Cary Academy PTAA Junior Merit Scholarship Program

2012 Application

Deadline for electronic submission: Wednesday, February 8, 2012 at noon

Purpose: The Cary Academy Parent Teacher Administration Alliance (PTAA) wishes to recognize annually one or more well-rounded Cary Academy 11th grade students who have personified the schools’ values of responsibility, respect, integrity, compassion, discovery, innovation, collaboration, and accomplishmentin academic and extracurricular endeavors during the Upper School years.


  • Program is open to currently enrolled 11th Grade students who have completed at least one full year at Cary Academy.
  • Applicant must have achieved Honor Roll (Scholar’s or Headmaster’s) status for at least two (2) Cary Academy Upper School trimesters.
  • Application must be initiated by the student; parent or teacher nominations will not be accepted.
  • Applicant must complete the application process without outside assistance.
  • Deadline for submission must be met. Completed application and written references must be submitted electronically to, Mr. Follet, the Upper School Dean of Students on or beforenoon on February 8, 2012.
  • The award of this scholarship will not affect eligibility or reduce the amount of financial aid received, except when the sum of financial aid and scholarship awards exceeds the total cost of tuition, student activity fee, and dining fee for the award year. In such a case, the excess amount will be returned to the Cary Academy financial aid fund.


Mid- to Late-December /
  • Application materials available online

Holiday break /
  • Complete the grade information
  • Draft responses to questions about your interests
  • Think about your essay

January /
  • Ask for references
  • Provide them with the link and make your references aware of the deadline

Late January /
  • Ask someone to review your essay

January & early February /
  • Scholarship program announced at grade level meetings, in emails, & with posters in hallways

First week of February /
  • Check that you have all the elements of your application complete

February 8, 2012
Noon /
  • Applications due to Mr. Follet electronicallyby noon.
  • The committee will confirm receipt of completed application

Late March (first week of T3) /
  • Interview sign-ups in US Office

Early April /
  • Merit and Community Scholarship Interviews begin; usually occur within a 1-week timeframe

Early May /
  • Notification of personal result given to all applicants along with feedback for those requesting it

May /
  • Presentation made honoring recipients at US assembly

Awards: The value and number of tuition credit PTAA Merit Scholarships offered each year is dependent on the revenue raised at the annual PTAA fundraiser and at the discretion of the PTAA Board of Directors. In 2012, the PTAA will offer up to $3000 in merit scholarship awards. The awards will not exceed $1500 per student and the number and value of the awards will be at the discretion of the Selection Panel. The award is applied as tuition credit for the 2012-2013 12th Grade academic year at Cary Academy.

The scholarship is merit-based and determinations will be made by a Selection Panel using the Award Criteria listed below. The Scholarship Selection Panel’s decisions are final and will be announced at an Upper School assembly in May. At that time, each winner will receive a PTAA Scholarship Certificate of Award. The Business Office will be notified to apply the appropriate credit to the next academic year’s tuition bill. Awards are not refundable or transferable to another student or another school. Winners who are not enrolled in Cary Academy at the beginning of the first trimester of the scholarship award year or who withdraw or are dismissed from Cary Academy will forfeit the award. A student may receive only one PTAA scholarship or fellowship per year.

Award Selection Criteria: Demonstration of responsibility, respect, integrity, compassion, discovery, innovation, collaboration, and accomplishment in the following:

  • [25%] Academic Achievements (awards/honors, special academic programs or competitions, academic talents)
  • [15%] Leadership/Role Model Experience in School, Employment and/or Community Service
  • [10%] Active Involvement in Extracurricular Activities
  • [20%] Essay (500 words or less on a topic determined each year by the PTAA Executive Committee)
  • [ 0%] Endorsement forms (two, one each from Cary Academy faculty/staff member and non-related person outside of school)
  • [30%] Interview (approximately 10-15 minutes) with Scholarship Selection Panel; finalists will be invited to interview after school (3:30-6:00PM) in April.
  • Examples/events cited must have occurred during the past 2 ½ yrs (9th, 10th and 11th Grades only)
  • The following criteria will be used to score an interview:
  • Poise/Demeanor
  • Persuasiveness (convincing answers)
  • Self Confidence
  • Clarity and Brevity
  • Answer the question asked
  • Eye Contact
  • Manners

Scholarship Selection Panel: The review of applications and applicant interviews will be conducted by a five-member panel comprised of two Upper School faculty or staff members, two parents (one of whom is the current PTAA President Elect), and one community representative. Parents of applicants are not eligible to serve on the Scholarship Selection Panel. Members of the panel may not write recommendations for student applicants in the year in which they serve.

Application: Applications are available to students from the Upper School Dean of Students office and via Intranet by early December of the scholarship application academic year. All application materials are private and are handled with discretion by panel members. They remain the property of the PTAA. Evaluation forms and letters of recommendation are confidential and will not be available to the applicants or their parents.

Merit Scholarship application – 2012

Cary Academy PTAA Junior Merit Scholarship Program

Application Form

Please type responses in this form—if necessary, for lengthy responses attach a separate sheet.

Last Name / First Name / MI
Complete Address
Name of Parents / Home Phone
Email / Advisor / Number of years at Cary Academy

All information presented should refer to and include examples of your demonstration of Cary Academy’s community values of responsibility, respect, integrity, compassion, discovery, innovation, collaboration, and accomplishment during your high school years’ endeavors.

  1. Academic Achievements: Mark the appropriate boxes for the Cary Academy Upper School Academic Honor Roll (Scholar’s or Headmaster’sandEffort) achievements you have earned for all trimesters prior to this application. At least two (2) trimester Scholar’s Honor Roll achievements are required for eligibility.

Year and Trimester / Cary Academy Academic Honor Roll
Headmaster’s / Scholar’s / Effort
9th / T1
10th / T1
11th / T1

Headmaster’s Honor Roll All trimester grades of A, allowing for one grade of B+ or B.

Scholar’s Honor Roll All trimester grades of B or above, allowing for one grade of B-.

Effort Honor Roll A minimum of three effort marks of 4 with the remainder of the marks no less than 3.

For Advanced or Honors courses you have taken while at Cary Academy, indicate the year taken and your year-end grade (T1 and T2 grades for current courses).

Advanced or Honors Course / Grade / Year
Advanced Music Theory and Composition / ADV
Advanced Studio Art / ADV
Advanced Programming in C# / ADV
Advanced Topics in C# / ADV
Advanced American Literature / ADV
The Great Books / ADV
Advanced Studies Chinese Handwriting / ADV
Advanced Studies in French I / ADV
Advanced Studies in French II / ADV
Advanced Studies in German I / ADV
Advanced Studies in German II / ADV
Advanced Studies Spanish Language / ADV
Advanced Studies Spanish Literature / ADV
Honors Geometry / H
Honors Algebra II / H
Honors Pre-calculus / H
Advanced Statistics / ADV
Calculus ADV / ADV
Advanced Topics in Calculus / ADV
Honors Physics / H
Advanced Biology / ADV
Advanced Chemistry / ADV
Advanced Physics—Mechanics / ADV
Advanced Psychology / ADV
Advanced Environmental Science / ADV
Advanced Topics in Physics / ADV
Advanced U.S. History / ADV
Advanced Modern European History / ADV
U.S. Government Politics and Political Theory / ADV
Principles of Economics / ADV

List and briefly describe any Upper School academic honors or awards received, participation in special academic programs or competitions, and specific academic talents or interests.

Description of Honor / Award, Special Academic Program, etc. / Year and Trimester
  1. Leadership/Role Model Experience and Community Service as Upper School Student: List examples of leadership and role model experiences both within and outside the Cary Academy community, including total hours, description of service, and any awards received, for activities in which you have participated for a period of six (6) months or more.




