Scottish Independence Referendum / Notice of Referendum Agents' Names
Local Authority Area / Argyll and Bute Council
Date of Referendum / Thursday 18 September 2014

I, SALLY LOUDON, Counting Officer hereby give notice that the following names and addresses of Referendum Agents for this Referendum and the addresses of the offices or places of such Agents to which all claims, notices, legal process, and other documents addressed to them may be sent, have respectively been declared in writing to me as follows:

Name of Permitted Participant / Name and address of Referendum Agent
Better Together 2012 Ltd / Josh Graham, Better Together, 5 Blythswood Square, Glasgow G2 4AD
Alistair McConnachie / Alistair McConnachie, 268 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JR
Yes Scotland Limited / Anthony Harrison, Highbank, Rhuban, Tighnabruaich, Argyll PA21 2EB
Liberal Democrats / Adam Stachura, 4 Clifton Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5DR
Scottish National Party / Anne Baird, 2 Coastguard Houses, Southend, Campbeltown PA28 6RW
Conservative Party / Roy Rutherford, 3 Stevenson Street, Oban PA34 5NA
Scottish Green Party / Elaine Morrison, Salean, Kenmore, Inveraray PA32 8XT
Labour For Independence / George Anderson, 17 Broomfield Drive, Dunoon PA23
Labour Party / David Graham, Scottish Labour Party, 290 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4RE
Generation Yes / Rhiannon Valentine Spear, 272 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JR
Radical Independence Campaign
Women For Independence / Gregor Clunie, Trilleachan, Barran, Kilmore, by Oban PA34 4XR
Natalie McGarry, 1/2, 3 Bellwood Street, Glasgow G41 3EU
Farming 4 YES / Robert Elliot Macintyre, Donallan Farm, Rothesay, Isle of Bute PA20 0QG
Business for Scotland Limited / Caroline Key, 6 Lochview Terrace, Gartcosh G69 8BA
Scottish Independence Convention / Shona McAlpine, 118 Copland Road, Glasgow G51 2RW

(Sally Loudon)

Counting Officer

Referendum Office

18 Lochnell Street



PA31 8JN

14 August 2014 Printed and published by the Counting Officer

3-Notice of Referendum Agents (S) SIR