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Humans in the BiosphereChapter Test B

Multiple Choice

Write the letter that best answers the question or completes the statement on the line provided.

_____ 1. Imported plants and animals in Hawaii have

a. caused native species to die out.

b. increased the native bird species.

c. improved soil fertility.

d. increased crop yields.

_____ 2. An example of a renewable resource is

a. oil.c. coal.

b. natural gas.d. trees.

_____ 3. When farming, overgrazing, climate change, and/or seasonal drought change farmland into land that cannot support plant life, it is called

a. desertification.c. deforestation.

b. depletion.d. monoculture.

_____ 4. Farmers can reduce soil erosion by

a. increasing irrigation.c. grazing cattle on the land.

b. contour plowing.d. plowing up roots.

_____ 5. DDT was used to

a. fertilize soil.c. form ozone.

b. kill insects.d. feed animals.

_____ 6. The gray-brown haze often found over large cities is called

a. acid rain.c. particulates.

b. greenhouse gases.d. smog.

_____ 7. Air and water pollution have been reduced by

a. using fossil fuels in factories.c. raising more cattle for food.

b. using only unleaded gasoline.d. increasing biological magnification.

_____ 8. Which of the terms best describes the number of different species in the biosphere or in a particular area?

a. biodiversityc. genetic diversity

b. ecosystem diversityd. species diversity

_____ 9. Introduced species can threaten biodiversity because they can

a. cause desertification.c. crowd out native species.

b. cause biological magnification.d. reduce the amount of fertile land.

_____ 10. All of the following are threats to biodiversity EXCEPT

a. biological magnification of toxic compounds.

b. habitat fragmentation.

c. desertification.

d. habitat preservation.


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_____ 11. An ecological hot spot is an area where

a. habitats and species show a high amount of biodiversity.

b. hunting is encouraged.

c. many habitats and species are at high risk of extinction.

d. species diversity is too high.

_____ 12. The goals of biodiversity conservation include all of the following EXCEPT

a. protecting individual species.

b. introducing exotic species into new environments.

c. preserving habitats and ecosystems.

d. making sure local people benefit from conservation efforts.

_____ 13. The land and water ecosystems that provide the resources that a person uses and that neutralize that person’s wastes is part of that person’s

a. biodiversity.

b. ecological footprint.

c. habitat.

d. ecological sustainability.

_____ 14. A benefit of monoculture farming practices is

a. the ability to grow a lot of food.

b. the ability to spend less money on fertilizer.

c. the use of less water for irrigation.

d. disease and pest resistance of the crops.

_____ 15. The data in the graph in Figure 6–1 above helped ecologists identify which environmental problem?

a. the hole in the ozone layer

b. global warming

c. habitat fragmentation

d. desertification


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Modified True/False

Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the underlined word or phrase to make the statement true.

_____ 16. Large amounts of sewage cause a lot of algae to grow, which lowers the concentration of carbon dioxide in the water.

_____ 17. Areas that ecologists have identified as being the most important to protect are called ecological footprints.

_____ 18. Recognizing an environmental problem, finding its cause, and showing us how to change our behavior to fix the problem are three ways that ecology can guide us toward a sustainable future.


Complete each statement on the line provided.

19.The use of natural resources in such a way that does not cause long-term environmental harm is called .

20. Increasing concentrations of DDT as it travels up a food chain is an example of .

21.Microscopic particles, such as dust and ash, that can enter the nose, mouth, and lungs are called ______.

22. Zoos have established programs, in which animals are bred and raised in protected surroundings with the ultimate goal of releasing the animals to the wild.

23.Ecologists believe that climate change is due partly to an increase in the concentration of ______gases in the atmosphere.

Short Answer

In complete sentences, write the answers to the questions on the lines provided.

24. What are the goals of sustainable development?

25. What is soil erosion?

26. Give an example of point source water pollution and an example of nonpoint source water pollution.


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Using Science Skills

Use the tables below to answer the following questions on the lines provided.

Existing Species and Endangered Organisms

Table I. How Many Species Are There? / Table II. Organisms Listed as Endangered in the United States
Groups of Species / Number / Type of Organisms / Number of Endangered Species
Plants / 250,000 / Mammals / 63
Roundworms / more than 15,000 / Birds / 78
Mollusks / 50,000–200,000 / Reptiles / 14
Crustaceans / 40,000 / Amphibians / 10
Spiders, mites / 75,000 / Fishes / 70
Insects / more than 1,000,000 / Snails / 20
Vertebrates / 60,000 / Clams / 61
Crustaceans / 18
Insects / 33
Spiders / 12
Flowering plants / 565
Conifers / 2
Ferns and other plants / 24

Figure 6–2

27.Compare and Contrast Which group in Figure 6–2, Table I is the most diverse?

28.Interpret Tables Which group in Figure 6–2, Table II has the most endangered species?

29.Analyze Data Which table in Figure 6–2 tells you about the numbers of species whose population size is declining in a way that places it in danger of extinction?

30.Predict After 10 years, if conservation efforts to protect entire ecosystems succeed, how would Table II in Figure 6–2 likely change?