To be completed by overseas schools seeking sister school partnerships with a Victorian school. Please email it in MSWord format to .

The information you provide here will help Victorian schools to get to know your school and form a decision if they wish to start the conversation of a sister school partnership. Please answer each question in full. Please type your responses.

School Name CollègeJulesVerne

School Sector Government Non-Government

School Type  PrimaryX Secondary Prep-Year 12  Other ______

EnrolmentNumber of students 420Number of teachers 32

School registration number ______

Name of registration authority ______

School Address:CollègeJulesVerne ruedeFontenelle

City: 76250Déville-lés–Rouen State/Province: HAUTE-NORMANDIE

Country: France

School Phone Number+33235744525Fax No+33235743604

School Website

Name of PrincipalMadameNoëlleHOEFT

Name of Contact Persons:PatriciaBONIN and BrigitteBERGER

Position of Contact Person

Email of Contact

1.Please provide a brief explanation outlining why you wish to establish a sister school relationship with a school in Victoria:

Firstofall, wewould like our pupilstobe in contactwith English-speakingstudents on a virtual mobilitybasis atleas;and wewould like toimprove their ICT skillsas well as theirlanguage learning.

Thatwillbea greatopportunity for authenticand personalised communication: Realspeakers! Realcommunication!

Thatwillincreasemotivationandpleasuretolearn and speakEnglish amongour students.

2.What does your school hope to achieve from a sister school relationship?

Wehopethatpartnershipswillcontributetoincreaseglobalawarenessand internalization withinthe school. Itcouldbenefitour studentsbygettingthemtolookbeyondtheirown world and understandthelives ofotherpeople in a genuineandmeaningfulway.

Wecould improve our competenceand confidencein theuseoftechnology.

Mostofallwecouldenhancethereputationoftheschool,alreadywell-knownfor its reiinforcedteachingofEnglish,especiallyfor2groupsin year8and year9, called"European Classes".

3.What activities does your school propose to undertake to implement the program?

Exchanging E-mails (texts,photos and videos)aboutour schools and our students. Creatinga blogtointroduceNormandyand itsculturalheritage,includingWWIIsites and sustainabledevelopmentwith windpoweralongour coast.

UsingSkypeand webcamsto communicate.

Workingthroughseveralschoolsubjects likeHistory, Geography,Biology, EnglishandICT

4.What financial and other resources is the school prepared to commit to this program?

Theschool isreadytoprovide anyITCdevicesortraining needed(webcams,computers, trainingsessionsforteachers).

Theschool isalsothinking ofallthe financial helpstothestudentsfamilies, incaseofa live exchange.

5.How do you anticipate the program will be sustained by the school?

Youmust know thatAustralialooksreallyattractivetous, students andadults. It's sofar and sobigand sowild!

TheHeadand the wholestaffwilltakepartwith pleasure, and pleasureisa feeling which is notlinkedenoughtoour job

6.How does your school intend to evaluate the effectiveness and benefits of the program to the school?

a)Theschoolwillorganizea studentsatisfaction survey.

b)Theschoolwillexaminewhethermorestudents arejoiningthe"European Classes" ofour school,and in HighSchool afterwards(European class/IBO). Itwillalsocheck iftheyaremoreoftenwillingtostudyabroad in an English-speakingcountry.

Principal’s endorsement:


(Signature and print name here)

For more information, please contact:

Sister School Coordinator

International Education Division

T: +61 3 9637 3947

F: +61 3 9637 2184


Visit our website for more information on Sister School Program: