CSI’s MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of CSI is to advance building information management and education of project teams to improve facility performance.

Draft Minutes- SER-Caucus Meeting dated 9-22-2012


DATE: September 13, 2012

TIME: 5:45 p.m. – 6:45p.m.

LOCATION: Construct Conference-Room Number S 166


A caucus is any meeting among members of a Political Organization or Affinity Group (SERC) for the purpose of reaching a consensus. Caucus can also mean "a group of people united to promote an agreed-upon cause", according to the Miriam-Webster dictionary. The word originated in Boston, Massachusetts, in the early part of the 18th century, when it was used as the name of a political club, the “Caucus” or “Caucas” club. Here public matters were discussed, and arrangements made for local elections and the choosing of candidates for offices.

1. CALL TO ORDER: / Buschle
a.  Confirm Attendance/Quorum-The meeting was called to order at 5:45 PM. A sign-up sheet was passed around and the complete sign-up sheet-list of attendees and board member/committee member absentees is attached. A quorum was not needed since the meeting was informational and no Region Business was conducted or voted on. SER-Board Member Attendees were as follows:
Ken Buschle, CSI, CCS, CCCA , President
G. Wade Bevier, CSI, CCS, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP, VP-President Elect, Certification & Technical Chair
William A. Hayward, Jr (Chip), CSI, CCCA, AIA, Secretary/Treasurer
Joseph J. Anetrella, CSI, CCS, AIA, Southeast Region Institute Director
William J. Vukovich, CSI, CCS, CCCA, District 5 Vice President, Awards Chair
Tiffany Coppock, AAIA, CSI, CDT, LEED AP BD+C, ASTM
Linda Zimmerman, CSI-Membership Chair
Timothy J. Gottwalt, CSI, CCPR, AHC, CDC, Certification & Technical Co-Chair
William C. Boehm, CSI, CCS, CCCA, Technical Chair/Awards Co-Chair
Jose Guaty, FCSI, CDT-Nominating Committee
See the attached sign-up sheet for additional attendees
See attached sign-up sheet.
/ Hayward
b.  State of the Region - Reviewed- Ken Buschle briefly reviewed the status of the Region. He explained that Dianne Ehmann had resigned from her position as President 6 months early due to personnel issues and she had decided to step away from CSI. This put some pressure on him to get committee members earlier than he had expected.
He noted that there had been a lot of miss-information spread about the SE Region, as a result of the cancellation of the SE Region conference and election nominations at the Caucus last year. The SERC-2012 had been canceled due to a lack of a clear plan of implementation. There had been a lot of issues that have been delt with, and he reported that the Region is in good shape and back on track. Some of the SER- highlights he noted are as follows:
i.  The elections held last year introduced some new and well qualified people to the Board, and there are several new committee members this year. Wade Bevier was cited as being a tremendous resource as the President Elect.
ii.  Chip Hayward has worked hard on the budget for this year, and has done a great job keeping the Region on track financially.
iii.  The Region by-laws were updated by Tom Montero and were approved by the Institute; still may need some revisions per Joe Anetrella.
iv.  The Region Awards Guide was updated by Bill Vukovich and Bill Boehm; electronic submittals now being accepted, and the Region is adding awards categories for membership retention & long term service to CSI.
v.  Chip Hayward & Wade Bevier set up a Region wide CDT-Certification set of power point slides that are being shared with all chapters.
vi.  The Operations Guide is being updated, by John Robinson.
vii.  The Long Range Planning Committee has been set up and looking at several key points and working with chapters in the future to develop leadership; focusing on “What is the Region’s role and responsibility?”, and “What can the Region do to benefit chapters and member?”.
viii.  A new Region Conference Guide was developed by a committee of volunteers, led by Chip Hayward. This Guide was being used to develop the SERC 2013 and new programs were being planned. The Guide is not a mandate, but a road map and guideline/compass for successful implementation of future Region conferences.
ix.  Committee members were asked to remain on board, some were not able to continue their commitment this year and new volunteers have stepped up; some co-chairs have volunteered to spread the responsibility.
x.  Jose Guaty volunteered to chair the Election/Nomination Committee this year and they are in the process of generating an Election Committee Operating Guide and this will include a description of job responsibilities for each elected position on the Region Board.
xi.  Ken reported that he and Linda Zimmerman attended the Institute’s Leadership Conference in Denver in May, which included all of the Region Presidents and membership Chairs. It was a productive conference and based on discussions with other Region Leaders, that the SE Region is doing “Alright” compared to the other Regions. Ken asked that everyone “Stand by the Region”.
Ken explained that the purpose of the Caucus meeting was to discuss the Institutes plans and issues that would presented at the Annual Meeting. We would not be conducting a Board Meeting or voting on business as part of this meeting. The District VP’s that were in attendance were asked if they had anything to report as part of the meeting; there were no additional reports from the VP’s.
There would be a Board Meeting scheduled in late September or early October; the date is to be determined. / Buschle
2. FINANCIAL: A copy of the SE Regional’s financial status was made available to all in attendance. A copy of the financial report is attached.
a.  Board Member liability & General Liability Insurance quotes were being obtained. This would include the Event liability Insurance required for the SERC. These quotes were being assembled and would be presented to the Board for formal approval.
/ Hayward
a.  Two new practice guides were being published:
i.  Sustainability
ii.  Construction Administration
