Present: Roger Cordey (Chairman), Anna Allison (Vice Chair), David Eckles, Brian Clarke, Diane Hastings, David Hastings

In Attendance: Sharon Bird (Clerk), 1 member of the public was present.

444)To consider accepting apologies for absence

Apologies received from Councillor Gina Geere was accepted.

445)To accept and sign the minutes of the Parish Council on 17thDecember 2012

The minutes were amended (441c Morley St Peter changed to Morley St Botolph), then accepted and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Councillor David Eckles, seconded by Councillor Roger Cordey.

446)To record declarations of pecuniary interest from members in any item to bediscussed

There were no declarations of pecuniary interest from any member in any item to be discussed.

447)To adjourn the meeting to allow public participation

Meeting closed 1935hrs

Mr Jon Blake from Abate Pest Control introduced himself to the council and updated the council on the current work taking place at the Turner Field Playground to rid us of moles. The council thanked Mr Blake for the update. Meeting opened 1940hrs

448)Update from the Football Leasehold Committee meeting earlier this evening

i)Apologies were accepted from the Youth Football team who were unable to attend, however at this earlier meeting today, two members of the senior football team were present.

ii)It was discussed by the committee to recommend keepingcertain land back for rent and the rest leasehold.

iii)If the leasehold goes ahead this is now likely to take longer than April, so it was recommended that we leave management arrangements the same for the grounds maintenance next year.

iv)The Senior football team reported that if the leasehold were to go ahead, then they would be in a position to sub let from the Youth Football Team. This to be taken into consideration when drafting the lease.

v)It was suggested by the committee that the leasehold agreement should mention that if the Youth Football team wish to make any changes to the grounds (ie building or astro turf) that these must be approved by the Parish Council first.

vi)Arrange a further meeting for next month.

449)Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

a)(441b) – Letter to local hauliers – Clerk informed the council that the letters will be sent out before the next meeting. It was suggested that we also write to Station Taxis in Wymondham.

450)2013/2014 Draft Precept

Proposed by CouncillorDavid Eckles, seconded by CouncillorRoger Cordey.

It was discussed and decided that the precept for 2013/2014 be set at £6640 (£6850 less £210 grant from SNC). For further information please contact the Clerk.

451)Payment of Accounts & other administration

Proposed Councillor Brian Clarke , seconded by Councillor Roger Cordey

i)Letter to bank re standing order to clerk for wages


iii)S Bird101126£96.23

iv)S Bird101127£131.25

Late requests for payment – none.TOTAL£262.48

452)Date of the next meeting

Monday 21st January 2013 at 7.30pmMeeting closed 21.11hrs

Mrs Sharon

Clerk to the Council08/01/13