Developmental Psychology Application Practice

  1. A fertilized egg is known as a ______. After 10 days, it attaches to the uterine wall and becomes known as a ______. This stage lasts for 3 months, until major organs begin developing and it becomes a ______.
  2. Clarence thought all police officers were overweight men with mustaches until he was arrested by a young, attractive female cop. Clarence’s altered perception of “cop” illustrates the process of ______.
  3. Jebediah can clearly sense when his teacher is jokingly mad or when he is actually angry. This best illustrates that Jebediah has developed a(n) ______.
  4. Hepzibah’s mother returns to the room in which she is playing after a brief absence, but Hepzibah seems like she could not care less. Hepzibah is displaying signs of ______to her mother. (not a vocab term)
  5. Three-month-old Andrew was obviously startled by the first ring of the telephone, but with each subsequent ring he seemed to become less reactive. This best illustrates the process of ______.
  6. Five-year-old Sirius mistakenly believes that his grilled cheese sandwich, which has been cut from corner to corner, is smaller than his sister’s, which has been cut down the middle. Both grilled cheese sandwiches have been made from the same loaf of bread. This illustrates that Sirius lacks the concept of ______. (Piaget)
  7. The Hufflepuffs try and try to potty train their 10-month-old daughter, but find that nothing is working. Mr. and Mrs. Hufflepuff need to be informed of the importance of ______.
  8. If research suggested that a pregnant mother’s daily use of caffeine caused harm to the fetus, the caffeine would be considered a(n) ______.
  9. Darlene’s baby is born with wide set eyes, thin eye openings, and signs of cognitive deficiencies. It is most likely that this baby has ______.
  10. From ages 3 to 6, the brain’s neural networks are sprouting most rapidly in the
  11. Limbic system
  12. Hypothalamus
  13. Brainstem
  14. Frontal lobe
  15. Cerebellum
  16. The first time that 4-year-old Bertha saw her older brother play a bongo drum, she thought it was simply a large rock. Bertha’s initial understanding of the bongo best illustrates the process of ______. (Piaget)
  17. Already at 15 months of age, Horace strongly senses that he can rely on his father to comfort and protect him. This most clearly contributes to ______.
  18. Barack’s mother has just realized that the trick of hiding her son’s annoying toys does not work any more, as he understands that they still exist. Barack is showing displaying ______and is in the ______stage of cognitive development.
  19. Infants accustomed to a puppet jumping three times on stage show surprise if the puppet jumps only twice. This suggests that Piaget
  20. Overestimated the continuity of cognitive development
  21. Underestimated the cognitive capacities of infants
  22. Underestimated the impact of art and theater on infant intelligence
  23. Overestimated the prediction and estimation abilities of children
  24. Underestimated how overstimulated the current generation of children is
  25. Mr. Filch is becoming increasingly fed up with his 5 year daughter Mercedes asking him questions about her stupid television show while he is trying to read. Before Mr. Filch goes and does something that he is going to regret to his inconsiderate, bratty daughter, he should be alerted of Piaget’s concept of ______.
  1. In an experiment, children see a doll named Sally leave her bow and arrow in a red cupboard and go away. They then observe another doll, Erasmus, move the bow and arrow to a different location. In asking children where Sally will look for the bow and arrow upon her return, the investigators are testing the children’s
  2. Habituation
  3. Accommodation
  4. Moral reasoning
  5. Theory of mind
  6. Stranger anxiety
  1. Four-year-olds are not completely egocentric and 5-year-olds can exhibit some understanding of conservation. This indicates that Piaget may have underestimated the
  2. Importance of critical periods of development
  3. Continuity of cognitive development
  4. Role of motivation in cognitive development
  5. Importance of early attachment experiences
  6. Relationship between schema and children’s self-concept
  7. Lambs raised in the barn where the cattle are kept tend to stay near the cattle when subsequently places in open pasture. This best illustrates a process known as ______.
  8. In an unfamiliar setting, baby Rothbart will crawl away from his mom and explore, but use her as a home base. Rothbart is displaying signs of ______to his mother. (not a vocabulary term)
  9. Vladimir is usually very restless and can anger easily, whereas Shelly is usually quiet and easygoing. The two children most clearly differ in ______.
  10. At age 12, Remus is happy, self-reliant, and has a positive self-image. It is most likely Remus’s parents are ______. (not a vocabulary word)
  11. When teased by his older sister, 9-year-old Rickon does not cry because he has learned that boys are not expected to. Rickon’s behavior best illustrates the importance of ______.
  12. Gellert responds to his daughter’s fistfight with “Good girls don’t fight!” but when his son has a fistfight he says, “Did you win?!” The role of Gellert’s reactions in the gender typing of his children could best be explained by ______.