  1. Active Involvement in Extracurricular Activities: List Upper School and broader community extracurricular activities (arts, sports, hobbies, clubs, special interests, volunteer work) in which you have participated for six (6) months or more. Include awards received and years of participation.




List any other relevant experiences that have not been listed elsewhere on this form, such as employment, internships, or summer activities.

Description of Other Experiences


Date / Year

  1. Essay: Attach to this application in the space provided (found at end of application, Appendix A) a typed, double-spaced essay of no more than 500 words on the following topic:

Describe your pursuit of a passion and provide insight as to why it captivates you.

  1. Written Endorsements: List two people, a Cary Academy faculty/staff member and a person outside of school, who you have asked to submit a written endorsement on your behalf. Please include the appropriate contact information.
  • Provide each referee with a copy of the Scholarship Recommendation Form (found at end of application, Appendix B, 2 pages) completed with applicant’s name and return instructions.
  • Each endorsement should address the scholarship award criteria (demonstration of respect and responsibility through academic and extracurricular endeavors) and must be submitted, separate from the student’s application, directly to the Upper School Office of the Dean of Students on or before the application deadline, Wednesday, February 8, 2012.

Reference Name


Address / phone number(s) / email

CA faculty/staff


  1. Interview: In 2012, finalists will be selected and invited to participate in an individual 10-15 minute interview with the five-member Scholarship Selection Panel. Each applicant will be evaluated on his/her general ability to participate in discussion and express thoughts and opinions. Topics of discussion may include aspects of the scholarship Award Criteria, life at Cary Academy, special interests and future plans, and topics of current events or interest. Finalists will be notified by school e-mail account to schedule an interview appointment. Interviews will be conducted between 3:30-6:00 PM, in mid- to late- April.

G. Following the application process, I would like to receive feedback from the Scholarship Selection Panel to help me evaluate my written submissions and interview skills.

Yes, I would appreciate the evaluation.

No, thank you.

I certify that the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that the essay is solely my work. I agree to abide by the scholarship rules and am cognizant that all decisions of the Scholarship Selection Panel are final. I understand that submitted application and support materials remain the property of the Cary Academy PTAA, and that evaluation forms and letters of recommendation are confidential and will not be available to me or my parents or legal guardians.

Applicant Signature / Date

Deadline: Wednesday, February 8, 2012 at noon via e-mail to Upper School Dean of Students

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Cary Academy PTAA Junior Merit Scholarship Program

Essay Form

500 words - Please type; do not hand write.

Applicant Name

Prompt: Describe your pursuit of a passion and provide insight as to why it captivates you.

Appendix A

Merit Scholarship application – 2012

Cary Academy PTAA Junior Merit Scholarship Program

Recommendation Form

Applicant Name

Thank you for providing a written reference for the above student who is applying for a Cary Academy PTAA Merit Scholarship. In your written comments, please address your experience of the applicant’s demonstration of responsibility, respect, integrity, compassion, discovery, innovation, collaboration, and accomplishment in the past 2 years.

To be considered in the selection process, this completed form must be e-maileddirectly to The Dean of Students (). The deadline for receipt of this form is noon on Wednesday, February 8, 2012.This form should not be given to the applicant.

Please type and sign.

Award Criteria:

Individuals demonstrating respect, responsibility, and achievement of excellence in academic and extracurricular endeavors during the Upper School years.

Reference Name:
Relationship to the applicant:

Reference Contact Information:

Preferred Address:
Daytime Phone:
Signature / Date
Strongly Recommend / Recommend / Do Not Recommend

How long have you known this applicant and in what capacity?

What are a few words that come to mind when describing this applicant?

What are some of the applicant’s strengths and weaknesses?

In a few sentences, describe the applicant’s current intellectual pursuits and capacity for intellectual growth.

Cary Academy, 1500 N. Harrison Avenue, Cary, NC 27513 ▪ 919-677-3873 ▪ Fax 919-677-8733

Appendix B – Page 1 of 2