Adult Protective Services Policy Manual
Content of Reports

When the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), Division of Senior and Disability Services (DSDS) receives information alleging abuse, neglect, or exploitation (ANE) (see Policy 1702.40) of an eligible adult who may be in need of protective services, the Adult Protective & Community Worker (APCW) at CRU or in the field shall gather the information and enter a report in Case Compass.

NOTE: Reports may be received for eligible adults that reside in facilities or otherwise fall outside the scope of handling for DSDS. These reports shall be referred to the appropriate division/licensing entity (see Policy 1702.15).

Identifying Information:

The APCW shall interview the reporter and obtain all available identifying information on the eligible adult, who upon receipt of a report becomes known as the reported adult (RA). In accordance with state statute (192.2435 RSMo), every attempt shallbe made to obtain the reporter’s identity and contact information by explaining their name shall be kept confidential. If the reporter is unwilling to provide that information, the reporter may remain anonymous.

NOTE: In an effort to obtain identifying information, where applicable, the reporter may be informed that the law (192.2480 RSMo) safeguards the confidentiality of a reporter’s identity and protects an employee or participant from harassment, dismissal, or retaliation when the report involves a recipient of Home and Community Based Services (HCBS).

In addition to the RA and reporter, the APCW shall also attempt to obtain identifying information on the following parties:

  • alleged perpetrator (AP);
  • other involved persons (family members, HCBS provider, neighbors, caregivers, etc.); and
  • any other relevant contacts for the RA, especially those who have firsthand knowledge of the situation.

Identifying information includes names, addresses and telephone numbers as well as pedigree;the Date of Birth (DOB), Social Security Number (SSN), and Department Client Number (DCN) for the RA and if applicable, the AP. The APCW shall strive to obtain accurate information and verify with the reporter all information provided by the reporter.

The APCW shall research and enter the information obtained for the reporter, RA, and AP (see Policy 1702.70) in the Involved Persons section of Case Compass. The APCW shall add other involved parties named by the reporter into the Involved Persons section in Case Compass if the involved party is significant to the investigation and/or is involved in the care of the RA. The relationship to the RA shall be identified for each involved person.

Eligible Adult Criteria:

I.A report must contain sufficient information to determine the extent of authority DSDS has in order to conduct an investigation.

  • While completing the ANE report intake, the APCW shall attempt to obtain information and provide an explanation of how the RA meets the statutory definition of “eligible adult.” (192.2400 RSMo). This explanation shall include not only information regarding the RA’s age and/or disability, but also information explaining how the RA is vulnerable due to their inability to protect their own interests or perform/obtain assistance to meet their basic needs (see Policy 1702.10 for additional detail on eligible adult criteria).
  • Describe the RA’s reported mental capacity and ability to execute self-determination as well as any physical limitations which restrict the RA’s ability to self-care.
  • If the information is known, the APCW shall note whether the RA has a legal guardian, conservator, Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA), or any other party who has been appointed to make decisions on behalf of the RA. (This person would be considered significant to the investigation and shall be added into the Involved Persons section of Case Compass).

NOTE: Situations reported which involve parties who do not appear to meet the definition of “eligible adult” shall be discussed with the APCW’s supervisor and appropriate referrals to other agencies shall be made if DSDS does not have authority to conduct an investigation or provide assistance (see Policy 1702.45 for examples of appropriate and inappropriate referrals to DSDS).

ANE/Incident Details:

II.Once the APCW determines that the situation being reported is appropriate for handling by DSDS, the APCW shall obtain from reporter all information known to reporter and provide information in the report including:

  • the nature and date(s) of the alleged ANE incident (s);
  • how long the situation has existed;
  • the source of information if the reporter does not have first-hand knowledge;
  • involvement of law enforcement; and
  • any other information available that may contribute to the success of and be relevant to the investigation.

All ANE reports received by the Central Registry Unit (CRU) shall be entered into Case Compass and sent to field staff for investigation handling. All ANE reports received by an APCW in the field shall be entered into Case Compass as a field-generated ANE report. All prior report information shall be researched and referenced (see Policy 1702.70).

The APCW shall obtain and provide directions to locate when the RA has a rural address or PO Box. A valid address must be provided for the RA as the report cannot be routed in Case Compass without one. In all reports received, the APCW shall attempt to obtain information from the reporter regarding any dangers that the APCW in the field may encounter while conducting the investigation. The APCW shall provide the specific potential danger detail if the “Dangerous person” or “Dangerous address” question in Case Compass is answered affirmatively.


III.A thorough explanation of the nature of the alleged incident shall be provided.

  • The APCW shall select the appropriate indicators and allegations in Case Compass which are consistent with and reflect the ANE being reported.
  • Provide a description of the following:
  • allegations and events which precipitated the report;
  • the impact of the events on the RA,
  • whether the RA is aware that the report is being made and the willingness of the RA to cooperate or accept assistance; and
  • Identify the protective service need and/or DSDS’ role as addressed with the reporter.

Assessing Risk/Conclusion of Report:

IV.The potential of risk to the RA shall be identified and any special situations noted.

  • Determine if the RA is in a protected environment and whether the AP has access to the RA (if applicable).
  • Evaluate all information provided and assign a report classification, based on the current potential risk to the RA (see Policy 1702.60).
  • Identify any special needs or situations (i.e., language barriers, hearing impaired or need for an interpreter, etc.) that would need to be addressed by the APCW in order to thoroughly complete the investigation.
  • Note all other agencies (i.e., law enforcement, HCBS provider, home health, local shelters, etc.) that may be involved with the current situation or provide support to the RA.

LEGAL REFERENCE: 192.2400, 192.2410, 192.2435, 192.2475and 192.2480, RSMo

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Effective: 04/14

(Statutoryreferences updated01/15)