by reading out Ephesians 3:20 (this is theverse for this week in the ‘Early Years Transformed LifeBooklet’ that the children have athome):
‘With God’s power working in us, He can domuch, much more than anything we can ask or thinkof’
This is REALLY true! With God’s Holy Spirit in us,God wants to help us do amazing things for Him, likepraying for people who are sick to be well again (like intoday’s story).
It’s not enough to just know something; God wants usto really want to do it!! And God even wants to do much,much more than we can ever think ispossible!!
Let’s ask Him to use us to do amazing things!
3mins / Prayer Time -Amazing Prayer!
(This would work best insmall groups of around 5children.) / Tell the children that you are going to say a prayertogether and they need to listen out for the word‘amazing’.
Each time they hear it, ask them to clap and cheerbecause Jesus isamazing.
(We suggest you introduce a signal, so the childrenknow when to stop clapping eachtime!)
Jesus, you can do wonderful things!
Jesus, youare amazing!
You make people better when they are ill.
Jesus, youare amazing!
You made the blind man see again.
Jesus, youare amazing!
You can do wonderful things.
Jesus, you areamazing!
Ask the children: ‘What is Jesuslike?’
All answer: ‘Jesus is amazing’ and clap and cheerloudly.
5mins / Worship –‘You areshaped for serving God’ byDoug Horley
All join in the highlightedwords. / If you walk like a model or walk with awaddle;
You are, you are, you're God'sindeed
If you're very, very funny or good at makingmoney;
You are, you are, you're God'sindeed
God had a brilliant plan when He created man;
He knewjust how each one would serveHim.
Wonderful indeed, gave you gifts you need;
To workon earth forHim
You are shaped for serving God x3; Holy, holy isHis name
If you laugh like a donkey or your hair's a little wonky;
You are, you are, you're God'sindeed.
If you're really good at caring or a little brave anddaring;
You are, you are, you're God'sindeed
If you're good at origami or can make a great salami;
You are, you are, you're God's indeed
If you're fast like a whippet or really good atcricket;
You are, you are, you're God'sindeed
3mins / SeriesRecap / We have had such a good time learning aboutour TRANSFORMEDLIVES!
Let’s call out and ask God to make thistransformation real!!! Aftereachthing I say,joinwith me andshoutout;“Please God, TRANSFORM ME!” Let’s try it!
THANK YOU FATHER GOD that you canTRANSFORM ME!! I want to ask you now to CHANGEME INSIDE so that Iam…
Let’s end by saying the memory verse together before wego home:
‘It’s in Christ we find out who we are and what weare living for’(Ephesians 1, Verse11)
Give a ‘Transformed Life’ booklet to any childwho did not receive one during the series.
Encourage the children to do the activities withtheir Mum or Dad or with another special adult in theirfamily and find out more about the blind man who washealed by Jesus that we learnt abouttoday.