b.  New Guide- A new guide would be issued soon on Construction/Facility Management.
c.  Audio Visual Conferencing- The Institute would be setting up opportunities for video conferencing; an Institute Board member will be conducting video conferencing with the Chapters. This will be set up as a Q/A session and cover an array of topics. These AV conferences would be pre-arranged conferences and approximately 15 minutes long. Contact Leslie Schlesinger for more details. All were encouraged to generate questions.
/ Anetrella/ Schlesinger
Only “critical” issues that have come about since the last Board Meeting which require immediate discussion were asked to be addressed by the District VP’s and Committee Members in attendance. The previous board meeting minutes had been posted on line at the Region Website. The Board meetings are generally conducted every two months.
There were no comments from the attending District VP’s or the committee members except as noted below.
/ Buschle
a.  SERC-2013 Theme- Christy Bishop introduced the SERC Core-Chapter-Host-Committee, and explained that they were excited to be able to show case Raleigh Durham as part of the Conference. She noted that in the past there had been a lot of promotion of the Raleigh-Durham-Research-Triangle, but that recently there was a shift from the Triangle Area to Downtown-Urban Working & Living.
“Transformation” is the theme for the SERC 2013, based on the urban revitalization vs. urban sprawl that is now happening in Raleigh Durham.
b.  Venue- A promotional pamphlet was handed out to some of the Region Leaders, which has been posted on the Region Website. The hotel has 4000 SF of meeting space, and will provide free shuttle service from the hotel to the airport and within a 3 mile radius of the hotel. The hotel room cost negotiated is $115/night with breakfast included.
c.  Conference Date- The conference dates have been set for April 19-21, 2013, beginning Friday am with educational programs and concluded on Sunday am with the Region’s Annual Meeting and Board Meeting.
d.  SERC-Programs-The program will include several local AIA member-speakers who will present the revitalization efforts of downtown and examples of their work. Two field trips are being planned, one to Raleigh and one to Durham. Joy Davis is planning to attend and will be bringing some new programs for Chapter Leaders.
e.  Sponsorships- Everyone was asked to help solicit sponsorships for the Conference to help defray the cost of the conference and keep the registration costs low. There were 75-85 attendees expected to attend. A concerted effort by the host chapter was being made to increase sponsorship exposure during the conference.
f.  SERC Budget- A lot of work has been done in the past 8-10 weeks. The SERC-budget is still being refined, and registration costs determined. The venue, program and budget will be presented to the Board for formal approval at the next Board Meeting. There were no objections to the proposed venue from any of the attendees during the meeting.
g.  SERC-2014-Within the new Region Conference Guide there is an alternating schedule for the hosting of the Region-Conferences by District. District 2 has agreed to host the SERC-2014, and a committee is being formed now. Tammy Overgaard is going to lead and chair the SERC-2014 Host Committee.
/ Buschle/SERC 2013 Host Committee
a.  Committee Update- Several representatives from the Region are participating on this committee and Jose Guaty noted that they are working on an eligibility matrix for the region to identify future prospective candidates. This will include a metrics of duties and responsibilities as noted above.
b.  Nominations- The Region-elected-board-positions being voted on this year are as follows: Secretary/Treasurer, District VP’s for Districts 3, 4 & 5. The goal is to have a minimum of two candidates for each position being voted on. Several of the individuals that have been contacted have agreed to run for office, but their names were not announced. The Election/Nominating Committee will be meeting next week to finalize candidates and will present the final list of candidate to the Board in the next few weeks.
c.  Nominations from the Floor? - A request for nominations from the floor was made and there were none received during the meeting. / Guaty
a.  Institute Annual Meeting Review-Issues-
i.  Reminder- Everyone was advised to get their voting ribbon before the annual meeting. Student members cannot vote.
ii. Task Team to Evaluate Technical Educational Program – Joe Anetrella talked about the resolution to create a task team to evaluate the development of a “technical educational program” to focus on construction technology that architectural schools do not teach. A copy of the proposed resolution is attached. The Institute Board met in June to discuss the proposed resolution and a task team has been formed to initiate this process. The Institute Board does not need approval to form a committee or task team. The mind set is that CSI has a tremendous wealth of resources that can tapped to develop this program; however the trainers and teachers would not be limited solely to CSI’s membership base.
Leslie Schlesinger, Institute Director, expanded the discussion and noted that this proposed resolution resulted from a LinkedIn on line discussion. The task team is being assembled and funded by the Institute to research, address questions and determine how CSI can help develop and implement this technical education program.
{During the Institute Annual Meeting the resolution passed unanimously by a membership vote; there was a small contingent of opposition to the funding of the task team.} / Buschle/Anetrella/Schlesinger
8. NEXT BOARD MEETING: The meeting date is TBD. The agenda items below will be part of the discussion at the next meeting: / Buschle
a.  Update on the Region Conference-Approval of Business Issues
b.  Update on the Region
c.  Region Slate of Candidates
Jose Guaty commended the Board for the efforts achieved to date.
9. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:45PM. / Buschle

Page | 4-Draft Caucus 2012 Meeting Minutes 10-26-2012