  13. Research suggests that during early and middle adulthood crystallized intelligence ______and fluid intelligence ______.
  14. Preconventional morality is to postconventional morality as ______is to ______.
  15. Caring relationships; ethical principles
  16. Self-interest; social approval
  17. Social approval; self-interest
  18. Self-interest; ethical principles
  19. Rule-breaking; rule-following
  20. Research on brain development suggests that repeated learning experiences would have what affect?
  1. It has been suggested that our sensitivity to peer influence is genetically predisposed because it has facilitated the process of human mating. How would this suggestion best be explained?
  1. “If you’re really concerned about the rights and dignity of women,” Yigal asked his older brother, “how can you justify buying pornographic magazines?” Yigal’s question indicates that he is in the ______stage of development.
  1. Cognitive development is ______as moral development is to ______. (psychologists)
  2. Henry disapproves of stealing jelly beans from his sister’s Easter basket because he thinks his mother will spank him if he does. Henry best represents ______morality. (Kohlberg stages)
  3. Sigmund Freud is to psychosexual development as Erik Erikson is to ______development.
  4. Lolita vacillates between acting rebellious towards her parents and high school teachers and behaving with compliance and respect. Erikson would have suggested that Lolita’s inconsistency illustrates ______. (not a vocabulary term)
  5. Older adults outperformed younger adults in their responses to New York Times crossword puzzle. The superior performance of these older adults best illustrates the value of ______. (types of intelligence)
  6. Alzheimer’s disease involves a deterioration of neurons that produce ______. (neurotransmitter)
  7. Formal operational thought is most similar to
  8. Generativity
  9. Conventional morality
  10. Fluid intelligence
  11. Autonomy
  12. Crystallized intelligence
  13. Professor Sprout attempts to measure the relative contributions of inborn traits and social influences on homosexual behavior. Her research efforts best illustrate the interests of the ______approach to psychology.
  14. Questions about the extend to which maladaptive habits learned in childhood can be overcome in adulthood are most directly relevant to the issue of
  15. Continuity or stages
  16. Behavior or mental processes
  17. Stability or change
  18. Fluid or crystallized intelligence
  19. Nature or nurture
  20. At the beginning of the school year, Kanye is unable to study for psychology without help from his teacher and parents because he doesn’t understand how to apply the terminology to real-life situations. As the year goes on he gets better and better, and by midterms he is able to study completely on his own. This best illustrates
  21. Piaget’s formal operational stage
  22. Erikson’s Industry vs. Inferiority
  23. Kohlberg’s conventional stage
  24. Cattell’s fluid intelligence
  25. Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development
  26. Maurice was prescribed a drug that helps him focus better. He is now able to find enjoyment in things such as cleaning his room and writing review worksheets. This drug most likely stimulates the release of what neurotransmitter?
  27. Stimulated digestion is to inhibited digestion as the ______nervous system is to the ______nervous system.
  28. While you are hiking in the mountains, a group of backwoods mountain people begins creepily following you, Deliverance style. What is going to trigger your “fight-of-flight” response, increasing your heart rate and dilating your pupils, as you run away?
  29. To see which parts of the brain are active while a schizophrenic watches scenes of violence and scenes of sadness, researchers inject the patient with radioactive glucose and watch as the glucose travels to different areas of the cerebral cortex. What type of brain imaging technique is most likely being used?
  30. Your conscious awareness of your own name and self-identity depends primarily on the functioning of your ______. (brain structure)
  31. To trigger an itch on a person’s back, Jose Marti stimulated the individual’s ______.
  32. Bipolar cells are to the ______as hair cells are to the ______.
  33. Which sense are these referring to?
  34. Vision
  35. Audition
  36. Olfaction
  37. Gustation
  38. Vestibular
  39. Kinesthesis
  40. People hypnotized for pain relief may show activity in brain areas that receive pain sensations but not brain areas that make us consciously aware of the pain. This most directly supports the theory that hypnosis involves ______.
  41. Which of the following personality assessments would most likely be used by social-cognitive psychologists?
  42. Asking test takers to describe a series of inkblots
  43. Administering an objective inventory that measures specific traits, such as extraversion
  44. Observing and evaluating a student teacher’s performance
  45. Asking people to fill out questionnaires describing their ideal and real self
  46. Conducting an in-depth interview of a specific person
  47. Walter Mischel’s studies of college students’ conscientiousness revealed only a modest relationship between a student being conscientious on one occasion and being similarly conscientious on another occasion. According to Mischel, this should make psychologists more cautious about emphasizing the consistency of
  48. Repression
  49. Self-efficacy
  50. Reciprocal determinism
  51. Personality traits
  52. Unconditional positive regard
  53. Some personality theorists believe that a positive self-concept is the key to happiness and success. This belief would be most consistent with the ______perspective of personality.