(last update: September 25, 2013)


Thursday (0ctober 3, 2013) 16:00 – 17:00

Authors / Title / #
AHMAT Tom, Bruneau Denis, Aregba Aworou Waste / Solar drying of beef: Hygroscopic characterization of the product and modeling of the solar drying process / 1
ANDERSSON Jan-Erik, Roger Norman, Tommy Vikberg / Energy mapping in the sawmill industry with focus on drying kilns / 2
BARRESI Antonello A., Roberto Pisano, Irene Oddone, Robert Bullich / Intensification of the freeze drying process by the control of both freezing and primary drying steps / 3
BEN MAKHLOUF N.; S. Azzouz; N. Kechaou; N. Abdenouri A. Toumi; A. Elcafsi / Experimental study of drying of leather / 4
BESSENYEI Kornel, Zoltan Kurjak, Jozsef Deakvari, Janos Beke / Modelling of tomato pomace drying process with artificial neural network / 5
BOGDANI E., S. Vessot, J. Andrieu / Optimization of freeze-drying cycles of ibuprofen with organic co-solvent formulations (tba) by using the design space methodology / 6
BOSCA Serena, Jennifer C. De Leça Rodriguez, Antonello A. Barresi, Davide Fissore / In-line design and optimization of a pharmaceutical freeze-drying process / 7
COLETTO Mauricio M.; Antonello Barresi; Daniele Marchisio / Segregation of binary mixtures in atmospheric freeze drying of food / 8
DOMÍNGUEZ –NIÑO A., D. Cantú-Lozano, G. Luna-Solano, A. Ragazzo-Sanchez, M. Calderon-Santoyo, I. Andrade-González / Energy requirement and production cost of spray drying of milk serum / 9
FUENTES A., J.P. Ploteau, P. Glouannec, S. Louarn / Dynamic Optimization of a Drying Process of Sewage Sludge / 10
GHIAUS Adrian-Gabriel / Numerical investigation of an industrial dryer partially loaded with wooden pallets / 11
GORDIENKO M.G., Voynovskiy A.A., Menshutina N.V / Design of degradation kinetic model in the spray drying process / 12
GOUJOT Daniel, Francis Courtois / Improved experimental strategy for best parameter identification of a drying model / 13
HAMMOUDA I. , D. Mihoubi / Modeling of the transport phenomena occurring during stationary and non-stationary drying of an unsaturated viscoelastic material / 14
JIMÉNEZ-SÁNCHEZ, D.E., Ragazzo-Sánchez, J.A., Calderón- Santoyo, M., Luna-Solano, G / Application of fluidized bed drying in the elaboration of natural snacks mango (Mangifera indica L.) Var. Ataulfo osmotically pretreated / 15


Thursday (0ctober 3, 2013) 16:00 – 17:00

Authors / Title / #
KHAMA Réda, Farida Aissani, Rezak Alkama, Lyes Bennamoun, Laurent Fraikin, Thierry Salmon, Erwan Plougonven, Angélique Léonard / Convective drying of cherry tomato: Study of skin effect / 16
KOWALSKI Stefan Jan, Andrzej Rybicki, Kinga Rajewska / Simulation of optimal drying based on genetic algorithms / 17
LAMBERT C., A. Zemmouri, A. Hosni, H. Romdhana, F. Courtois / Toward a generic approach to build-up air drying models / 18
LE BIDEAU P., P. Glouannec, D. Lelievre, A. Magueresse / Radiant-convective drying of gypsum plaster / 19
MESZAROS Csaba, István Farkas, Anikó Földi, Ágnes Bálint / Mathematical modelling of simultaneous convection and anomalous diffusion phenomena at drying processes / 20
OZUNA César, Ana Puig, José V. García-Pérez, Per M. Walde, Carmen Rosselló, Juan A. Cárcel / Influence of High Power Ultrasound Application on Drying of Salted Cod (Gadus Morhua).
Effects on Rehydration Capacity and Structure of Dried Samples / 21
PAROSA Ryszard, Piotr Grześkowiak, Krzysztof Kowalczyk, Piotr Ziętek / The Process of drying fruits, vegetables and herbs by microwaves in low pressure – general concept and optimization / 22
RODRÍGUEZ Óscar, Juan Cárcel, Susana Simal, Remedios Gonzalez, Antoni Femenia / A diffusional model to simulate the drying curves of apple assisted by ultrasounds / 23
SAGADIN Gregor, Andrej Horvat, Matjaž Hriberšek, Matej Zadravec / Computational study of zeolite drying in multi-nozzle spray dryer / 24
SAN JOSÉ M.J., S. Alvarez, I. García / Drying of sand in shallow spouted beds with a draft tube / 25
SANDOVAL TORRES S., A.L. Allier González, L.L Méndez Lagunas, Juan Rodríguez Ramírez / Transport mechanisms analysis taking into account the surface thermal evolution during drying of potatoes slices / 26
SANTACATALINA J. V., J. R. Soriano, J. A. Cárcel, J. V. García-Pérez, A. Mulet / Influence of air velocity on low temperature drying of eggplant assisted by power ultrasound / 27
SCHRÖDER Jewe, Volker Gaukel, Heike P. Schuchmann / Influence of the time-temperature-profile during convective and microwave assisted roasting on physical properties of cocoa / 28
TIMOFEEV O., Milosavljevic N. / An experimental study of board sticking to the hot metal surface / 29
WAWRZYNIAK Pawel, Marek Podyma, Maciej Jaskulski, Ireneusz Zbicinski / Predictive cfd modeling of spray drying process / 30


Friday (0ctober 4, 2013) 12:05 - 14:20

Authors / Title / #
AMANKWAH, E.A, K.A. Dzisi, G. Van Straten, A.J.B. Van Boxtel / Drying characteristics of yam (Dioscoreaceae rotundata) / 1
ANTAL Tamás, Benedek Kerekes, László Sikolya / Influence of different pre-treatments on the quality of dried apple and drying kinetics / 2
AVILES-AVILES Carlos, Giana Almeida, Elisabeth Dumoulin, Christelle Turchiuli / ESEM observation of maltodextrin DE 12 and DE 21 particles during water adsorption and desorption in relation with stickiness / 3
AYOUZ Mehdi, and Patrick Perré / Numerical simulation of diffusion in porous media using the Lattice Boltzmann Method. / 4
BENNAMOUN Lyes, Angélique Leonard / Behavioural study of chemical products during vacuum agitated contact drying / 5
CANG MAI Huynh, Vinh Truong, Benoit Haut, Frédéric Debaste / Impact of limited drying on Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng. aril carotenoids content and antioxidant activity / 6
CHABBOUH Meriem, Hajer Dabbabi, Sihem Bellagha, Ali Sahli / Drying methods effects on sensory characteristics and acceptability of Kaddid / 7
FERNANDES Fabiano A.N., Francisca I. P. Oliveira, Sueli Rodrigues / Effect of ultrasound pre-treatment on texture and colour of dried papaya / 8
GHRIBI. A, Bagane. m, Hanna. k, Giraudet. s / Sorptive removal of Congo Red from aqueous solutions using raw clay: Batch studies / 9
HAUBJERG Anders F., Benny Simonsen, Sti Loevgreen, Bo N. Joergensen, Christian T. Veje / Rheological properties as indicator for physico-chemical processes affecting technical quality of extruded fish feed / 10
KAMMOUN Asma, Sabrine Sellimi, Nourhène Boudhrioua, Moncef Nasri, Nabil Kechaou / Impact of microwave drying on chemical characteristics and antioxidant properties of orange (Citrus sinensis) peel and leaves extracts / 11
KAMMOUN Asma, Sabrine Sellimi, Nourhène Boudhrioua, Moncef Nasri, Nabil Kechaou / Infrared drying and associated changes in orange (Citrus sinensis) byproducts extracts / 12
KOWALSKI Stefan Jan, Karol Kulczyński / Reduction of fractures in drying ceramics due to surfactants / 13
KUJAWA Sebastian, Jerzy Weres, Wiesław Olek, Michał Siatkowski / Computer-aided identification of the water diffusion coefficient in corn kernels dried in a thin layer / 14
LEE YongHong, SiewKian Chin / Drying Characteristics and Quality Evaluation of Heat Pump and Oven Dried Lemon Slices / 15
LJUNG Anna-Lena, Mattias Brynjell Rahkola, Daniel Elfgren, Daniel Risberg, Joel Sundström, Torbjörn Green and T. Staffan Lundström / The flow field within a droplet located on a flat heated surface / 16
LÓPEZ-ORTIZ A., Rodríguez-Ramírez J., Méndez-Lagunas L.L., Sandoval-Torres, S. / Cyclic temperature profile effect on structural properties of slabs of garlic (Allium sativum l.) during drying / 17
MAJKA Jerzy, Wiesław Olek / The influence of equilibrium moisture content data on accurate control of timber kiln drying intensity / 18
MARTYNENKO Alex, Yougui Chen / Color as a Primary Indicator of Fruit Quality in Convective Drying / 19


Friday (0ctober 4, 2013) 12:05 - 14:20

Authors / Title / #
MARTYNENKO Alex , Monika Janaszek / Measurements of Texture Parameters as a Function of Moisture Content in Apple Convective Drying / 20
MÉNDEZ-LAGUNAS Lilia, Karina García-Lucas, Juan Rodríguez-Ramírez, Osvaldo H. Campanella, Sadoth Sandoval-Torres / Physical properties of spray dried Pitaya / 21
MITREVSKI Vangelce, Vladimir Mijakovski, Nikola Mijakovski, Monika Lutovska / Statistical evaluation of some four parameters sorption isotherm models / 22
PAMBOU Y.B., T. Salmon, L. Fraikin, M. Crine, A. Léonard / Impact of sludge storage duration on its dewatering and drying ability / 23
PRIME Noémie , Zakarya Housni, Laurent Fraikin, Angélique Léonard, Robert Charlier, Séverine Levasseur / Heat and mass transfer coefficients analysis during rock convective drying / 24
RÉMOND Romain, Patrick Perré / Permanent deformation of wooden panel paintings: what is the contribution of the residual drying stress? / 25
ROBERT Gabriel / Optimization of vacuum drying European Silver Fir to prevent drying defects / 26
ROCHA Érica Milô de Freitas Felipe, Sueli Rodrigues, José Maria Correia da Costa / Variations in mango pulp color analysis after dehydration by atomization / 27
ROSA Gabriela S., Antonio Marsaioli Jr., Rocha Sandra C. S. / Determination of Drying Parameters of Poli-Hydroxybutirate (PHB) Using a Combined Microwave/Rotating Pulsed Fluidized Bed (MW/RPFB) Dryer / 28
TRABELSI REKIK Salma, Bilel Hadrich, Karim Kriaa, Nathalie Bourgougnon, Nabil Kechaou / Effect of air temperature on convective drying kinetics, color, nutritional properties, total phenolic content, water and oil holding capacities and antioxidant activity of green algae “Ulva sp.” (Chlorophyta ulvales) / 29
TRAN Ngoc Dung, Marion Blanc, Patricia Arlabosse / Influence of drying conditions on manure ammonium-N losses / 30
ZELENKOVÁ Tereza, Davide Fissore, Antonello A. Barresi / Preservation of poly-ε-caprolactone nanoparticles using freeze-drying with aqueous and non aqueous systems / 31